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下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(b) Ambush loaned $200,000 to Bromwich on 1 December 2003. The effective and stated interest rate for this

loan was 8 per cent. Interest is payable by Bromwich at the end of each year and the loan is repayable on

30 November 2007. At 30 November 2005, the directors of Ambush have heard that Bromwich is in financial

difficulties and is undergoing a financial reorganisation. The directors feel that it is likely that they will only

receive $100,000 on 30 November 2007 and no future interest payment. Interest for the year ended

30 November 2005 had been received. The financial year end of Ambush is 30 November 2005.


(i) Outline the requirements of IAS 39 as regards the impairment of financial assets. (6 marks)

(b) (i) IAS 39 requires an entity to assess at each balance sheet date whether there is any objective evidence that financial
assets are impaired and whether the impairment impacts on future cash flows. Objective evidence that financial assets
are impaired includes the significant financial difficulty of the issuer or obligor and whether it becomes probable that the
borrower will enter bankruptcy or other financial reorganisation.
For investments in equity instruments that are classified as available for sale, a significant and prolonged decline in the
fair value below its cost is also objective evidence of impairment.
If any objective evidence of impairment exists, the entity recognises any associated impairment loss in profit or loss.
Only losses that have been incurred from past events can be reported as impairment losses. Therefore, losses expected
from future events, no matter how likely, are not recognised. A loss is incurred only if both of the following two
conditions are met:
(i) there is objective evidence of impairment as a result of one or more events that occurred after the initial recognition
of the asset (a ‘loss event’), and
(ii) the loss event has an impact on the estimated future cash flows of the financial asset or group of financial assets
that can be reliably estimated
The impairment requirements apply to all types of financial assets. The only category of financial asset that is not subject
to testing for impairment is a financial asset held at fair value through profit or loss, since any decline in value for such
assets are recognised immediately in profit or loss.
For loans and receivables and held-to-maturity investments, impaired assets are measured at the present value of the
estimated future cash flows discounted using the original effective interest rate of the financial assets. Any difference
between the carrying amount and the new value of the impaired asset is an impairment loss.
For investments in unquoted equity instruments that cannot be reliably measured at fair value, impaired assets are
measured at the present value of the estimated future cash flows discounted using the current market rate of return for
a similar financial asset. Any difference between the previous carrying amount and the new measurement of theimpaired asset is recognised as an impairment loss in profit or loss.

One of your audit clients is Tye Co a company providing petrol, aviation fuel and similar oil based products to the government of the country it is based in. Although the company is not listed on any stock exchange, it does follow best practice regarding corporate governance regulations. The audit work for this year is complete, apart from the matter referred to below.

As part of Tye Co’s service contract with the government, it is required to hold an emergency inventory reserve of 6,000 barrels of aviation fuel. The inventory is to be used if the supply of aviation fuel is interrupted due to unforeseen events such as natural disaster or terrorist activity.

This fuel has in the past been valued at its cost price of $15 a barrel. The current value of aviation fuel is $120 a barrel. Although the audit work is complete, as noted above, the directors of Tye Co have now decided to show the ‘real’ value of this closing inventory in the financial statements by valuing closing inventory of fuel at market value, which does not comply with relevant accounting standards. The draft financial statements of Tye Co currently show a profit of approximately $500,000 with net assets of $170 million.


(a) List the audit procedures and actions that you should now take in respect of the above matter. (6 marks)

(b) For the purposes of this section assume from part (a) that the directors have agreed to value inventory at


Having investigated the matter in part (a) above, the directors present you with an amended set of financial

statements showing the emergency reserve stated not at 6,000 barrels, but reported as 60,000 barrels. The final financial statements now show a profit following the inclusion of another 54,000 barrels of oil in inventory. When queried about the change from 6,000 to 60,000 barrels of inventory, the finance director stated that this change was made to meet expected amendments to emergency reserve requirements to be published in about six months time. The inventory will be purchased this year, and no liability will be shown in the financial statements for this future purchase. The finance director also pointed out that part of Tye Co’s contract with the government requires Tye Co to disclose an annual profit and that a review of bank loans is due in three months. Finally the finance director stated that if your audit firm qualifies the financial statements in respect of the increase in inventory, they will not be recommended for re-appointment at the annual general meeting. The finance director refuses to amend the financial statements to remove this ‘fictitious’ inventory.


(i) State the external auditor’s responsibilities regarding the detection of fraud; (4 marks)

(ii) Discuss to which groups the auditors of Tye Co could report the ‘fictitious’ aviation fuel inventory;

(6 marks)

(iii) Discuss the safeguards that the auditors of Tye Co can use in an attempt to overcome the intimidation

threat from the directors of Tye Co. (4 marks)


(c) Your firm has provided financial advice to the Pholey family for many years and this has sometimes involved your

firm in carrying out transactions on their behalf. The eldest son, Esau, is to take up a position as a senior

government official to a foreign country next month. (4 marks)


Identify and comment on the ethical and other professional issues raised by each of these matters and state what

action, if any, Dedza should now take.

NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three situations

(c) Financial advisor
■ Customer due diligence (CDD) and record-keeping measures apply to designated non-financial businesses and
professions (such as Dedza) who prepare for or carry out certain transactions on behalf of their clients.
■ Esau is a ‘politically exposed person’ (‘PEP’) (i.e. an individual who is to be entrusted with prominent public functions
in a foreign country).
■ Dedza’s business relationships with Pholey therefore involve reputational risks similar to those with Esau. In addition
to performing normal due diligence measures Dedza should:
? have risk management systems to have determined that Esau is a PEP;
? obtain senior partner approval for maintaining business relationships with such customers;
? take reasonable measures to establish the source of wealth and source of funds;
? conduct enhanced ongoing monitoring of the business relationship.
■ Dedza can choose to decline to act for Pholey and/or Esau (if asked).
■ If the business relationship is to be continued senior partner approval should be obtained for any transactions carried
out on Pholey’s behalf in future.
Tutorial note: The Pholey family is not described as an audit client therefore no familiarity threat arises in relation to an
audit (the family may not have any involvement in entities requiring an audit).

(ii) Explain the accounting treatment under IAS39 of the loan to Bromwich in the financial statements of

Ambush for the year ended 30 November 2005. (4 marks)

(ii) There is objective evidence of impairment because of the financial difficulties and reorganisation of Bromwich. The
impairment loss on the loan will be calculated by discounting the estimated future cash flows. The future cash flows
will be $100,000 on 30 November 2007. This will be discounted at an effective interest rate of 8% to give a present
value of $85,733. The loan will, therefore, be impaired by ($200,000 – $85,733) i.e. $114,267.
(Note: IAS 39 requires accrual of interest on impaired loans at the original effective interest rate. In the year to
30 November 2006 interest of 8% of $85,733 i.e. $6,859 would be accrued.)

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