备考 CIA (注册内审师)有哪些技巧吗?求分...


备考 CIA (注册内审师)有哪些技巧吗?求分享!


个人给出以下几点建议:1、以下发的三本培训教材为主进行复习,以红皮书(《内部审计实务标准》为辅。2、多做题,通过具体问题对照查找差异和自己的知识薄弱点。3、在平时的复习中要注意信息技术方面的一些概念的理解。 4、建议分两次考较好(根据个人能力)。祝考试成功!

下面小编为大家准备了 国际内部审计师(CIA考试) 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

听力原文:From an early date bankers have made a charge for the services which they provide for their customers.


A.From an early date the banker have charged a commission for their services.

B.From an early date the banker has an obligation to serve the customers.

C.From an early date the customers have charged a commission.

D.From an early date the customer has an obligation to serve the banker.

解析:单句意思为“银行在一开始就会向其提供服务的客户收取费用”。make a charge和charge a commission都是“收费”的意思。

听力原文:M: Would you tell me about the main contents of the document?

W: Name, quality, unit price and amount of goods, ports of loading and destination, price and payment terms, shipping documents, latest shipment date and validity of the L/C.

Q: What may be the name of the document?


A.Collection Order.

B.Bill of Lading.

C.Letter of Credit.

D.Certificate of Origin.


听力原文:ABC Company applied for a sight letter of credit for settlement instead of documentary collection.


A.The company changed idea.

B.The company preferred an L/C to collection.

C.The company did not want an L/C.

D.The company applied for documentary collection.


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