



ACCA在国内称为 国际注册会计师 ,它是英国具有特许头衔的4家注册会计师协会之一,也是当今最知名的国际性会计师组织之一。ACCA资格被认为是 国际财会界的通行证 。许多国家立法许可ACCA会员从事审计、投资顾问和破产执行工作。ACCA在欧洲会计专家协会(FEE)、亚太会计师联合会(CAPA)和加勒比特许会计师协会(ICAC)等会计组织中起着非常重要的作用。


、未符合12项报名资格的申请者,也可以先申请参加FIAFoundations in Accountancy)基础财务资格考试。在完成基础商业会计(FAB)、基础管理会计(FMA)、基础财务会计(FFA3门课程,并完成ACCA基础职业模块,可获得ACCA商业会计师资格证书(Diploma in Accounting and Business),资格证书后可豁免ACCAF1-F3三门课程的考试,直接进入技能课程的考试。





下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(b) Explain the roles of a nominations committee and assess the potential usefulness of a nominations committee

to the board of Rosh and Company. (8 marks)

(b) Nominations committees
General roles of a nominations committee.
It advises on the balance between executives and independent non-executive directors and establishes the appropriate
number and type of NEDs on the board. The nominations committee is usually made up of NEDs.
It establishes the skills, knowledge and experience possessed by current board and notes any gaps that will need to be filled.
It acts to meet the needs for continuity and succession planning, especially among the most senior members of the board.
It establishes the desirable and optimal size of the board, bearing in mind the current size and complexity of existing and
planned activities and strategies.
It seeks to ensure that the board is balanced in terms of it having board members from a diversity of backgrounds so as to
reflect its main constituencies and ensure a flow of new ideas and the scrutiny of existing strategies.
In the case of Rosh, the needs that a nominations committee could address are:
To recommend how many directors would be needed to run the business and plan for recruitment accordingly. The perceived
similarity of skills and interests of existing directors is also likely to be an issue.
To resolve the issues over numbers of NEDs. It seems likely that the current number is inadequate and would put Rosh in a
position of non-compliance with many of the corporate governance guidelines pertaining to NEDs.
To resolve the issues over the independence of NEDs. The closeness that the NEDs have to existing executive board members
potentially undermines their independence and a nominations committee should be able to identify this as an issue and make
recommendations to rectify it.
To make recommendations over the succession of the chairmanship. It may not be in the interests of Rosh for family members
to always occupy senior positions in the business.

You are the manager responsible for performing hot reviews on audit files where there is a potential disagreement

between your firm and the client regarding a material issue. You are reviewing the going concern section of the audit

file of Dexter Co, a client with considerable cash flow difficulties, and other, less significant operational indicators of

going concern problems. The working papers indicate that Dexter Co is currently trying to raise finance to fund

operating cash flows, and state that if the finance is not received, there is significant doubt over the going concern

status of the company. The working papers conclude that the going concern assumption is appropriate, but it is

recommended that the financial statements should contain a note explaining the cash flow problems faced by the

company, along with a description of the finance being sought, and an evaluation of the going concern status of the

company. The directors do not wish to include the note in the financial statements.


(b) Consider and comment on the possible reasons why the directors of Dexter Co are reluctant to provide the

note to the financial statements. (5 marks)

(b) Directors reluctance to disclose
The directors are likely to have several reasons behind their reluctance to disclose the note as recommended by the audit
manager. The first is that the disclosure of Dexter Co’s poor cash flow position and perilous going concern status may reflect
badly on the directors themselves. The company’s shareholders and other stakeholders will be displeased to see the company
in such a poor position, and the directors will be held accountable for the problems. Of course it may not be the case that
the directors have exercised poor management of the company – the problems could be caused by external influences outside
the control of the directors. However, it is natural that the directors will not want to highlight the situation in order to protect
their own position.
Secondly, the note could itself trigger further financial distress for the company. Dexter Co is trying to raise finance, and it is
probable that the availability of further finance will be detrimentally affected by the disclosure of the company’s financial
problems. In particular, if the cash flow difficulties are highlighted, providers of finance will consider the company too risky
an investment, and are not likely to make funds available for fear of non-repayment. Existing lenders may seek repayment of
their funds in fear that the company may be unable in the future to meet repayments.
In addition, the disclosures could cause operational problems, for example, suppliers may curtail trading relationships as they
become concerned that they will not be paid, or customers may be deterred from purchasing from the company if they feel
that there is no long-term future for the business. Unfortunately the mere disclosure of financial problems can be self-fulfilling,
and cause such further problems for the company that it is pushed into non-going concern status.
The directors may also be concerned that if staff were to hear of this they may worry about the future of the company and
seek alternative employment, which could lead in turn to the loss of key members of staff. This would be detrimental to the
business and trigger further operational problems.
Finally, the reluctance to disclose may be caused by an entirely different reason. The directors could genuinely feel that the
cash flow and operational problems faced by the company do not constitute factors affecting the going concern status. They
may be confident that although a final decision has not been made regarding financing, the finance is likely to be forthcoming,
and therefore there is no long-term material uncertainty over the future of the company. However audit working papers
conclude that there is a significant level of doubt over the going concern status of Dexter Co, and therefore it seems that the
directors may be over optimistic if they feel that there is no significant doubt to be disclosed in the financial statements.

(b) The tax relief available in respect of the anticipated trading losses, together with supporting calculations and

a recommended structure for the business. (16 marks)



Aral Ltd owned by Banda
The losses would have to be carried forward and deducted from the trading profits of the year ending 30 June 2010.
Aral Ltd cannot offset the loss in the current period or carry it back as it has no other income or gains.
Aral Ltd owned by Flores Ltd
The two companies will form. a group relief group if Flores Ltd owns at least 75% of the ordinary share capital of Aral
Ltd. The trading losses could be surrendered to Flores Ltd in the year ending 30 June 2008 and the year ending
30 June 2009. The total tax saved would be £11,079 ((£38,696 + £19,616) x 19%)
Recommended structure
The Aral business should be established in a company owned by Flores Ltd.
This will maximise the relief available in respect of the trading losses and enable relief to be obtained in the period in
which the losses are incurred.
Tutorial note
The whole of the loss for the period ending 30 June 2008 can be surrendered to Flores Ltd as it is less than that
company’s profit for the corresponding period, i.e. £60,000 (£120,000 x 6/12).

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