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下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(c) Outline the ways in which Arthur and Cindy can reduce their income tax liability by investing in unquoted

shares and recommend, with reasons, which form. of investment best suits their circumstances. You are not

required to discuss the qualifying conditions applicable to the investment vehicle recommended. (5 marks)

You should assume that the income tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2005/06 apply throughout this


(c) Reduction of income tax liability by investing in unquoted shares
The two forms of investment
Income tax relief is available for investments in venture capital trusts (VCTs) and enterprise investment scheme (EIS) shares.
A VCT is a quoted company that invests in shares in a number of unquoted trading companies. EIS shares are shares in
qualifying unquoted trading companies.
The most suitable investment for Arthur and Cindy is a VCT for the following reasons.
– An investment in a VCT is likely to be less risky than investing directly in EIS companies as the risk will be spread over
a greater number of companies.
– The tax deduction is 40% of the amount invested as opposed to 20% for EIS shares.
– Dividends from a VCT are not taxable whereas dividends on EIS shares are taxed in the normal way.

4 Whilst acknowledging the importance of high quality corporate reporting, the recommendations to improve it are

sometimes questioned on the basis that the marketplace for capital can determine the nature and quality of corporate

reporting. It could be argued that additional accounting and disclosure standards would only distort a market

mechanism that already works well and would add costs to the reporting mechanism, with no apparent benefit. It

could be said that accounting standards create costly, inefficient, and unnecessary regulation. It could be argued that

increased disclosure reduces risks and offers a degree of protection to users. However, increased disclosure has several

costs to the preparer of financial statements.


(a) Explain why accounting standards are needed to help the market mechanism work effectively for the benefit

of preparers and users of corporate reports. (9 marks)

(a) It could be argued that the marketplace already offers powerful incentives for high-quality reporting as it rewards such by
easing or restricting access to capital or raising or lowering the cost of borrowing capital depending on the quality of the entity’s
reports. However, accounting standards play an important role in helping the market mechanism work effectively. Accounting
standards are needed because they:
– Promote a common understanding of the nature of corporate performance and this facilitates any negotiations between
users and companies about the content of financial statements. For example, many loan agreements specify that a
company provide the lender with financial statements prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles or International Financial Reporting Standards. Both the company and the lender understand the terms and
are comfortable that statements prepared according to those standards will meet certain information needs. Without
standards, the statements would be less useful to the lender, and the company and the lender would have to agree to
create some form. of acceptable standards which would be inefficient and less effective.
– Assist neutral and unbiased reporting. Companies may wish to portray their past performance and future prospects in
the most favourable light. Users are aware of this potential bias and are sceptical about the information they receive.
Standards build credibility and confidence in the capital marketplace to the benefit of both users and companies.
– Improve the comparability of information across companies and national boundaries. Without standards, there would be
little basis to compare one company with others across national boundaries which is a key feature of relevant
– Create credibility in financial statements. Auditors verify that information is reported in accordance with standards and
this creates public confidence in financial statements
– Facilitate consistency of information by producing data in accordance with an agreed conceptual framework. A consistent
approach to the development and presentation of information assists users in accessing information in an efficient
manner and facilitates decision-making.

(ii) Comment briefly on how divisional managers might respond to the results achieved and ONE potential

problem that might be experienced by Our Timbers Ltd. (2 marks)


4 (a) The purpose of ISA 510 ‘Initial Engagements – Opening Balances’ is to establish standards and provide guidance

regarding opening balances when the financial statements are audited for the first time or when the financial

statements for the prior period were audited by another auditor.


Explain the auditor’s reporting responsibilities that are specific to initial engagements. (5 marks)

(a) Reporting responsibilities specific to initial engagements
For initial audit engagements, the auditor should obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence that:
■ the opening balances do not contain misstatements that materially affect the current period’s financial statements;
■ the prior period’s closing balances have been correctly brought forward to the current period (or, where appropriate, have
been restated); and
■ appropriate accounting policies are consistently applied or changes in accounting policies have been properly accounted
for (and adequately presented and disclosed).
If the auditor is unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence concerning opening balances there will be a limitation
on the scope of the audit. The auditor’s report should include:
■ a qualified (‘except for’) opinion;
■ a disclaimer of opinion; or
■ in those jurisdictions where it is permitted, an opinion which is:
– qualified (or disclaimed) regarding the results of operations (i.e. on the income statement); and
– unqualified regarding financial position (i.e. on the balance sheet).
If the effect of a misstatement in the opening balances is not properly accounted for and adequately presented and disclosed,
the auditor should express a qualified (‘except for’ disagreement) opinion or an adverse opinion, as appropriate.
If the current period’s accounting policies have not been consistently applied in relation to opening balances and if the change
has not been properly accounted for and adequately presented and disclosed, the auditor should similarly express
disagreement (‘except for’ or adverse opinion as appropriate).
However, if a modification regarding the prior period’s financial statements remains relevant and material to the current
period’s financial statements, the auditor should modify the current auditor’s report accordingly.

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