





我们坚信已经往前迈进了一步。翻译为:It is our firm conviction that a step forward has been taken.。


北京不懈努力申办奥运会,并取得最终的胜利,不仅对共享奥林匹克精神,弘扬人道主义精神,扩大东西方交流具有重要意义,也为…。翻译为:Beijing‘s renewed efforts to bid for the Olympic Games and its final success in the bid not only have the significance for sharing the Olympic spirit, but also…


中国支持联合国的改革,支持联合国等多边机构在国际事务中继续发挥重要作用。翻译为:China supports the reform of the United Nations and a continued important role of the United Nations and other multilateral organs in international affairs.


游客到处乱弃垃圾,制造废水,再加上这一地区大兴土木,建造旅游设施,这一切都严重破坏了当地的生态环境和文化氛围。翻译为:Littering and waste water from tourists as well as construction of tourist facilities in the area are polluting the surroundings both environmentally and culturally.





He is a total stranger in our city.翻译为:他对这座城市完全陌生。


下面小编为大家准备了 专四专八考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

According to the passage, ______ has become the driving force for the development of telephone system?

A.information technologies



D.convergence of telecommunications technologies



occured改成occurred 解析:这属于拼写错误。

听力原文: Now European finance ministers are expected to reprimand the Irish government today after they meet in Brussels. They've been alarmed by December's budget in the Irish Republic which cut taxes and increased government spending. The other European countries fear this will stoke up inflation and undermine the stability of the Euro, the single currency.

Finance ministers from the European Unions 15 states are holding their regular monthly meeting in Brussels. They've been given the tricky task of handing out some public criticism to the government of the country with the most successful economy, the Irish Republic. In the last five years Ireland has boomed growing by an average eight percent a year, unemployment has reached its lowest level for 20 years and commodity prices in Dublin became more expensive than in London.

Why do other European countries criticize Ireland?

A.They worry that the Irish Republic's budget plan will undermine the stability of European Unions.

B.EU countries fear that Irish Republic's finance plan will cause inflation.

C.Other countries will have to cut taxes.

D.Other EU countries must increase government spending, too.


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