




We Chinese believe that taiji is the origin of all lives on Earth. Taiji comprises yin and yang, two types of vital energy. The five elements of wood, fire, earth, metal and water derive from yin and yang. These five elements correspond to, or affect, particular human organs. That is, the element of the fire corresponds to the heart, the wood to the liver, the earth to the spleen and the stomach, the metal to the lung and the water to the kidney. The combination of yin and yang gives birth to all lives on Earth. Taiji represents the harmonious state of balance between yin and yang. For a long time, the rest of the world was only aware of China\'s four major inventions: the compass, gunpowder, paper-making and movable-type printing.

几乎很少有人知道中国已发现了经络的存在。经络是指人体内血气运行通路的主干与分支网络,针刺穴位 散布其间。北京经络研究中心通过现代科学方法,已经证实了经络的存在。经络的发现无疑 是为《易经》和《黄帝内经》的理论提供了强有力的佐证。

Very few know about China\'s discovery of jingluo that exists in a human body. Jingluo is a system of internal main and collateral channels, regarded as a network of energy passages, along which acupuncture points are distributed. The existence of jingluo has been proved by using modern scientific methods at the Beijing Jingluo Research Center. The discovery of the existence of jingluo provides a strong support for the theories advanced in The Book of Changes and Huang Di\'s Classic of Internal Medicine.



Shandong cuisine is generally salty, with a prevalence of light-colored sauces. The dishes feature choice of materials, adept technique in slicing and perfect cooking skills. Shandong cuisine is representative of northern China\'s cooking and its technique has been widely absorbed by the imperial dishes of the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644 - 1911) dynasties. Sichuan cuisine features a wide range of materials, various seasonings and different cooking techniques. Statistics show that the number of Sichuan dishes has surpassed 5,000. With a rich variety of strong flavors, Sichuan food is famous for its numerous varieties of delicacies, dominated by peppery and chili flavors and best known for being spicy-hot.


Cantonese cuisine, the hardest to categorize, emphasizes light cooking with seemingly limitless range of ingredients. Cantonese cuisine took shape in the Ming and Qing dynasties. In the process of its development, it has borrowed the culinary essence of northern China and of the Western-style food, while maintaining its traditional local flavor. Yangzhou cuisine bases itself largely on the three local cooking styles of Yangzhou, Nanjing and Suzhou, all within Jiangsu Province. While emphasizing the original flavors of well-chosen materials, it features carefully selected ingredients, also, the artistic shape and bright colors of the dishes and more ornamental value. Yangzhou cuisine is essentially a combination of the best elements of northern and southern cooking. According to some others, the characteristic flavors of Chinas four major cuisines can be summed up in the following expression: The light southern (Canton) cuisine, and the salty northern (Shangdong) cuisine; the sweet eastern (Yangzhou) cuisine, and the spicy western (Sichuan) cuisine.


下面小编为大家准备了 口译笔译 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。


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