



(1)New Zealand is a South Pacific country located midway between the Equator and the South Pole, with a land of 268,105 square kilometers and a population of over three million.



(2)When the washing cycle is over, the machine fries the plates and glasses with its own heart, and indeed they can be left inside until they are needed for the next meal.




To manage apartment living in school successfully, the students must learn to do their own washing and cleaning, and even buy and cool their own food.

(2) 据估计,全球毒品的贸易额已经达到每年4000亿美元之巨。吸毒者约占全世界人口的3%。

It is estimated that the global trade volume in illicit drugs averages US$400 billion each year. Illicit drug consumption involves about 3 percent of the world‘s population.

(3) 微型电脑就像一台附加了电视屏幕的打字机,能广泛的操作,可以为孩子提供电子游戏,还可以记录圣诞费用。

The microcomputer resembles a typewriter with an attached TV screen and can perform a wide range of tasks from providing children with electronic games to keeping up-to-date Christmas lists.


(1)The process of democratization has made much headway in China, the world‘s most populous country with 900 million farmers.


(2)Because it combines sight, sound, movement and color, television gives advertisers many ways of catching customers‘ attention.




Old people become more worried about their health as they grow older, and about their safety if they live in big cities.

(2)说起中餐, 人们都知道中餐烹饪以其“色、香、味、型”俱全而闻名于世。

Talking about Chinese food, it is popular recognized that Chinese cuisine is would-famous for its perfect combination of “color, aroma, taste and appearance”.


The fundamental task of our work in science and education is to elevate the ideological and ethical standards, the scientific and cultural level of the entire nation and its creative capabilities.


下面小编为大家准备了 专四专八考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

He bought a photocopier ______.

A.by accident

B.because he couldn't find a place to make a photocopy

C.because there was no place nearby to provide the photocopy service

D.because all sorts of people need it



Directions: Translate the following text into Chinese.

This is an exciting moment, where the torch and torch relay route will be presented to the world. The Olympic flame carried by the torch and passed around the world from the torch bearer to torch bearer will stimulate the excitement in the peoples across the globe and foucus on the attention at the coming Beijing Games.

By traveling along the historical "Silk Road", a symbol of ancient trade links between China and the rest of the world, crossing the five continents and going to new places, the Beijing 2008 Torch Relay will, as its theme says, be a "journey of harmony", bringing friendship and respect to people of different nationalities, races and creeds.

正确答案:这是一个令人激动的时刻北京2008年奥运会火炬和火炬接力路线将向世人公布。奥林匹克圣火通过火炬手手中的火炬在世界范围内手手相传将会激起全世界人民对即将到来的北京奥运会的热情与关注。 通过穿越具有历史意义的丝绸之路这一象征古代中国与世界联系的贸易之路行经世界五大洲并且到访奥林匹克圣火不曾到过的地方北京奥运会火炬接力就像其主题“和谐之旅”所诠释的将会把友谊和尊重带给不同民族不同种族以及不同信仰的人们。
这是一个令人激动的时刻,北京2008年奥运会火炬和火炬接力路线将向世人公布。奥林匹克圣火通过火炬手手中的火炬在世界范围内手手相传,将会激起全世界人民对即将到来的北京奥运会的热情与关注。 通过穿越具有历史意义的丝绸之路这一象征古代中国与世界联系的贸易之路,行经世界五大洲,并且到访奥林匹克圣火不曾到过的地方,北京奥运会火炬接力就像其主题“和谐之旅”所诠释的,将会把友谊和尊重带给不同民族,不同种族以及不同信仰的人们。

Why are the lions in the Git Forest especially vulnerable to disease?

A.They are physically weaker than the African lions.

B.They are small in size.

C.They do not have enough to eat.

D.They have descended from a dozen or so ancestors.


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