


一、科目关联(Relation Diagram)

Management Accounting(MA)《管理会计》课程中的相关知识首先与Performance Management(PM)《业绩管理》和Advanced Performance Management(APM)《高级业绩管理》这两门科目中的知识有所关联。此外,还会涉及到一定的Strategic Business Leader(SBL)《战略商业报告》。

而在MA课程中学到的知识,将会运用到学员后续高阶课程的PMAPM科目的学习中。MA课程中的Part B最后一章节Alternative costing methods会出现在PMPart APart E有关Performance management的部分会出现在PM以及APM课程里。


二、新课程框架和新考纲(New Framework and Syllabus)

整体变化是增加了一个版块,这个版块整合了关于Date analysis and statistical techniques的内容,同时又新增了一些这个内容的其他知识点。


新增版块Data analysis and statistical techniques成为了Part B部分。但是其他版块内容不变,以此往后顺延。由原来的Part A-Part E 5Part的内容;变成了现在Part A-Part F 6Part的内容。


将原来考纲Part C Budgeting中的Statistical techniques这个知识点放在了新考纲Part B Data analysis and statistical techniquesForecasting techniques中。


新增了一部分的知识点。一个是Big data and analysis,放在了Part A The nature,source and purpose ofmanagement informationSources of data;一个是Summarising and analysing data,放在了Part B Date analysis and statistical technique

对于此次考纲的调整,可以看出对Date analysis and statistical techniques进行了一个整合。内容基本不变,我们主要看的就是新增的知识点。

三、新增知识点1Big data and analysis

考纲要求的是Describe the main uses of big data andanalytics for organisations。那也就是需要大家知道和分析大数据在企业中的用途。考试依然最多是以选择题形式进行考察。

四、新增知识点2Summarising and analysing data


a)Calculate the mean,mode and median forungrouped data and the mean for groupeddata.

b)Calculate measures of dispersion including thevariance,standard deviation and coefficient ofvariation both grouped and ungrouped data.

c)Calculate expected values for use in decisionmaking.

d)Explain the properties of a normaldistribution.

e)Interpret normal distribution graphs and tables




Section A是352分的填空选择,一共70;Section B3道大题,每题10分,各来自Part CDE,也是填空选择的形式。


下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(c) With specific reference to Hugh Co, discuss the objective of a review engagement and contrast the level of

assurance provided with that provided in an audit of financial statements. (6 marks)

(c) The objective of a review engagement is to enable the auditor to obtain moderate assurance as to whether the financial
statements have been prepared in accordance with an identified financial reporting framework. This is defined in ISRE 2400
Engagements to Review Financial Statements.
In order to obtain this assurance, it is necessary to gather evidence using analytical procedures and enquiries with
management. Detailed substantive procedures will not be performed unless the auditor has reason to believe that the
information may be materially misstated.
The auditor should approach the engagement with a high degree of professional scepticism, looking for circumstances that
may cause the financial statements to be misstated. For example, in Hugh Co, the fact that the preparer of the financial
statements is part-qualified may lead the auditor to believe that there is a high inherent risk that the figures are misstated.
As a result of procedures performed, the auditor’s objective is to provide a clear written expression of negative assurance on
the financial statements. In a review engagement the auditor would state that ‘we are not aware of any material modifications
that should be made to the financial statements….’
This is normally referred to as an opinion of ‘negative assurance’.
Negative assurance means that the auditor has performed limited procedures and has concluded that the financial statements
appear reasonable. The user of the financial statements gains some comfort that the figures have been subject to review, but
only a moderate level of assurance is provided. The user may need to carry out additional procedures of their own if they
want to rely on the financial statements. For example, if Hugh Co were to use the financial statements as a means to raise
further bank finance, the bank would presumably perform, or require Hugh Co to perform, additional procedures to provide
a higher level of assurance as to the validity of the figures contained in the financial statements.
In comparison, in an audit, a high level of assurance is provided. The auditors provide an opinion of positive, but not absolute
assurance. The user is assured that the figures are free from material misstatement and that the auditor has based the opinion
on detailed procedures.

25 What should the minority interest figure be in the group’s consolidated balance sheet at 31 December 2005?

A $240,000

B $80,000

C $180,000

D $140,000

20% x (400,000 + 800,000)

5 The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) is currently in a joint project with the Accounting Standards

Board (ASB) in the UK and the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) in the USA in the area of reporting

financial performance/comprehensive income. The main focus of the project is the development of a single statement

of comprehensive income to replace the income statement and statement of changes in equity. The objective is to

analyse all income and expenses and categorise them in a way that increases users’ understanding of the results of

an entity and assists in forming expectations of future income and expenditure. There seems to be some consensus

that the performance statement should be divided into three components being the results of operating activities,

financing and treasury activities, and other gains and losses.


(a) Describe the reasons why the three accounting standards boards have decided to cooperate and produce a

single statement of financial performance. (8 marks)

(a) The main reasons why the three accounting standards boards have decided to come together in a joint project regarding a
single performance statement are as follows:
(i) there are many different formats and classifications used for financial statements and different time periods used for
comparative data in different countries.
(ii) there are no common definitions as regards the key elements of financial performance and no agreement on the standard
definitions of the key ratios which would then determine the nature of the information that financial statements should
provide. There has been an increase in the reporting of alternative and often inconsistent financial performance
measures that has led to confusion and often has misled users.
(iii) there has been an increase in the use of pro-forma reporting which would tend to suggest that the existing totals and
sub totals in financial statements are not being used or relied upon as much as in the past.
(iv) there are benefits in separating transactions and events that are recorded at historical cost from those recorded at fair
value. Also, the differentiation between trading and holding gains gives useful information. This ‘mixed attribute’ model
is causing concern over the effects on reported performance.
(v) there is often insufficient disaggregation of data which prevents effective financial analysis of performance.
(vi) there has been an inconsistency in the use of ‘recycling ‘in financial statements of different jurisdictions which has led
to issues of reporting gains and losses twice.
(vii) the reporting of gains and losses on financial instruments required consideration. The gains and losses may currently be
reported under several headings dependent upon the nature of the instrument.
(viii) there are many relevant items excluded from the performance statements and inappropriate items included. For example
the reporting of foreign currency gains/losses on the retranslation of the net investment in foreign operations is normally
recognised in equity in many countries and dividends proposed shown on the face of the income statement when it does
not meet the definition of a liability and is a transaction with the owners of the business and not third parties.
(ix) Information is inconsistently classified within and outside totals and subtotals.

(ii) The property of the former administrative centre of Tyre is owned by the company. Tyre had decided in the year

that the property was surplus to requirements and demolished the building on 10 June 2006. After demolition,

the company will have to carry out remedial environmental work, which is a legal requirement resulting from the

demolition. It was intended that the land would be sold after the remedial work had been carried out. However,

land prices are currently increasing in value and, therefore, the company has decided that it will not sell the land

immediately. Tyres uses the ‘cost model’ in IAS16 ‘Property, plant and equipment’ and has owned the property

for many years. (7 marks)


Advise the directors of Tyre on how to treat the above items in the financial statements for the year ended

31 May 2006.

(The mark allocation is shown against each of the above items)

(ii) Former administrative building
The land and buildings of the former administrative centre are accounted for as separate elements. The demolition of the
building is an indicator of the impairment of the property under IAS36. The building will not generate any future cash flows
and its recoverable amount is zero. Therefore, the carrying value of the building will be written down to zero and the loss
charged to profit or loss in the year to 31 May 2006 when the decision to demolish the building was made. The land value
will be in excess of its carrying amount as the company uses the cost model and land prices are rising. Thus no impairment
charge is recognised in respect of the land.
The demolition costs will be expensed when incurred and a provision for environmental costs recognised when an obligation
arises, i.e. in the financial year to 31 May 2007. It may be that some of these costs could be recognised as site preparation
costs and be capitalised under IAS16.
The land will not meet the criteria set out in IFRS5 ‘Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations’ as a noncurrent
asset which is held for sale. IFRS5 says that a non-current asset should be classified as ‘held for sale’ if its carrying
amount will be recovered principally through a sale transaction rather than through continuing use. However, the non-current
asset must be available for immediate sale and must be actively marketed at its current fair value (amongst other criteria) and
these criteria have not been met in this case.
When the building has been demolished and the site prepared, the land could be considered to be an investment property
and accounted for under IAS40 ‘Investment Property’ where the fair value model allows gains (or losses) to be recognised inprofit or loss for the period.

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