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撞击声压级impact sound pressure level


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更多 “名词解释题撞击声压级impact sound pressure level” 相关考题
考题 两个相等的声压级叠加,声压级() A.为两个声压级之和B.为两个声压级之乘积C.增大3倍D.只增大3dB

考题 试述声压、声强、声功率与声压级、声强级、声功率级的区别?

考题 In the following statements about the principle of the low level controlling, which is WRONG? 0 A.Low level is monitored on the drain tank and header tank.B.If there is high differential the filters pressure across the circulatingpumps is alarmedC.The lubricating oil purifier cannot take oil from the drain tankD.If the sea water pressure falls, this also operates an alarm

考题 何谓声压、声强、声功率?何谓声压级、声强级、声功率级?

考题 A ______ is created by a pressure gradient or slope in the water level.A.gradient currentB.density currentC.swift currentD.torrent current

考题 已知甲声压是乙声压的2倍,甲声压的声压级为90dB,则乙声压的声压级为( )A.84dB B.87dB C.93dB D.96dB

考题 各倍频带声压级经能量叠加法求得的和为总声压级。根据《环境影响评价技术导则一声环境》,同一噪声源在相同位置、相同时段测得的评价量中,大小关系必定成立的是()。A:总声压级≥A声级B:A声级≥总声压级C:总声压级≥各倍频带声压级D:A声级≥各倍频带声压级

考题 各倍频带声压级经能量叠加法求得的和为总声压级。根据《环境影响评价技术导则 声环境》,同一噪声源在相同位置、相同时段测得的评价量中,大小关系必定成立的是( )A.总声压级≥A声级 B.A声级≥总声压级 C.总声压级≥各倍频带声压级 D.A声级≥各倍频带声压级

考题 在计算噪声从室内向室外传播噪声衰减时,会使用到(),当该声压级难以测量时,将使用()计算。A:A声级;等效连续A声级B:倍频带声压级;等效连续A声级C:总声压级;倍频带声压级D:倍频带声压级;A声级

考题 以下关于声压级(SPL)的说法正确的是()。A、声压级是指声压与参考声压的比值B、声压级是指声压与参考声压的比值取常用对数后的值C、声压级是指声压与参考声压的比值取常用对数后乘以10的值D、声压级是指声压与参考声压的比值取常用对数后乘以20的值

考题 常见数据访问的级别有()A、文件级(file level)B、异构级(NFS level)C、通用级(UFS level)D、块级(block level)

考题 两个声压相等的声音,每个声压级为100dB,它的总声压级为().

考题 声压级是指某点的声压与基准声压(听阈声压)的比值。

考题 喷气式飞机喷气口附近声压为630pa,其声压级为(),声压为-0.002pa,其声压级为()dB。

考题 厅堂内有扩声时不同听众席处()的差值成厅堂扩声声场不均匀度。A、最大声压级B、峰值声压级C、稳态声压级D瞬态声压级

考题 单选题A()is created by a pressure gradient or slope in the water level.A gradient currentB density currentC swift currentD torrent current

考题 名词解释题撞击声压级改善量reduction of impact sound pressure level

考题 名词解释题撞击声压级impact sound pressure level

考题 名词解释题撞击声impact sound

考题 单选题以下关于声压级(SPL)的说法正确的是()。A 声压级是指声压与参考声压的比值B 声压级是指声压与参考声压的比值取常用对数后的值C 声压级是指声压与参考声压的比值取常用对数后乘以10的值D 声压级是指声压与参考声压的比值取常用对数后乘以20的值

考题 名词解释题撞击声压级改善量

考题 单选题Domestic water pump is started automatically by () which operates as the water level falls to a predetermined level.A a level controllerB a temperature switchC a pressure switchD a floating ball

考题 名词解释题撞击声压级

考题 单选题A pump is defined as device that()A produces pressureB imparts energy to a fluid to move it from level ‘A’ to level ‘B’C creates a vacuum to move a liquid in all installationD is to develop a pressure differential

考题 单选题Decibel is______.A the unit for measuring the intensity of soundB the pressure of radiating wavesC the frequency of radiating wavesD the seed of sound

考题 单选题The water level in a steaming auxiliary boiler will always ()A rise when the steam pressure is increasedB remain constant as long as the feed pump operatesC fall when the steam pressure is decreasedD vary as the steam demand changes

考题 单选题厅堂主观评价中,响度和丰满度的相应物理指标分别是()。A 声压级、混响时间B 脉冲相应、声压级C 混响时间、声压级D 声压级、IACC

考题 单选题The pilot of the plane which flies faster than sound travels does not hear the thunderclaps because______.A the sound of plane engine travels slower than the planeB the frequency of the sound altersC the passage does not mention itD the pressure decreased when the plane flies in the air