


Part B

Sample One


In the following text, some sentences have been removed.For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one from the lish A-G to fit into each of the numbered blank.There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the gaps.Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.(10 points)

The making of weathervanes(devices fixed on the top of buildings to show directions of the wind)is an ancient skill, going back to early Egyptian times.Today the craft is still very much alive in the workshop that Graham Smith has set up.He is one of the few people in the country who make handcut weathervanes.Graham’s designs are individually created and tailored to the specific requirements of his customers.“That way I can produce a unique personalized item,” he explains, “A lot of my customers are women buying presents for their husbands.They want a distinctive gift that represents the man’s business or leisure interests.”It’s all a far cry from the traditional cock, the most common design for weathervanes.

It was not a cock but a witch on a broomstick that featured on the first weathervane Graham ever made.Friends admired his surprise present for his wife and began asking him to make vanes for them.“I realized that when it came to subjects that could be made into them, the possibilities were limitless,” he says.


That was five years ago and he has no regrets about his new direction.“My previous work didn’t have an artistic element to it, whereas this is exciting and creative,” he says.“I really enjoy the design side.”(42).

Graham also keeps plenty of traditional designs in stock, since they prove as popular as the oneoffs.“It seems that people are attracted to handcrafting,” Graham says.“They welcome the opportunity to acquire something a little bit different.”


“I have found my place in the market.People love the individuality and I get a lot of satisfaction from seeing a nondescript shape turn into something almost lifelike,” he says.(44).“And nowadays, with more and more people moving to the country, individuals want to put an exclusive finishing touch to their properties.It has been a boost to crafts like mines.”


American and Danish buyers in particular are showing interest.“Pricing,” he explains, “depends on the intricacy of the design.” His most recent request was for a curlycoated dog.Whatever the occasion, Graham can create a gift with a difference.

[A] Graham has become increasingly busy, supplying flatpacked weathervanes to clients worldwide.

[B] Graham decided to concentrate his efforts on a weathervane business.He had served an apprenticeship as a precision engineer and had worked in that trade for 15 years when he and his wife, Liz, agreed to swap roles—she went out to work as an architectural assistant and he stayed at home to look after the children and build up the business.

[C] Last month, a local school was opened with his galleon ship weathervane hoisted above it.

[D] “For centuries, weathervanes have kept communities in touch with the elements, signaling those shifts in wind direction that bring about changes in the weather,” he explains.

[E] Graham has no plans for expansion, as he wants to keep the business as a rural craft.

[F] Graham has now perfected over 100 original designs.He works to very fine detail, always seeking approval for the design of the silhouette from the customer before proceeding with the handcutting.

[G] Graham decided to shift and make common designs.


下面小编为大家准备了 研究生入学 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。





Directions:You are the president of a student union.Write a memo to Julia Alexander,the vice-president on a volunteer activity to tell her detailed information,and ask her to write a training plan.You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET Do not use your own name.Use"Li Ming"instead.Do not write your address.

Memo To:Julia Alexander,Vice-president From:Li Ming,President Date:January 10,2017 Subject:Training on Volunteer Activity As we discussed earlier this week,we are going to hold a volunteer activity for rural schools during this summer vacation.We need to make up a plan for training our volunteers and designing classes.We had better put them through the training program in turn.Write up a brief proposal,describing what you think the training plan should cover.Assume the class runs three hours a week for two weeks.Also,assume people have no prior teaching knowledge or any formal course work in teaching.

A.血尿、肿块、发热 B.血尿、肿块、消瘦
C.血尿、肿块、疼痛 D.血尿、疼痛、发热

[考点]肾癌的临床表现 [分析]血尿、疼痛和肿块是肾癌三大症状。间歇性无痛肉眼血尿最常见,表示肿瘤已侵RU 肾盏肾盂。疼痛为腰部钝痛隐痛, 系肿痛牵张肾包膜或侵犯腰肌和邻近器官所 致。血块通过输尿管时可发生肾绞痛。肿块 较大时在腰部或腹部可触及。因此肾癌的三大症状都是肾癌较晚期的临床表现。

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