初中教师专业知识 问题列表
问题 单选题According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true? _____A As there exist weak parts in different departments of a firm, the training of its staff is highly necessary.B A training specification is based on the information collected from a job description and a job specification.C Training in using skills and learning about skills usually do not happen at the same placeD It is easier to evaluate management training than to evaluate the training of workers and technicians.

问题 单选题下列不属于戏剧艺术特征的是()。A 故事性B 表演性C 综合性D 时空性

问题 单选题Passage1The mythology of a culture can provide some vital insights into the beliefs and values of that culture. By using fantastic and sometimes incredible stories to create an oral tradition by which to explain the wonders of the natural world and teach lessons to younger generations, a society exposes those ideas and concepts held most important. Just as important as the final lesson to be gathered from the stories, however, are the characters and the roles they play in conveying that message. Perhaps the epitome of mythology and its use as a tool to pass on cultural values can be found in Aesop's Fables, told and retold during the era of the Greek Empire. Aesop,a slave who won the favor of the court through his imaginative and descriptive tales, almost exclusively used animals to fill the roles in his short stories. Humans, when at all present, almost always played the part of bumbling fools struggling to learn the lesson being presented. This choice of characterization allows us to see that the Greeks placed wisdom on a level slightly beyond humans, implying that deep wisdom and understanding is a universal quality sought by, rather than stealing from, human beings.Aesop's fables illustrated the central themes of humility and self-reliance, reflecting the importance of those traits in early Greek society. The folly of humans was used to contrast against the ultimate goal of attaining a higher level of understanding and awareness of truths about nature and humanity. For example, one notable fable features a fox repeatedly trying to reach a bunch of grapes on a very high vine. After failing at several attempts, the fox gives up, making up its mind that the grapes were probably sour anyway. The fable's lesson, that we often play down that which we can't achieve so as to make ourselves feel better, teaches the reader or listener in an entertaining way about one of the weaknesses of the human psyche.The mythology of other cultures and societies reveal the underlying traits of their respective cultures just as Aesop's fables did. The stories of Roman gods, Aztec ghosts and European elves all served to train ancient generations those lessons considered most important to their community, and today they offer a powerful looking glass by which to evaluate and consider the contextual environment in which those culture existed.The main purpose of Paragraph 3 is to______.A examine how one of Aesop's fables sheds light on certain facets of Greek beliefB dissect one of Aesop's fables in order to study the elements that make up Grek mythologyC learn from the lesson Presented in one of Aesop's most well-known fablesD illustrate a fable typical of Aesop's style, so as to examine how one goes about studying the meaning behind it

问题 问答题若事件A与B相互独立,,,求:和

问题 单选题A 1/2ΔtB 2ΔtC 1/2ΔtD 3Δt

问题 单选题删除文章中的某个错字,除可用Del(Delete)键外,还可用()来完成。A EnterB SpaceC BackspaceD Insert

问题 单选题某教师在写作课上,要求学生就刚学过的《从百草园到三味书屋》景物描写一段进行仿写,请问她的做法是哪种作文训练方式?()A 命题作文训练B 单项作文训练C 话题作文训练D 材料作文训练括让学生练习造句、写段子。

问题 填空题1689年,中俄在()签订了第一个边界条约——《()》。

问题 单选题关于分子热运动,下列说法正确的是()。A 扩散现象只能发生在气体之间、液体之间B 可以近似地认为,气体的分子之间除了相互碰撞之外,没有相互作用C 物体的运动速度越大,其分子做无规则运动的速度也一定大D 分子间引力和斥力并不是同时存在的

问题 问答题

问题 单选题一台显微镜目镜为10x,物镜为10x,在此放大倍数下可以看到整个视野中的64个细胞,如果将物镜改为40x,理论上可以看到多少个细胞?()A 32B 8C 2D 4

问题 单选题用显微镜观察洋葱表皮细胞临时装片时,第一次使用5x目镜、10x物镜,第二次使用10x目镜、40x物镜,那么,第二次观察的情况与第一次相比()。A 视野亮,细胞数目多B 视野亮,细胞数目少C 视野暗.细胞数目多D 视野暗,细胞数目少

问题 问答题请找出第②段和第⑨段中的两个错别字和第⑧段中的一处病句,并分别修改。

问题 单选题请阅读 Passage 1,完成第 21~25小题。Passage 1Every year, the Nobel Prize is given to outstanding work in six fields: physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, economics, and work in peace.These prizes are named after Alfred Nobel, who asked for the Nobel Foundation to be made in his will.He was an inventor and businessman.Nobel was born in Stockholm, Sweden in 1883.His father, Immanuel Nobel has periods of success building bridges and periods of not making any money.Immanuel sent Alfred to study chemistry in Paris.Alfred met Ascanio Sobrero, who found the liquid nitroglycerine, a liquid that explodes very easily.Alfred thought about making use of nitroglycerine in the construction of bridges and tunnels.An accident happened during the experiment with the liquid, causing an explosion, which killed and injured several people, including his brother.He continued looking for ways to make this liquid not explode so easily.Nobel was successful in finding a safe way to store the liquid and in 1864 began producing huge amounts of it.He found that mixing it with kind of sand would turn the liquid into a paste.He then wanted to shape the paste into rods that would make it easy to blow up rock when building a tunnel.In 1867, he patented the material as dynamite.This patent greatly reduced the costs of blasting rock and drilling tunnels.As a businessman, Nobel set up laboratories that made dynamite in 90 locations in more than 20 countries.Although dynamite was useful in construction, many people used it as a weapon in war. At age 43, the wealthy and lonely businessman put an ad in the newspaper for a secretary though he was really looking for a wife.Bertha Kinsky worked as his secretary for a short time, but married another man and became Bertha von Suttner.Bertha and Alfred remained friends and wrote letters many years later.She most likely influenced him to strive for peace.She published a novel “Lay Down Your Arms!” in 1889 and became a leading figure in the peace movement.For these reasons, she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1905.Who discovered nitroglycerine?A Bertha von Suttner.B Ascanio Sobrero.C Alfred Nobel.D Immanuel Nobel.

问题 单选题学习《使至塞上》时,教师指出这是一首边塞诗,但作者王维却不是边塞诗人,以下同样不是边塞诗人的是()。A 王昌龄B 陆游C 高适D 岑参