

图书名称: 全国各类成人高考复习考试辅导教材(专科起点升本科) 大学语文 (第16版)

者: 吴相洲

定价: 45.00

ISBN号: 9787040507805

出版社: 高等教育出版社

开本: 16

装帧: 平装

出版日期: 2019-1-1

印刷日期: 2019-1-12019年成人高考

下面小编为大家准备了 专升本 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

Public goods are those commodities from whose enjoyment nobody can be effectively excluded.Everybody is free to enjoy the benefits of these commodities,and one person′s utilization does not?reduce the possibilities of anybody else′s enjoying the same good.
Examples of public goods are not as rare as one might expect.A flood control dam is a public?goods.Once the dam is built,all persons living in the area will benefit--irrespective of their own?contribution to the construction cost of the dam.The same holds tree for highway signs or aids to navigation.Once a lighthouse is built,no ship of any nationality can be effectively excluded from the utilization?of the lighthouse for navigational purposes.National defense is another example.Even a person who voted?against military expenditures or did not pay any taxes will benefit from the protection afforded.
It is no easy task to determine the social costs and social benefits associated with public goods.There is no practicable way of charging drivers for looking at highway signs,sailors for watching a?lighthouse,and citizens for the security provided to them through national defense.Because the market does not provide the necessary signals,economic analysis has to be substituted for the impersonal?judgement of the marketplace.

Which of the following statements best describes the organization of the first two paragraphs?

A.Suggestions for the application of an economic concept are offered.
B.Several generalizations are presented from which various conclusions are drawn.
C.Persuasive language is used to argue against a popular idea.
D.A general concept is defined and then examples are given.

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