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After the First World War, the author Anais Nin became interested in the art movement known as Surrealism and in psychoanalysis, both _____ her novels and short stories.

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句意:第一次世界大战后,作家Anais Nin开始对超现实主义的艺术运动和精神分析感兴趣,二者均对其长篇小说和短篇小说的创作产生了影响。A、D两项带入题干均构不成完整的语法,C项中influence是用作了动词,而作动词时它是及物的,后不需要加介词on。B项中不定式作定语,修饰both;both及后面的部分作Surrealism和psychoanalysis的同位语。
更多 “单选题After the First World War, the author Anais Nin became interested in the art movement known as Surrealism and in psychoanalysis, both _____ her novels and short stories.A in which the influenceB to have influence onC of which influenced onD its influence in” 相关考题
考题 Which statement(说法) is true?A. The west coast was a better place to make films.B. There are no mountains near Hollywood.C. People no longer went to the cinema after television became popular.D. Hollywood began to make films for television after the First World War.

考题 They have discovered a new medical herb, which they have ________ a large number of patients and found to have great healing power. A. operatedB. tried onC. took onD. tried with

考题 Which of the following statements is true?A. The author's father built a bonfire on VE Day.B. The author's father had fought in the First World War.C. The author's father had fought in the Second World War.D. The author's father threw two chairs on the fire to keep it going.

考题 after the second world war, the united states became a stronger country, proved by the following facts except_______.A. the US had over 70% of the gold reserve of the world in its coffersB. the US had over 50% of industrial production of the world in its handC. the US was the sole possessor of atomic bombsD. the US suffered no losses in the war

考题 Which of the following can be inferred from Paragraph 3 about Bauhaus?A.It was founded by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe.B.Its designing concept was affected by World War II.C.Most American architects used to be associated with it.D.It had a great influence upon American architectrue.

考题 After the outbreak of the First World War, Australia followed Britain's lead and declared war on ________. A.JapanB.TurkeyC.ItalyD.Germany

考题 In the years after the Civil War most American painters received their training in Europe, the majority studying in the French schools at Paris or Barbizon, and a smaller number in Germany at Munich(慕尼黑) and Dusseldorf(杜塞尔多夫). The teaching of the Barbizon school, which stressed the use of color and the creation of an impression or a mood, influenced many American artists. One group of American painters, led by James McNeill Whistler and John Singer Sargent, expatriated(移居国外) themselves from the American scene and settled in Europe. Whistler, who is often ranked as the greatest genius(天才) in the history of American art, was a versatile(多才多艺的) and industrious(勤奋的) artist who was equally proficient(熟练的) in several media-oil, watercolor, etching(铜版画)-and with several themes-portraits and his so-called nocturnes(夜景画), impressionistic sketches(印象画) of moonlight on water and other scenes. He was one of the first to appreciate the beauty of Japanese color prints and to introduce Oriental concepts into Western art.1. For a period after the Civil War, the majority of American painters ____.A、was influenced by the Barbizon schoolB、painted in the impressionist styleC、studied art in EuropeD、used striking color in their work2. According to the passage, one group of American painters ____.A、left America never to returnB、turned their back on the American art traditionC、copied the style. of Whistler and SargentD、were unaffected by the European style. of painting3. From the passage we are led to believe that Whistler ____.A、did much of his painting at nightB、produced a large number of picturesC、combined several media and themes in his paintingsD、was most proficient in impressionistic sketches4. According to the passage, Whistler was one of the first Western painters to ____.A、use Japanese ideas in his own workB、become interested in Japanese printingC、admire Japanese oil paintingsD、start producing Japanese sketches5. The main theme of this passage is ____.A、Whistlers influence on Western artB、The influence of European art on American paintersC、The influence of Oriental art on WhistlerD、The American painters influence in Europe

考题 Which of the following is TRUE according to Paragraph 3?( )A. Americans do not understand broken English.B. The author’s mother was not respected sometimes.C. The author’ mother had positive influence on her.D. Broken English always reflects imperfect thoughts.

考题 请阅读短文,完成此题。 In recent years, publishers, directors and TV producers have taken a keen interest in popularonline novels, thanks to their originality and solid fan base. Genre is an important factor. According to a survey by Chinese online literature platformCloudary, of t00 online novels whose copyrights were sold by Cloudary for adaption in 2012,modern city novels, historical romances and war stories were the most popular. Online author Liu Chenfeng's best-known novel A Clear Midsummer Night is a love story. Itattracted more than 30 million Web hits and won the top prize in the annual competition forChinese romance novels in 2012. A TV adaption of the book, starred by Yang Mi and Liu Kaiwei,was a huge hit when broadcast in 2013. The success of the TV adaption has brought Liu greaterpopularity and more confidence in her writing. "It's as if a feast prepared by me has beenappreciated by numerous diners, which is a great encouragement." Liu says. Literature websites, which are supreme headquarters collecting some outstanding works, haveplayed an important role in this trend. Major websites, such as Qidian.com and Hongxiu.com, whichare owned by Cloudary, have established special branches to help film and TV producers who arelooking for good stories and to deal with copyright licensing. Liu, who has entrusted the literaturewebsite Hongxiu.com to deal with her copyright licensing to TV producers, thinks it makes thingseasier for writers and allows them to focus more on their work. However, many other writers have sought to work closely with film and TV producers and playan active role in the adaption process of their own works. The authors really know the essence oftheir works. To some extent, their working together may produce better films or TV series. Theauthors' unique understanding about the original works is valued by producers and directors. Popular online writer Bao Jingjing worked with director Teng Huatao as the screenwriter forone of her online novels. The movie Love Is Not Blind, adapted from her story, became an instanthit in 2012. Bao graduated from Beijing Film Acadetny with a degree in literature. Her background gaveher extra weight in winning the director's trust. The experience has led Bao on a new career path.She won the award for best adapted screenplay at the d9th Golden Horse Awards in Taiwan in 2012. Since then, Bao has adapted another of her writings into a film and a TV series, both directedby Teng. "I am lucky. Now I have a job that I really enjoy," Bao says. While writing novels online,Bao adds that she will consider the possibility of her works being adapted into films or TV, and avoids sentences that might be difficult for actors. Which of the following is not the most popular genre of online novels? 查看材料 A.Modern city novels. B.Historical romances. C.Science fiction. D.War stories.

考题 请阅读短文,完成此题。 In recent years, publishers, directors and TV producers have taken a keen interest in popularonline novels, thanks to their originality and solid fan base. Genre is an important factor. According to a survey by Chinese online literature platformCloudary, of t00 online novels whose copyrights were sold by Cloudary for adaption in 2012,modern city novels, historical romances and war stories were the most popular. Online author Liu Chenfeng's best-known novel A Clear Midsummer Night is a love story. Itattracted more than 30 million Web hits and won the top prize in the annual competition forChinese romance novels in 2012. A TV adaption of the book, starred by Yang Mi and Liu Kaiwei,was a huge hit when broadcast in 2013. The success of the TV adaption has brought Liu greaterpopularity and more confidence in her writing. "It's as if a feast prepared by me has beenappreciated by numerous diners, which is a great encouragement." Liu says. Literature websites, which are supreme headquarters collecting some outstanding works, haveplayed an important role in this trend. Major websites, such as Qidian.com and Hongxiu.com, whichare owned by Cloudary, have established special branches to help film and TV producers who arelooking for good stories and to deal with copyright licensing. Liu, who has entrusted the literaturewebsite Hongxiu.com to deal with her copyright licensing to TV producers, thinks it makes thingseasier for writers and allows them to focus more on their work. However, many other writers have sought to work closely with film and TV producers and playan active role in the adaption process of their own works. The authors really know the essence oftheir works. To some extent, their working together may produce better films or TV series. Theauthors' unique understanding about the original works is valued by producers and directors. Popular online writer Bao Jingjing worked with director Teng Huatao as the screenwriter forone of her online novels. The movie Love Is Not Blind, adapted from her story, became an instanthit in 2012. Bao graduated from Beijing Film Acadetny with a degree in literature. Her background gaveher extra weight in winning the director's trust. The experience has led Bao on a new career path.She won the award for best adapted screenplay at the d9th Golden Horse Awards in Taiwan in 2012. Since then, Bao has adapted another of her writings into a film and a TV series, both directedby Teng. "I am lucky. Now I have a job that I really enjoy," Bao says. While writing novels online,Bao adds that she will consider the possibility of her works being adapted into films or TV, and avoids sentences that might be difficult for actors. Online novels have the following features except_________ 查看材料 A.the online novels are original works B.publishers, directors and TV producers are interested in them C.the readers of online novels always focus on them D.the genres of online novels are abundant

考题 The professor could hardly find sufficient grounds ___________ his arguments in favor of the new theory.A.on which to base B.which to base on C.to base on D.to be based on

考题 Photojournalist Margaret became famous for her( )of significant events during the Second World War.A.collage B.usage C.camouflage D.coverage

考题 After many years' wandering all over the world,the man finally settled down to the business his father left to him.A:focused on B:depended on C:insisted on D:dwelled on

考题 共用题干 Estee Lauder Died1 The child of Central European immigrants who created an international cosmetics(化妆品)empire and became one of the most influential women in US,has died on Saturday.Estee Lauder died at her home in Manhattan,New York City,a company spokeswoman said.She was 97.2 Born in Queens,New York in 1908,Lauder was the daughter of a Hungarian mother and a Czech father.3 Lauder began her business career by selling skincare products developed by her uncle John Schotz, a chemist, to beauty salons(美容院)and hotels.In 1930, she married Joseph Lauder who became her partner.The company,which became known as Estee Lauder,took oft after World War Ⅱ.4 In 1953,the company introduced its first perfume(香水),Youth Dew, the first of a range of fragrances that has now grown to more than 70.They include:Aramis,a line of products for men, launched in 1964; and Clinique, a range of odourless(无臭的) cosmetics,which followed in 1968.5 By the time she retired in 1995,Lauder was presiding over a multibillion-dollarenterprise,which now ranks number 349 in the Fortune 500 list of largest US companies.In 1998,she was the only woman to feature in Time magazine's selection of the 20 most important business geniuses of the last century.There were two secrets to her success: her gift for selling things and her tireless energy and determination never to accept second best.6 Even after her retirement at the age of 89,Lauder remained closely involved.Beauty, Lauder believed,was the most important thing in life.7 She wrote in her 1985 autobiography,"Estee,a Success Story":"In a perfect world, we'd all be judged on the sweetness of our souls.But in our less than perfect world,the woman who looks pretty has a distinct advantage and,usually,the last word."Paragraph 5__________A:Early careerB:ChildoodC:ProductsD:RetirementE:Cosmetics empressF:Birth

考题 共用题干 Estee Lauder Died1 The child of Central European immigrants who created an international cosmetics(化妆品)empire and became one of the most influential women in US,has died on Saturday.Estee Lauder died at her home in Manhattan,New York City,a company spokeswoman said.She was 97.2 Born in Queens,New York in 1908,Lauder was the daughter of a Hungarian mother and a Czech father.3 Lauder began her business career by selling skincare products developed by her uncle John Schotz, a chemist, to beauty salons(美容院)and hotels.In 1930, she married Joseph Lauder who became her partner.The company,which became known as Estee Lauder,took oft after World War Ⅱ.4 In 1953,the company introduced its first perfume(香水),Youth Dew, the first of a range of fragrances that has now grown to more than 70.They include:Aramis,a line of products for men, launched in 1964; and Clinique, a range of odourless(无臭的) cosmetics,which followed in 1968.5 By the time she retired in 1995,Lauder was presiding over a multibillion-dollarenterprise,which now ranks number 349 in the Fortune 500 list of largest US companies.In 1998,she was the only woman to feature in Time magazine's selection of the 20 most important business geniuses of the last century.There were two secrets to her success: her gift for selling things and her tireless energy and determination never to accept second best.6 Even after her retirement at the age of 89,Lauder remained closely involved.Beauty, Lauder believed,was the most important thing in life.7 She wrote in her 1985 autobiography,"Estee,a Success Story":"In a perfect world, we'd all be judged on the sweetness of our souls.But in our less than perfect world,the woman who looks pretty has a distinct advantage and,usually,the last word."After retirement,she continued to show interest__________.A:at the age of 97 B:as the most important thing in lifeC:by John SchotzD:in 1908E:in cosmeticsF:on the sweetness of our souls

考题 共用题干 Estee Lauder Died1 The child of Central European immigrants who created an international cosmetics(化妆品)empire and became one of the most influential women in US,has died on Saturday.Estee Lauder died at her home in Manhattan,New York City,a company spokeswoman said.She was 97.2 Born in Queens,New York in 1908,Lauder was the daughter of a Hungarian mother and a Czech father.3 Lauder began her business career by selling skincare products developed by her uncle John Schotz, a chemist, to beauty salons(美容院)and hotels.In 1930, she married Joseph Lauder who became her partner.The company,which became known as Estee Lauder,took oft after World War Ⅱ.4 In 1953,the company introduced its first perfume(香水),Youth Dew, the first of a range of fragrances that has now grown to more than 70.They include:Aramis,a line of products for men, launched in 1964; and Clinique, a range of odourless(无臭的) cosmetics,which followed in 1968.5 By the time she retired in 1995,Lauder was presiding over a multibillion-dollarenterprise,which now ranks number 349 in the Fortune 500 list of largest US companies.In 1998,she was the only woman to feature in Time magazine's selection of the 20 most important business geniuses of the last century.There were two secrets to her success: her gift for selling things and her tireless energy and determination never to accept second best.6 Even after her retirement at the age of 89,Lauder remained closely involved.Beauty, Lauder believed,was the most important thing in life.7 She wrote in her 1985 autobiography,"Estee,a Success Story":"In a perfect world, we'd all be judged on the sweetness of our souls.But in our less than perfect world,the woman who looks pretty has a distinct advantage and,usually,the last word."Lauder regarded beauty_________.A:at the age of 97 B:as the most important thing in lifeC:by John SchotzD:in 1908E:in cosmeticsF:on the sweetness of our souls

考题 Francis Bacon is best known for his___________ which greatly influenced the development of this literary form.A.poems B.plays C.novels D.essays

考题 He became famous for her coverage of significant events during the Second World War.A:baggage B:orphanage C:reportage D:usage

考题 Thanks to the militant feminist movement of the()led by Mrs.Pankhurst before the First World War,votes were granted to women over 30 in 1918.ALudditesBSuffragettesCChartistsDLevellers

考题 单选题The author refers to Schubert and Brahms in order to suggest _____.A that their achievements are no less substantial than those of VerdiB that their works are examples of great trashC the extent to which Schubert and Brahms influenced the later compositions of VerdiD that popular music could be employed in compositions intended as high art

考题 问答题Expressionism  Expressionism is an art movement that produced a wealth of wonderful works of art, and the lives of the artists who created them were no less colorful and exciting. The word expressionism can be used to describe art from different times and places, most of them were part of a movement that took place in Germany from 1905 to 1920. They shared some of the beliefs. Those beliefs were that art should try to change society, to make it less conservative. It should express the energy of nature—following in the footsteps of Vincent van Gogh—-and personal feeling rather than simply representing nature. It should feel uncomfortable, which means it should challenge the traditional ways of looking at the world. This differed from the opinion of Henri Matisse who believed that art should be comfortable. Expressionist art should be inspired by folk art, and the art of what were then called primitive people, for example from Africa.  The aim of the Expressionists was to express personal feeling about what they were painting rather than representing it exactly as it was. It should have strong colors and shapes, be relatively direct, untutored and unplanned and should still contain recognizable things, but not be realistic. The lines could be distorted, and the colors could be strengthened or changed as in the art movement that began in 1905 called Fauvism.  Expressionism was more than a style in painting. It could be found in theatre and cinema, literature and architecture. It was a sharing of ideas and experiences across all these media. The life stories of the Expressionist artists show just how much they had in common. Many began by studying applied art, such as furniture design, often to please their parents. Although they later made more personal art, they continued to make use of those technical skills. Both art critics and the public received this new movement with derision and outrage. Expressionist artists were trying to shock by challenging the traditional, conservative views held by many people. Gradually, however, it became accepted and even admired.  All the Expressionists were affected by World War I (1914-18). Some fled from Germany and spent the war years in exile. Some never returned to their homeland. Most served in the war and some were killed. At first some of them hoped a war would change society for the better but they were soon disillusioned when they saw the destruction and suffering that it caused. In the years after the war, many Expressionist artist revealed the horrors they experienced in their work.  After World War I, Expressionism became very fashionable in Germany, where art was allowed to flourish. This freedom ended in 1933 when Hitler declared all Expressionists were degenerate. This led to them being sacked from their jobs or forced to leave Germany. In 1937 the Nazis took thousands of art works from German museums and put them in an enormous exhibition called the Degenerate Art Exhibition, to show how bad and decadent this art was. It presented a view of the world that went against their political and cultural ambitions to rid Germany of all inferior races.

考题 单选题After the First World War, the author Anais Nin became interested in the art movement known as Surrealism and in psychoanalysis, both _____ her novels and short stories.A in which the influenceB to have influence onC of which influenced onD its influence in

考题 单选题One of the most extraordinary things about the First World War was the enthusiasm _____ the majority of soldiers went off to fight for their country.A in thatB for whichC with which D for that

考题 单选题The passage asserts which of the following about commercial art?A There are many examples of commercial art whose artistic merit is equal to that of great works of art of the past.B Commercial art is heavily influenced by whatever doctrines are fashionable in the serious art world of the time.C The line between commercial art and great art lies primarily in how an image is used, not in the motivation for its creation.D The pervasiveness of contemporary commercial art has led art historians to undervalue representational skills.

考题 问答题Practice 5  Expressionism was more than a style in painting. It could be found in theatre and cinema, literature and architecture. It was a sharing of ideas and experiences across all these media. The life stories of the Expressionist artists show just how much they had in common. Many began by studying applied art, such as furniture design, often to please their parents. Although they later made more personal art, they continued to make use of those technical skills. Both art critics and the public received this new movement with derision and outrage. Expressionist artists were trying to shock by challenging the traditional, conservative views held by many people. Gradually, however, it became accepted and even admired.  All the Expressionists were affected by World War I (1914-18). Some fled from Germany and spent the war years in exile. Some never returned to their homeland. Most served in the war and some were killed. At first some of them hoped a war would change society for the better but they were soon disillusioned when they saw the destruction and suffering that it caused. In the years after the war, many Expressionist artist revealed the horrors they experienced in their work.

考题 问答题“THE JAZZ AGE” refers to the decade after World War I, when the nation became predominantly urban. It took its name from the rich and varied new popular music which was essentially a creation of the Negro in the city. Historians cannot agree on the origin of the word “jazz”: some say it is of African or Creole origin, and others say that it derived from the name of a musician. But there is no denying that this American form of music originated with Negroes in the first age of their migration to the city, and jazz flourished primarily because of the talent, energy, and imagination of Negroes in cities. In Europe, too, the years after World War I were an age of musical experiment. But jazz was a more democratic, more communal kind of experiment. For the old World saw developing novel forms of “art music”, of salon and concert-hall music.

考题 单选题Thanks to the militant feminist movement of the()led by Mrs.Pankhurst before the First World War,votes were granted to women over 30 in 1918.A LudditesB SuffragettesC ChartistsD Levellers

考题 问答题Abstract Expressionism  Abstract expressionism was the name for an artistic movement that emerged in the USA during the 1950s. It was also known as the New York School since most of the important artists lived there, at least for a time. During World War II many influential artists had fled the fighting and persecution of Europe and ended up in New York. The Abstract Expressionist group were made up of artists who had either come from Europe or who were directly influenced by the styles and techniques of those who had.  Abstract Expressionism is a term used for art that uses elements of Expressionism in an abstract way. They were also influenced by Surrealism. Expressionist artists used symbols and particular styles of painting to express feelings or emotions. Surrealists tried to express the subconscious by using through the actual process of painting. The physical property of paint (what it was like) was what was important. The style and the subject (what the painting was of) had lost all significance.  The recognition of the Abstract Expressionists by the art world meant that for the first time the USA became known as an important force in avant-garde art. The term avant-garde is often used in art, and is used to describe anything radically new or different. The Abstract Expressionists fitted this description perfectly. For the first time it was the physical act of painting that was important rather than the end product.  The New York School was not, in the strictest sense, an artistic movement. The Abstract Expressionists included artists who had each developed their own individual styles. But there were enough similarities in the way they thought about and approached painting that gradually the group became known as the Abstract Expressionists.  Jackson Pollock, Willem de Kooning, Helen Frankenthaler, Lee Krasner and Franz Kline all became recognized for a technique called action painting. This was where spontaneous physical movement and gestures were used to produce paintings. The term action painting was originally used by the art critic Harold Rosenberg. He was referring to Jackson Pollock, who became famous for his drip paintings. Pollock used a revolutionary new technique, which involved dripping, pouring or squirting the paint from syringes directly onto the canvases. We now use the term action painting in a wider sense to refer to any technique of making a painting with energetic and spontaneous application of paint.  Other artists who also fall under the title of Abstract Expressionists include Mark Rothko, Barnett Newman and Clyfford Still. These artists invented a softer, calmer technique where paint is applied with brushes in large areas, or fields, of color covers the whole picture surface. This technique became known as color field painting.  Both the action and color field painters shared methods and ideals. Paint is applied in bold, simple brushstrokes, dribbles or splashes, with blocks of color to make the maximum visual impact. The huge physical size of the paintings matched the artists’ grand philosophical ideas.  Abstract Expressionists all shared a philosophy about painting. Paintings were a search for truth, or the hidden meaning of life. The artists tried to find a way of painting that did not have to follow any particular style or school ofart. This way people would not associate the painting with anything else. They would just look at it as a painting and form their own ideas of what it meant.