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A teacher lists twenty" simple present tense" sentences and asks students to discuss and find out the grammatical structures. What's the teacher's grammar teaching method?









更多 “单选题A teacher lists twenty" simple present tense" sentences and asks students to discuss and find out the grammatical structures. What's the teacher's grammar teaching method?A Induction.B Conduction.C Construction.D Deduction.” 相关考题
考题 阅读下面短文,根据文中意思,从方框中选出恰当的词,并在下面对应题号的横线上写出各单词的完整、正确的形式使短文意义完整。 They, careful, be, fact, take, would, other, stand, what , decideI am eighteen years old this year. I ___66__ a pupil before and now I’m a university student. My mother was my first teacher when I was very little. Then, I had three __67__ teachers in different schools. Now Miss Williams is one of my university teachers.I have never expected that I will be a teacher one day. I am a shy girl and I am afraid of __68__ before many people. I do not know __69__ to say. But I will be a teacher tomorrow! Tomorrow morning!I made this __70__ just two weeks ago. Miss Williams, my English teacher, told me there was a teacher job, just for two weeks in this summer. She asked if I __71__ be interested. I wanted to make some money, so I said ”yes” to her . At once I regretted but it was too late to __72__ my word back.There are about twenty foreign boys and girls in the class. They know very little English. I have__73__ read the book that Williams gave me. Four of the lessons are very simple, in __74__ too simple. I do not know what to do with these few simple words and sentences. I will read the lesson to them, and ask them to read after me, and then ask them to read it___75__. That will be about ten minutes. What shall I do next?66._________67._________68. _________ 69. __________ 70.__________71._________72._________73. _________ 74. __________ 75.__________

考题 A teacher showed students an example and explained the usage of past perfect tense, and asked students to list ten"past perfect tense" sentences by imitating that example. What's the teacher' s grammar teaching method?A.Consolidation. B.Presentation. C.Deduction. D.Induction.

考题 When a student said “All the classes will be finished before December 7th, and then students have exams”, the teacher didn't stop him to correct the tense mistake, but let him keep talking. What can we conclude from this activity?A.The teacher combined listening and speaking skills. B.The teacher focuses on fluency. C.The teacher is doing contextualized practice. D.The teacher is using different speaking activities.

考题 When a teacher asks students to rearrange a set of sentences into a logical paragraph, he/ she is trying to draw their attention to__________. A.grammar B.vocabulary C.sentence patterns D.textual coherence

考题 A teacher handed out a list of twenty"Fature tense" sentences and asked students to discuss and find out the grammatical structures. What is the teacher's grammar teaching method? A.Induction. B.Presentation. C.Consolidation. D.Deduction.

考题 A teacher handed out a list of twenty "Future tense"sentences and asked students to discuss and find out the grammatical structures. What is the teacher's grammar teaching method? A.Induction. B.Presentation. C.Consolidation. D.Deduction.

考题 When a teacher intends to present or explain a new language point, which of the following group methods is mostly recommended?A.pair work B.whole-class work C.individual D.group work

考题 Which of the following exercises would a teacher most probably use if he/she wants to help students develop discourse competence?A.Paraphrasing sentences. B.Translating sentences. C.Unscrambling sentences. D.Transforming sentences.

考题 A teacher handed out a list of twenty"Fature tense" sentences and asked students to discuss and find out the grammatical structures. What is the teacher's grammar teaching method?A. Induction. B. Presentation. C. Consolidation. D. Deduction.

考题 Which of the following exercises would a teacher most probably use if he/she wants to help students develop discourse competence?A.Paraphrasing sentences. B.Translating sentences. C.Unscrambling sentences. D.Transforming sentences.

考题 A teacher showed students an example and explained the usage of past perfect tense,and ask students to listen“past perfect tense”sentences by imitating that example.What’s teacher's grammar teaching method?A.Consolidation. B.Presentation. C.Deduction. D.Induction.

考题 小学英语?语法 一、考题回顾 二、考题解析 【教案】 Teaching aims: Knowledge aim: Students will grasp the usage of simple past tense. Ability aim: Students will improve their speaking ability in describing things happened in the past. Emotional aim: Students will be more confident in speaking English. Students will arouse their interest in learning oral English. Key and difficult point: Key Point: Students will grasp the usage of simple past tense. Students will improve their speaking ability in describing things happened in the past. Difficult Point: Students will be more confident in speaking English. Students will arouse their interest in learning oral English. Teaching procedure: Step 1: Warming-up 1. Greetings. Talk about the weather. 2. Sing a song called Yesterday Once More, and introduce today’s topic. Step 2: Presentation 1. Read the dialogue by the teacher, and ask what the dialogue is about. 2. Let the students open the book and read it for the second time, then ask the students to circle the verb in it and ask the similarities among them. They may say that they are different from the verbs they learned. “-ed” is added in some verbs at the end. 3. Tell them that simple past tense is a tense that is used to describe things happened in the past. When we apply it, you should change the verb into past tense. Then introduce the regular and irregular verbs. Step 3: Practice 1. Fill in the blanks. a. I _____(clean) the table after we had lunch last evening. b. My father_____(go) to the company yesterday. Step 4: Production 1. Make a dialogue with their deskmates about what the students did last weekend. Then invite some students to share their dialogue with their parents. 2. Ask the students to make up a simple story or a joke. Then invite some students to share it with us. Step5: Summary and Homework Summary: make a brief summary of what we have learned today. Homework: Tell the story or the joke to their parents. Blackboard design: 1. Please talk about your understanding of simple past tense. 2. How do you stimulate students’ interest in learning grammar?

考题 二、考题解析 【教案】 Teaching aims: Knowledge aims: Students will know how to describe a day using proper conjunctions and tense. Students will master some words, such as waste, value... and a sentence structure: I usually + simple present tense. Ability aim: Students will improve their abilities of speaking and listening. Emotional aim: Students will be more confident in speaking English. Key and difficult point: Key Point: Students will know how to introduce a day in English. Difficult Point: Students will use the sentence structure in real communicative situation. Teaching procedure: Step 1: Warming-up 1. Greetings. 2. Play a video about Tom’s day and ask students what kind of information have they caught. Step 2: Pre-listening 1. Review the knowledge about simple present tense. Ask students to make sentences using simple present tense. 2.Using pictures to explain some words: waste-value, brush. Step 3: While-listening 1st listening: Ask students to listen to the tape for the first time and try to get the main idea of the passage and underline the conjunctions used. 2nd listening: Ask students to listen to the tape for the second time and complete the timetable below.

考题 初中英语?语法 一、考题回顾 二、考题解析 【教案】 Teaching aims: Knowledge aim: Students will master the rule of the Simple Past Tense. Ability aim: Students will able to talk about the things happened in the past in their daily life. Emotional aim: Students will learn how to cooperate with others. Key and difficult point: Key Point: Students will master the structure of the Simple Past Tense. Difficult Point: Students will use the structure of the Simple Past Tense in daily life. Teaching procedure: Step 1: Warming-up 1. Greetings. 2. Ask students a question: what are you reading recently? And ask some students to share with the whole class. Step 2: Presentation 1. Review the knowledge about the past tense of verbs: write some verbs on the blackboard and ask students to change the verbs into their past tense. 2. Ask students to read the dialogue and pay attention to the background information about Mark Twain. Then ask students some questions: What’ Mark Twain’ real name? When did he born? When did he begin to work? And then invite some students to share the answers with the whole class and write down on the blackboard. 3. Then ask students when these things happened and then tell them the rule of past tense: Simple Past Tense refers to the actions or states happened at a certain moment in the past, or a certain period of time in the past. It is often used with temporal adverbial, such as yesterday, last week and so on. 4. Ask students to read the dialogue again and try to find other sentences which used the Simple Past Tense and share with class. Then tell students the rule of general and special interrogative sentences in the past tense: general interrogative sentences use auxiliary verbs (did) and special interrogative sentences use special interrogative words (what, when, how...). Step 3: Practice 1. Ask student to role play the dialogue and ask two groups to show in class. 2. Play a game: magic box. There is a magic box which is full of all kind of verbs, ask students to choose one card and then make a sentence with it using the Simple Past Tense. Step4: Production Discussion: ask students to talk about what happened to them in the last weekend, they should use the Simple Past Tense and then invite two of them to show their conversation.4 in 1, 5 minutes will be given. Step5: Summary and Homework Summary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class. Homework: ask students to practice the usage of Simple Past Tense learned today with desk mates after class. Blackboard design: 1. Could you list any other temporal adverbials which can be used in The Simple Past Tense?

考题 What the element ‘-es’ indicates is third person singular, present tense, the element ‘-ed’ past tense, and ‘-ing’ progressive aspect. Since they are the smallest unit of language and meaningful, they are also().AphonemesBmorphemesCallophonesDphones

考题 Paraphrase each of the following sentences in two different ways to show the syntactic rules account for the ambiguity of sentences. (1)The shooting of the hunters might be terrible. (2)He saw young men and women present. (3)They were surprised at the president's appointment

考题 What the element ‘-es’ indicates is third person singular, present tense, the element ‘-ed’ past tense, and ‘-ing’ progressive aspect. Since they are the smallest unit of language and meaningful, they are also().A、phonemesB、morphemesC、allophonesD、phones

考题 问答题Paraphrase each of the following sentences in two different ways to show the syntactic rules account for the ambiguity of sentences. (1)The shooting of the hunters might be terrible. (2)He saw young men and women present. (3)They were surprised at the president's appointment

考题 单选题Which of the following sentences is pronounced with a rise-fall tone?A He won't come home for lunch, will he?B Have you finished your homework?C Are you a student or a teacher?D How are you?

考题 单选题Which of the following exercises would a teacher most probably use if he/she wants to help students develop discourse competence?A Paraphrasing sentences.B Translating sentences.C Unscrambling sentences.D Transforming sentences.

考题 单选题Think about when a teacher handed out a list of twenty Past tense sentences and asked students to discuss and find out the grammatical structures. What is the teacher's grammar teaching method?A Induction.B Presentation.C Consolidation.D Deduction.

考题 单选题A teacher lists twenty" simple present tense" sentences and asks students to discuss and find out the grammatical structures. What's the teacher's grammar teaching method?A Induction.B Conduction.C Construction.D Deduction.

考题 单选题The teacher, as well as his students, were present at the meeting.A teacher,B wereC atD meeting

考题 单选题When asking students to arrange the scrambled sentences into a logical paragraph, the teacher is focusing on __________.A reading skillsB critical thinkC proofreading skillsD textual coherence

考题 单选题What stage can the following grammar activity be used at?The teacher asked students to arrange the words of sentences into different columns marked subject, predicate, object, object complement, adverbial and so on.A Presentation.B Practice.C Production.D Preparation.

考题 单选题The first two sentences serve primarily to present a ______.A psychological controversyB theory of artC visual analogyD geometric theoremE political position

考题 单选题What stage can the following grammar activity be used at? The teacher askes students to arrange the words of sentences into different columns marked subject, predicate, object, object complement, adverbial and so on. _____A PresentationB PracticeC ProductionD Preparation

考题 单选题A teacher lists twentysimple present tensesentences and asks students to discuss and find out the grammatical structures. What's the teacher's grammar teaching method?A Induction.B Conduction.C Construction.D Deduction.