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EXAM STATUS REPORT Your status report provides details of the ACCA exams you have already passed and those you have still to complete EXAM STATUS REPORT Your status report provides details of the ACCA exams you have already passed and those you have still to complete View your status report——这个是超级链接,点击进入就可以查看学员全部的考试分数记录。



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(2):点击“Exam Status and Results”里面有“Administrative Review”





下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

3 You are the manager responsible for the audit of Lamont Co. The company’s principal activity is wholesaling frozen

fish. The draft consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2007 show revenue of $67·0 million

(2006 – $62·3 million), profit before taxation of $11·9 million (2006 – $14·2 million) and total assets of

$48·0 million (2006 – $36·4 million).

The following issues arising during the final audit have been noted on a schedule of points for your attention:

(a) In early 2007 a chemical leakage from refrigeration units owned by Lamont caused contamination of some of its

property. Lamont has incurred $0·3 million in clean up costs, $0·6 million in modernisation of the units to

prevent future leakage and a $30,000 fine to a regulatory agency. Apart from the fine, which has been expensed,

these costs have been capitalised as improvements. (7 marks)


For each of the above issues:

(i) comment on the matters that you should consider; and

(ii) state the audit evidence that you should expect to find,

in undertaking your review of the audit working papers and financial statements of Lamont Co for the year ended

31 March 2007.

NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three issues.

(a) Chemical leakage
(i) Matters
■ $30,000 fine is very immaterial (just 1/4% profit before tax). This is revenue expenditure and it is correct that it
has been expensed to the income statement.
■ $0·3 million represents 0·6% total assets and 2·5% profit before tax and is not material on its own. $0·6 million
represents 1·2% total assets and 5% profit before tax and is therefore material to the financial statements.
■ The $0·3 million clean-up costs should not have been capitalised as the condition of the property is not improved
as compared with its condition before the leakage occurred. Although not material in isolation this amount should
be adjusted for and expensed, thereby reducing the aggregate of uncorrected misstatements.
■ It may be correct that $0·6 million incurred in modernising the refrigeration units should be capitalised as a major
overhaul (IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment). However, any parts scrapped as a result of the modernisation
should be treated as disposals (i.e. written off to the income statement).
■ The carrying amount of the refrigeration units at 31 March 2007, including the $0·6 million for modernisation,
should not exceed recoverable amount (i.e. the higher of value in use and fair value less costs to sell). If it does,
an allowance for the impairment loss arising must be recognised in accordance with IAS 36 Impairment of Assets.
(ii) Audit evidence
■ A breakdown/analysis of costs incurred on the clean-up and modernisation amounting to $0·3 million and
$0·6 million respectively.
■ Agreement of largest amounts to invoices from suppliers/consultants/sub-contractors, etc and settlement thereof
traced from the cash book to the bank statement.
■ Physical inspection of the refrigeration units to confirm their modernisation and that they are in working order. (Do
they contain frozen fish?)
■ Sample of components selected from the non-current asset register traced to the refrigeration units and inspected
to ensure continuing existence.
■ $30,000 penalty notice from the regulatory agency and corresponding cash book payment/payment per the bank
■ Written management representation that there are no further penalties that should be provided for or disclosed other
than the $30,000 that has been accounted for.

3 The directors of The Healthy Eating Group (HEG), a successful restaurant chain, which commenced trading in 1998,

have decided to enter the sandwich market in Homeland, its country of operation. It has set up a separate operation

under the name of Healthy Sandwiches Co (HSC). A management team for HSC has been recruited via a recruitment

consultancy which specialises in food sector appointments. Homeland has very high unemployment and the vast

majority of its workforce has no experience in a food manufacturing environment. HSC will commence trading on

1 January 2008.

The following information is available:

(1) HSC has agreed to make and supply sandwiches to agreed recipes for the Superior Food Group (SFG) which

owns a chain of supermarkets in all towns and cities within Homeland. SFG insists that it selects the suppliers

of the ingredients that are used in making the sandwiches it sells and therefore HSC would be unable to reduce

the costs of the ingredients used in the sandwiches. HSC will be the sole supplier for SFG.

(2) The number of sandwiches sold per year in Homeland is 625 million. SFG has a market share of 4%.

(3) The average selling price of all sandwiches sold by SFG is $2·40. SFG wishes to make a mark-up of 331/3% on

all sandwiches sold. 90% of all sandwiches sold by SFG are sold before 2 pm each day. The majority of the

remaining 10% are sold after 8 pm. It is the intention that all sandwiches are sold on the day that they are

delivered into SFG’s supermarkets.

(4) The finance director of HSC has estimated that the average cost of ingredients per sandwich is $0·70. All

sandwiches are made by hand.

(5) Packaging and labelling costs amount to $0·15 per sandwich.

(6) Fixed overheads have been estimated to amount to $5,401,000 per annum. Note that fixed overheads include

all wages and salaries costs as all employees are subject to fixed term employment contracts.

(7) Distribution costs are expected to amount to 8% of HSC’s revenue.

(8) The finance director of HSC has stated that he believes the target sales margin of 32% can be achieved, although

he is concerned about the effect that an increase in the cost of all ingredients would have on the forecast profits

(assuming that all other revenue/cost data remains unchanged).

(9) The existing management information system of HEG was purchased at the time that HEG commenced trading.

The directors are now considering investing in an enterprise resource planning system (ERPS).


(a) Using only the above information, show how the finance director of HSC reached his conclusion regarding

the expected sales margin and also state whether he was correct to be concerned about an increase in the

price of ingredients. (5 marks)



The group have now decided to convert their business idea into reality.

(b) What elements should a marketing plan contain to achieve a successful launch of their restaurant?

(8 marks)

(b) The launch of any new business is a critical event and a marketing plan a vital ingredient in achieving launch success. Most
companies will associate a marketing plan with the ever-popular 4 Ps. However, the marketing mix can only be decided once
some fundamental marketing decisions have been taken. Firstly, the group need to clearly identify which segments of the
market they are seeking to attract. Segments are made up of groups of customers with similar needs and expectations. If they
are identifying the student market as an important segment they should recognise that there are very different segments within
this group. They are most likely to want to target those students willing and able to pay for a high quality meal and experience.
They are not in the market for low priced/fast food. This requires them to recognise how they are trying to position their
restaurant – high quality and moderate prices looks to be a combination, which will deliver an attractive service and added
value to the customer. The relationship between the customers’ perception of added value and the price charged is, in terms
of Bowman’s strategy clock, likely to be that of a focused differentiator.
For the Casa del Mediterraneo getting the product or service right will involve a complex co-ordination of many different
activities – from buying the right food through to delivering the orders efficiently. As a service, there may be many more things
that potentially can go wrong and it really does come down to the people delivering the service. This involves one of the
additional ‘P’s, involved in delivering services, namely processes, which together with the physical evidence in the shape of
the restaurant, will have a major say in the success or otherwise of the launch. Clearly, the place and the physical evidence
are one and the same thing and the right location will also affect the success of both the launch and the whole venture.
Pricing in a competitive market will be important and many upmarket restaurants price on the basis of what the market will
bear. There needs to be a clear relationship between the price and the value offered. Finally, promotion is perhaps the key
element in the effective launch of the new restaurant. There will need to be a correct choice of media to reach the targetaudience including the use of web-based advertising to get the restaurant known.

The following statements have been made about life cycle costing:

(i) It focuses on the short-term by identifying costs at the beginning of a product’s life cycle

(ii) It identifies all costs which arise in relation to the product each year and then calculates the product’s profitability on an annual basis

(iii) It accumulates a product’s costs over its whole life time and works out the overall profitability of a product

(iv) It allocates costs to each stage of a product’s life cycle and writes them off at the end of each stage

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

A.(i) and (iii)

B.(iii) only

C.(i) and (iv)

D.(ii) only


All of the statements are false except statement (iii).

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