船舶水手考试 问题列表
问题 单选题有多少节锚链在外?()A How many shackles are out ?B How much shackles are out ?C How much cable is out ?D How many cable is out ?

问题 单选题化纤绳与白棕绳比较,其优点是:()A 重量轻,强度大,不怕潮湿B 超过工作强度易产生永久变形且不能复原C 柔软,易滑,易膨胀D 以上都不是

问题 单选题主甲板以上,宽度没有达到船舷的小型上层建筑称为()A 上层建筑B 甲板室C 首楼D 尾楼

问题 问答题简述抛锚或起锚作业过程。

问题 单选题buff cream paint()A 奶黄漆B 船壳白漆C 船壳灰漆D 船壳黄漆

问题 单选题It is flammable cargo. Keep it away from the ().A gangwayB bowC boilerD stern

问题 单选题我的工具箱里有几把钳子。()A There are some saws in my toolbox.B There are some pairs of pliers in my toolbox.C There are some spanners in my toolbox.D There are some tools in my toolbox.

问题 单选题There are some ()(钳子) in my toolbox.A pliersB sawsC spannersD tools

问题 单选题汽笛短声历时()。A 1秒钟B 3秒钟C 6秒钟D 1分钟

问题 单选题Topside paint is applied to the area of the ship’s ()which is out of water when the ship is loaded.A hullB cabinC cargo holdD deck

问题 单选题What would you do if hearing an abandon ship alarm?()A 如果你听到船舶起火的警报你会怎么办?B 如果你听到弃船的警报你会怎么办?C 如果你听到应急警报你会怎么办?D 如果你听到警报你会怎么办?

问题 单选题What would you do if hearing an abandon ship alarm? ()A Put on my life-jacket.B Go to muster station.C A+BD Rig the lifeboat and report.

问题 单选题VHF telephone()A 自动舵B 甚高频无线电话C 罗经D 车钟

问题 单选题At the discharging port, tankers pump the oil ashore using ().A shore pumpsB her own pumpsC large pumpsD large tubes

问题 单选题导轨()A guide railB guide rollerC guideD bolt