






1. 听力一般是场景交谈,日常对话,英语广播,复合式听写之类的素材。前两项的难度和大学英语六级考试难度差不多。主要是后两个项目,英语广播大多都是BBC的新闻,没有什么特别的技巧,主要平时要多听BBC的新闻,熟悉一下说话速度和方式。复合式听写是听力中比较难的部分,需要先听一段标准语速的文章录音,然后理解到,再按照题目要求作答。

2. 阅读理解,由一般阅读和快速阅读两个部分组成。一般阅读就和普通大学英语六级考试一样阅读文章然后做题。快速阅读要求在10分钟左右看完6到7篇文章,理解到文章大意之后,将文章后面的题目做出来即可。据以往的考试题目来看,这些题目都是比较简单的题目,不会要求考生细细思考文章的中心内容与思想,主要是为了检测考生的快速阅读能力和抓取关键信息的能力,如果考生在平时的学习中,有特别注重这方面的培养,这种快速阅读应该是很好拿分的。

3. 改错方面,对比大学英语四六级考试,增加了逻辑方面的改错内容,这个部分也是比较难的,要将文章修改为逻辑清晰,语句流畅的文章才行,同时还要保留文章的主要内容。

4. 翻译部分有汉译英和英译汉。备考的时候,可以多看看关于翻译类的书籍,学学他人的翻译技巧。然后多练习,平时在生活中,可以多听英文歌,多看英文电影,还可以用英文和朋友对话。

5. 写作部分要求围绕考试题目写一篇300字左右的短文,平时备考的时候,就可以用英语写写日记,记录一下每天发生的事情,由此来锻炼自己的写作和语言组织能力。


下面小编为大家准备了 专四专八考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

As can be gathered from the passage, before 1910 the normal running time of a film was probably ______.

A.15 minutes or less

B.between 15 and 30 minutes

C.between 30 and 45 minutes

D.1 hour or more


听力原文: Now European finance ministers are expected to reprimand the Irish government today after they meet in Brussels. They've been alarmed by December's budget in the Irish Republic which cut taxes and increased government spending. The other European countries fear this will stoke up inflation and undermine the stability of the Euro, the single currency.

Finance ministers from the European Unions 15 states are holding their regular monthly meeting in Brussels. They've been given the tricky task of handing out some public criticism to the government of the country with the most successful economy, the Irish Republic. In the last five years Ireland has boomed growing by an average eight percent a year, unemployment has reached its lowest level for 20 years and commodity prices in Dublin became more expensive than in London.

Why do other European countries criticize Ireland?

A.They worry that the Irish Republic's budget plan will undermine the stability of European Unions.

B.EU countries fear that Irish Republic's finance plan will cause inflation.

C.Other countries will have to cut taxes.

D.Other EU countries must increase government spending, too.


Charles thinks that nowadays running a small shop becomes increasingly difficult ______.

A.so his shop will surely go bankrupt

B.but his shop will surely make good money

C.and the only way to save his shop is to change the government

D.because it's hard to keep up with the rising cost


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