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BBS(Bulletin Board System)就是()。


更多 “BBS(Bulletin Board System)就是()。” 相关考题
考题 请在“答题”菜单下选择“汉字录入”命令,启动汉字录入测试程序,按照题目上的内容办公输入汉字。Bulletin Board System,公告牌系统或电子公告板,又称Public Access Message System,公共访问信息系统。它是普通公告的电子版本,用户可以通过公告牌发布消息,任何用户都可以读取公告牌上的消息,也可以给某一特定的人或一组用户发送消息。公告牌系统被广泛地用于传播信息,咨询一个电子公告牌往往比使用交互信箱或公共邮政系统发送公告更加快捷、有效。

考题 A technician receives an error message ‘inaccessible boot device’ on their monitor. Which of thefollowing components is causing the issue?() A. Hard disk drive failureB. NTLDR file is missingC. BIOS is corruptedD. System board failure

考题 If a weather bulletin shows the center of a low pressure system to be 100 miles due east of you, what winds can you expect in the Southern Hemisphere? ______.A.South-southwesterlyB.North-northwesterlyC.South-southeasterlyD.North-northeasterly

考题 ATTENTION: ALL EMPLOYEES As you may have heard, we are getting ready to implement a new computer system at the office. This may worry some of you, but the system is actually designed to make our lives easier. It will eliminate a lot of the repetitive paperwork that many of you dislike doing, and will give us a central system where all of our information can be stored. In order to make sure everyone is comfortable with the new system, we will be holding several orientation sessions throughout next week. Please choose one that fits your schedule and sign up. You will learn the basics, get a guidebook for the system, and have an opportunity to get comfortable with the system by completing practice tasks with the help of the instructor. The following sessions are available: Tuesday, November 7th at 10:00 A.M. Wednesday, November 8th at 11:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M. Friday November 10th at 9:30 A.M. Please visit the bulletin board in the lunchroom and sign up for one. There will be snacks and refreshments for participants served after each session. What is the purpose of the training sessions?A. To teach staff how to do repetitive work more quickly B. To ensure the staff feels comfortable with the system C. To introduce the basics of computer usage D. To get together for snacks and refreshments

考题 BBS的英文全称是()。ABulletin Board SystemBBoard Bulletin SystemCBoard about SayDBulletin about Say

考题 电子公告板就是BBS,它提供一块公共电子白板,用户利用它发布信息。

考题 BBS是Bulletin Board System的缩写,中文的意思是“电子公告板”,它是在Internet上开辟出的一种“()”服务。A、互动B、文字C、图像D、交流

考题 Which of the following is the BEST place to find the latest BIOS upgrade of the server system board?()A、 Third-party vendorB、 BIOS manufacture websiteC、 Operating system manufacture websiteD、 Servers manufacture website

考题 BBS(Bulletin Board System)即所谓的电子布告栏,国内一般称作()。

考题 电子公告牌BBS的正确英语写法是()A、Bulletin Board SystemB、Buletin Board SystemC、Bulltin Board SystemD、Bullitin Board System

考题 Select a board inapplicable to the ZXMP M600 system.()A、OMDB、OBAC、NCP

考题 BBS的英文全称是()。A、Bulletin Board SystemB、Board Bulletin SystemC、Board about SayD、Bulletin about Say

考题 Which of the following is the BEST place to find the latest BIOS upgrade of the server system board?()A、Third-party vendorB、BIOS manufacture websiteC、Operating system manufacture websiteD、Server's manufacture website

考题 An administrator is upgrading memory on the server. Once the server in turned back on, the administrator notices that the memory has not changed. The system board website says the board should accept the new amount of memory.  Which of the following should the administrator do FIRST?()A、 Replace memory chips with known good memory chips.B、 Reseat the memory chips.C、 Update the BIOS.D、 Upgrade the server OS.

考题 An administrator has just finished physically replacing the system board in a Windows domain controller. Which of the following must be done before booting the server back into Windows?()A、Update the time and date in the BIOS.B、Update the firmware on the SCSI controller.C、Update the firmware to the latest version.D、Configure IPMI on the new board.

考题 A technician receives an error message ‘inaccessible boot device’ on their monitor. Which of thefollowing components is causing the issue?()A、Hard disk drive failureB、NTLDR file is missingC、BIOS is corruptedD、System board failure

考题 In the ZXMP M800 system, one NCP board is capable of managing()extension cabinets at the maximum.A、oneB、twoC、threeD、four

考题 单选题Chart/Publication correction record Card system ensures that every chart is properly corrected().A in useB prior to useC after useD When chart received on board

考题 单选题What is the most vulnerable part of the fire main system on board an offshore rig?()A The fire pumpB Exposed hard pipingC The hydrant valveD The fire hose

考题 单选题An administrator is upgrading memory on the server. Once the server in turned back on, the administrator notices that the memory has not changed. The system board website says the board should accept the new amount of memory.  Which of the following should the administrator do FIRST?()A  Replace memory chips with known good memory chips.B  Reseat the memory chips.C  Update the BIOS.D  Upgrade the server OS.

考题 单选题An administrator is upgrading memory on the server. Once the server in turned back on, the administrator notices that the memory has not changed. The system board website says the board should accept the new amount of memory.Which of the following should the administrator do FIRST?()A Replace memory chips with known good memory chips.B Reseat the memory chips.C Update the BIOS.D Upgrade the server OS

考题 单选题BBS的英文全称是()。A Bulletin Board SystemB Board Bulletin SystemC Board about SayD Bulletin about Say

考题 单选题Which of the following is the BEST place to find the latest BIOS upgrade of the server system board?()A  Third-party vendorB  BIOS manufacture websiteC  Operating system manufacture websiteD  Servers manufacture website

考题 单选题An administrator has just finished physically replacing the system board in a Windows domain controller.  Which of the following must be done before booting the server back into Windows?()A  Update the time and date in the BIOS.B  Update the firmware on the SCSI controller.C  Update the firmware to the latest version.D  Configure IPMI on the new board.

考题 单选题BBS的全称是(  )。A B1og board systemB Bulletin broadcast serviceC B1og broadcast serviceD Bulletin board system

考题 单选题电子公告牌BBS的正确英语写法是()A Bulletin Board SystemB Buletin Board SystemC Bulltin Board SystemD Bullitin Board System

考题 单选题Each hose in the fuel transfer system for helicopter refueling must meet the standards of the().A Federal Aviation AdministrationB Corps of EngineersC National Fire Protection AssociationD National Transportation Safety Board