


I love e-mail.Evidentlyso do most other journalists.E-mail use has tripled during the past five years among some journalists.I know because I am part of a research team that surveyed 360 journalists last year to determine how they use e-mail.Our survey results show that e-mail use among respondents expanded dramatically from only 18%in 1994 to 80%in 1999.Instead of sending about eight messages a dayeach of those journalists was sending 30.

And these same journalists said they are using e-mail for everything from locating sources to conducting online interviews.Such evidence indicates that for many journalists e-mail has created a virtual world in which they can transcend time and space.A journalist in Californiafor exampletaps out her questions at l30 p.m.and sends them to Londonwhere its 930 p.m……It is better than getting up at 3 a.m.to do a telephone interview with a scientist in Switzerland.

In todays wired worldreporters are discovering that people who wont respond to phone callsoften will respond quickly to e-mails.A colleague and I are now in the process of conducting follow-up interviews with a selected group of journalists who participated in our 1999 survey.Those interviewed so far all agreed that e-mail is changing the way journalists work.As one reporter for a major Southwestern daily said,“Now you can send out half a dozen e-mails and usually most of them will be returned within the next day.It has opened up a betterfaster way to communicate that didn\'t exist before.It used to be that you could only communicate with people basically during working hours.But now you can send an e-mail in the middle of the night and get your answer in the morning.

Other advantages of e-interviewsYou dont have to transcribe a tape or decipher your notes.And when a source complains about a quoteall you have to do is send over a transcript of your e-mail message to verify its accuracy.

Although these journalists are crazy about the e-interviewthey also admit it has its limitations.You have to use judgment to decide when an e-mail interview is as good as a voice interview,”one said .And I agreeas long as we treat e-mail as one of many journalistic toolswell be fine.Butfor most storiesyou simply must drag yourself away from your keyboard.E-interviews are also good for closed-ended questionssuch asHow many employees did your company lay off last year? But during an e-interviewyou cant see the pain on the face of the CEO who just fired 2000 people.

1. E-mail use among some journalists has tripled during the past five years because____.

[A]it is more convenient and quicker

[B]it is particularly useful for Journalists

[C]it saves money for journalists in conducting international interviews

[D]journalists send out more messages than before

2. Awired world(the first sentence in the third paragraph)is one____.

[A]in which the dominant means of communication is the e-mail

[B]which is connected by various communication media

[C]in which telephone interview has replaced face-to-face interview

[D]in which the telephone is a dominant means of communication

3. Another advantage of e-mail over other kinds of communication is that____.

[A]it is more reliable and trustworthy

[B]it is more likely to be responded to

[C]it is more direct than face-to-face communication

[D]it irons out the embarrassment which may be provoked otherwise

4. One of the limitations of e-interview is that____.

[A]it is limited in time and space

[B]the interviewers send much useless information

[C]the interviewers have to dispense with body language

[D]the interviewers have to compare the e-mail message with their notes later

5. The passage is mainly concerned with____.

[A]the advantages of e-interviews over traditional interviews

[B]the limitations with the e-interview

[C]the changes brought to journalists by e-mail

[D]the importance of e-mail communication to journalists


1. [A] 第二段第二句指出,对许多记者来说,电子邮件开创了一个能使得他们超越时空的虚拟世界。

2. [B] wire此处作动词,意思是“用电线连接”,因此,这里应该不限于电话或电子邮件,而是指包括电话和电子邮件等在内的通讯手段。

3. [B] 参阅第三段第一句,该句是该段的主题句。 [D]的意思是:它可以消除(不使用它时)可能引起的尴尬局面。

4. [C] 意为:采访者看不到(被采访者的)身体语言。 参阅最后一段最后一句。

5. [C] 本文第二段第二句实际上表达了本文的主旨。本文第二、三、四段提到了电子邮件的诸多优点,最后一段提到了其局限性。就本文而言,所谓优点实际上谈的是电子邮件在哪些方面改变了记者的工作方式。


下面小编为大家准备了 研究生入学 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

A.糖皮质激素 B.糖皮质激素+环磷酰胺
C.糖皮质激素+环磷酰胺+肾透析 D.糖皮质激素+环磷酰胺+血浆置换


Write an essay based on the chart below.In your writing,you should(1)interpret the chart,and(2)give your comments.You should write about 150 words neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.(15 points)

More Chinese Students are Returning Home after graduation According to the table above,more than 450,000 Chinese students headed overseas for educa-tion in 2014,and another 360,000 returned home.The outbound-to-return ratio in a given year is at around 70%to 80%in recent years,meaning most Chinese students have returmed home after get-ting a foreign diploma.There are two main reasons for the increase.For one thing,Chinese students are being drawn back to the country's attractive job market in greater numbers,because the domestic job market in China is more appealing than overseas.For another,at least in the US,it,'s hard for Chinese students to find jobs to stay.Most Chinese students enroll in programs like business and marketing but overseas job markets and foreign government policies favor technology experts From a long-term perspective,it is a positive thing that more than 80 percent of those who pursue education overseas return to China after completing their studies and contribute to the country's economy But the notion of a sharp division between the working young and the 17 old misses a new trend,the 18 gap between the skilled and the unskilled.Employment rates are falling among younger unskilled people,19 older skilled folk are working longer.The divide is most extreme in America,where well-educated baby-boomers are 20 retirement while many less-skilled younger people have dropped out of the workforce

性,34岁。腹部砸伤4小时。查体见四肢湿冷,朦肌紧张,全腹压痛、反跳痛,有移动性浊音,肠鸣音消 失。该病人目前应进行的处理不包括
A.诊断性腹腔穿刺 B.密切监测基本生命体征
C.给予镇痛和镇静剂 D.补充血容量,抗休克治疗

对于腹部闭合性损伤的病人,在抢救休克及观察期间:①应严密观测患者的基本生命体征;②必 要时行诊断性腹穿或灌洗术;③不能注射止痛剂,以免掩盖伤情(C错);④积极补充血容量,防治休克; ⑤必要时剖腹探查。

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