


Section Use of English


Read the following text.Choose the best word(s)for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.(10 points)

What does it mean to say that we live in a world of persuasion? It means that we live 1 competing interests.Your roommate’s need to study for an exam may take 2 over pizza.Your instructor may have good reasons not to change your grade.And the 3 of your romantic interest may have other options.

In such a world, persuasion is the art of getting others to give fair and 4 consideration to our point of view.When we persuade, we want to influence 5 others believe and behave.We may not always prevail—other points of view may be more persuasive, 6 on the listener, the situation, and the merits of the case.But when we practice the art of persuasion, we try to 7 that our position receives the attention it deserves.

Some people, however, 8 to the very idea of persuasion.They may regard it as an unwelcome intrusion 9 their lives or as a manipulation or domination.10 , we believe that persuasion is 11—to live is to persuade.Persuasion may be ethical or unethical, selfless or selfish, 12 or degrading.Persuaders may enlighten our minds or 13 on our vulnerability.Ethical persuasion, however, calls 14 sound reasoning and is sensitive to the feelings and needs of listeners.Such persuasion can help us 15 the wisdom of the past to the decisions we now must make.16, an essential part of education is learning to 17 the one kind of persuasion and to encourage and practise the other.

18 its personal importance to us, persuasion is essential to society.The 19 to persuade and be persuaded is the foundation of the American political system, guaranteed by the First Amendment 20 the Constitution.

1.\[A\] on\[B\] among\[C\] for\[D\] by

2.\[A\] priority\[B\] advantage\[C\] control\[D\] place

3.\[A\] objection\[B\] projection\[C\] project\[D\] object

4.\[A\] unbiased\[B\] unprejudiced\[C\] favorable\[D\] favorite

5.\[A\] what\[B\] which\[C\] why\[D\] how

6.\[A\] living\[B\] depending\[C\] resting\[D\] insisting

7.\[A\] ensure\[B\] assure\[C\] insure\[D\] reassure

8.\[A\] agree\[B\] object\[C\] confront\[D\] consent

9.\[A\] onto\[B\] of\[C\] to\[D\] into

10.\[A\] In contrast\[B\] In particular\[C\] For instance\[D\] As a result

11.\[A\] prominent\[B\] invariable\[C\] evident\[D\] inevitable

12.\[A\] embarrassing\[B\] inspiring\[C\] upgrading\[D\] innovating

13.\[A\] prey\[B\] rest\[C\] put\[D\] fall

14.\[A\] for\[B\] up\[C\] off\[D\] on

15.\[A\] apply\[B\] contribute\[C\] transfer\[D\] connect

16.\[A\] However\[B\] Conversely\[C\] Furthermore\[D\] Therefore

17.\[A\] resist\[B\] perform\[C\] insist\[D\] restrain

18.\[A\] Beyond\[B\] Except\[C\] Including\[D\] Excluding

19.\[A\] power\[B\] authority\[C\] ability\[D\] right

20.\[A\] to\[B\] for\[C\] on\[D\] in


下面小编为大家准备了 研究生入学 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。


中世纪大学指11~ 17世纪欧洲各国兴起的高等学府,为近代高等教育之起源。最初的中世纪大学是一种自治的教授和学习中心。一般由一名(或数名)在某一领域有声望的学者和他的追随者自行组织起来,形成类似于行会的团体进行教学和知识交易。其办学特征表现如下:(1)目的:中世纪大学的基本目的是进行职业训练,培养社会所需的专业人才。(2)体制:中世纪大学按领导体制可分为两种:“学生”大学与“先生”大学。前者由学生主管教务,教授的选聘、学费的数额、学期的期限和授课时数等,均由学生决定;后者由教师掌管校务,学校诸事均由教师决定。(3)课程:大学的课程开始并不固定,后趋向统一,应社会需求分文、法、神、医四科进行学习。(4)制度:中世纪大学已有学位制度,学生修毕大学课程,经考试合格,可得“硕士”和“博士”学位。由于中世纪的社会性质,中世纪大学以后都逐渐为教会所控制。但其体制、特点影响深远,是近代西方大学的直接渊源。在现代西方大学高等教育的不少方面,我们能清楚地看到中世纪大学所具有的文化精神和教育特征。

A.肝内胆管结石 B.肝门部胆管癌 C.胰头癌 D.壶腹部肿瘤




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