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更多 “投资(Investment)” 相关考题
考题 A low rate of domestic industrial investment coupled with a very high rate of overseas investment is still a characteristic of the UK economy.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 The cost method of accounting for stock( ) A、recognizes dividends as incomeB、is only appropriate as part of a consolidationC、requires the investment be increased by the reported net income of the investeeD、requires the investment be decreased by the reported net income of the investee

考题 (b) Calculate the internal rate of return of the proposed investment and comment on your findings. (5 marks)

考题 2 Alpha Division, which is part of the Delta Group, is considering an investment opportunity to which the followingestimated information relates:(1) An initial investment of $45m in equipment at the beginning of year 1 will be depreciated on a straight-line basisover a three-year period with a nil residual value at the end of year 3.(2) Net operating cash inflows in each of years 1 to 3 will be $12·5m, $18·5m and $27m respectively.(3) The management accountant of Alpha Division has estimated that the NPV of the investment would be$1·937m using a cost of capital of 10%.(4) A bonus scheme which is based on short-term performance evaluation is in operation in all divisions within theDelta Group.Required:(a) (i) Calculate the residual income of the proposed investment and comment briefly (using ONLY the aboveinformation) on the values obtained in reconciling the short-term and long-term decision views likely tobe adopted by divisional management regarding the viability of the proposed investment. (6 marks)

考题 Net foreign investment 净国外投资

考题 Net investment 净投资

考题 The low level of current investment has serious ________ for future economic growth.A indicationsB implicationsC symbolizationsD representations

考题 The economy in this city was ()by the new investment from abroadA、cancelledB、boomedC、buriedD、crowded

考题 听力原文:The primary objective of financial reporting is to provide information useful for making investment and lending decisions.(6)A.The financial reporting is to provide information for the investors and lenders only.B.The main aim of financial reporting is to offer information useful for decision-making.C.Investment and lending decisions can be made from the financial reporting.D.Investment and lending decisions can not be made from the financial reporting.

考题 Underwriting simply means that the investment banker promises to buy the (56) . The investment banks help design the securities and buy it from the (57) with the intent of selling it to (58) as quickly as possible. Usually, the issue is not subscribed to in its entirety by the (59) investment banker but is (60) among other institutions as well.(41)A.securitiesB.stockC.bondD.funds

考题 According to the passage, underwriting simply means ______.A.that the investor promises to buy the securitiesB.that the investment banker promises to sell the securitiesC.that the investment banker promises to buy the securitiesD.that the investor promises to sell the securities

考题 The actual marketing for new issues ______.A.is usually done by investment bankers indirectly to the publicB.is, most of the time, done by the companies directly to the publicC.is never done by the companies directly to the publicD.is usually done by the investment banker directly to the public

考题 下列哪项不是机构投资者?( )A.投资基金(Investment Funds);B.养老基金(Pesion Funds) ;C.捐赠基金(Endowment Funds) ;D.保险公司;E.个人

考题 The following items below would affect the investors income for the period, they are (). A.the periodic net income of the investee under the costB.interest received on a temporary investment in bondsC.interest received on a long-term investment in bondsD.dividends received on a long-term investment in stock where the investor owns 30 of the investees stockE.dividends received on a long-term investment in stock where the investor owns 10 of the investees stock

考题 The_______ will be used to help young writers to publish their works.A、feeB、capitalC、fundD、investment

考题 Ordinarily, a corporation owning a significant portion of the voting stock of another corporation accounts for the investment using the equity method.()

考题 PV Co is evaluating an investment proposal to manufacture Product W33, which has performed well in test marketing trials conducted recently by the company’s research and development division. The following information relating to this investment proposal has now been prepared.Initial investment $2 millionSelling price (current price terms) $20 per unitExpected selling price inflation 3% per yearVariable operating costs (current price terms) $8 per unitFixed operating costs (current price terms) $170,000 per yearExpected operating cost inflation 4% per yearThe research and development division has prepared the following demand forecast as a result of its test marketing trials. The forecast reflects expected technological change and its effect on the anticipated life-cycle of Product W33.It is expected that all units of Product W33 produced will be sold, in line with the company’s policy of keeping no inventory of finished goods. No terminal value or machinery scrap value is expected at the end of four years, when production of Product W33 is planned to end. For investment appraisal purposes, PV Co uses a nominal (money) discount rate of 10% per year and a target return on capital employed of 30% per year. Ignore taxation.Required:(a) Identify and explain the key stages in the capital investment decision-making process, and the role ofinvestment appraisal in this process. (7 marks)(b) Calculate the following values for the investment proposal:(i) net present value;(ii) internal rate of return;(iii) return on capital employed (accounting rate of return) based on average investment; and(iv) discounted payback period. (13 marks)(c) Discuss your findings in each section of (b) above and advise whether the investment proposal is financially acceptable. (5 marks)

考题 一个项目的投资回报率ROI(Return of Investment)是度量企业从一项投资中获得的回报总量与投资总量之间关系的百分率。根据表3-14给出的数据,计算该项目的年平均投资回报率(annual ROI)。

考题 The world's energy watchdog has sounded the alarm over a"worrying"pause in the shift to clean energy after global investment in renewables fell 7%to$318bn(~240bn)last year.The International Energy Agency said the decline is set to continue int0 2018,threatening energy security,climate change and air pollution goals.Fossil fuels increased their share of energy supply investment for the first time since 2014,to$790bn,and will play a significant role for years on current trends,the IEA said.Investment in coal power dropped sharply but was offset by an uptick in oil and gas spending,the World Energy Investment repoit found..Dr Fatih Birol,the executive director of the IEA,said of the renewables fall:"We are seeing a decrease,which is disappointing.And more disappointing is we see the signs this decline may continue this year-this is a worrying trend."Fossil fuels'share of energy investment needs to drop t0 40%by 2030 to meet climate targets but instead rose fractionally t0 59%in 2017.World leaders'warm words on renewables and energy efficiency needed to be matched with action,Birol said,urging govemments to create less investment uncertainty for green energy.Globally,energy investment fell 2%to$1.8tn in 2017,with electricity taking a bigger share than oil and gas for the second year in a row.The decline in renewable power generation spending was mostly down to falls in wind power and hydro but solar hit record levels despite becoming cheaper to install.While coal investment fell to its lowest level in 10 years,spending on gas-fired power stations rose 40%.Nuclear power fell sharply to the lowest level of investment in five years.In the oil and gas industry,rising prices have helped investment in production rise 4%last year and is expected to grow 5%this year.The US's shale boom will drive much of the groivth,and frackers are on track to achieve positive free cashflow this year,for the first time.The US is not expected to pump enough extra crude to bring down oil prices,though.Birol said"Us shale growth is very welcome growth for badly needed additions but this growth alone will not be enough to balance out the markets.Outside the US,investment in conventional oil and gas projects remains subdued and Birol said the world faced"major difficulties"if investment was not stepped u Motorists spent S 43bn on fully electric cars and plug-in hybrids last year,accounting for half of global growth in car sales.However,the battery-powered cars are not seriously denting oil demand yet the IEA said Governments are increasing investment in energy markets,either directly through state-owned firms or indirectly via investments policies and regulation,which Birol said was a surprising development Birol suggested that the leaders shouldA.ensure the supply of green energy B.call for the public to use the new ener C.match the energy efficiency with the new ener D.spur sustained investment in renewable energy

考题 The world's energy watchdog has sounded the alarm over a"worrying"pause in the shift to clean energy after global investment in renewables fell 7%to$318bn(~240bn)last year.The International Energy Agency said the decline is set to continue int0 2018,threatening energy security,climate change and air pollution goals.Fossil fuels increased their share of energy supply investment for the first time since 2014,to$790bn,and will play a significant role for years on current trends,the IEA said.Investment in coal power dropped sharply but was offset by an uptick in oil and gas spending,the World Energy Investment repoit found..Dr Fatih Birol,the executive director of the IEA,said of the renewables fall:"We are seeing a decrease,which is disappointing.And more disappointing is we see the signs this decline may continue this year-this is a worrying trend."Fossil fuels'share of energy investment needs to drop t0 40%by 2030 to meet climate targets but instead rose fractionally t0 59%in 2017.World leaders'warm words on renewables and energy efficiency needed to be matched with action,Birol said,urging govemments to create less investment uncertainty for green energy.Globally,energy investment fell 2%to$1.8tn in 2017,with electricity taking a bigger share than oil and gas for the second year in a row.The decline in renewable power generation spending was mostly down to falls in wind power and hydro but solar hit record levels despite becoming cheaper to install.While coal investment fell to its lowest level in 10 years,spending on gas-fired power stations rose 40%.Nuclear power fell sharply to the lowest level of investment in five years.In the oil and gas industry,rising prices have helped investment in production rise 4%last year and is expected to grow 5%this year.The US's shale boom will drive much of the groivth,and frackers are on track to achieve positive free cashflow this year,for the first time.The US is not expected to pump enough extra crude to bring down oil prices,though.Birol said"Us shale growth is very welcome growth for badly needed additions but this growth alone will not be enough to balance out the markets.Outside the US,investment in conventional oil and gas projects remains subdued and Birol said the world faced"major difficulties"if investment was not stepped u Motorists spent S 43bn on fully electric cars and plug-in hybrids last year,accounting for half of global growth in car sales.However,the battery-powered cars are not seriously denting oil demand yet the IEA said Governments are increasing investment in energy markets,either directly through state-owned firms or indirectly via investments policies and regulation,which Birol said was a surprising development Which of the following statement can be inferred from Paragraph 2?A.Decline of the investment in green energy will hinder global climate goals B.The investment in clean energy has dropped dramatically since 2014 C.Fossil fuels continue to account for the majority of increased energy D.The investment in oil and gas will remain on a decreasing trend by 2030

考题 The world's energy watchdog has sounded the alarm over a"worrying"pause in the shift to clean energy after global investment in renewables fell 7%to$318bn(~240bn)last year.The International Energy Agency said the decline is set to continue int0 2018,threatening energy security,climate change and air pollution goals.Fossil fuels increased their share of energy supply investment for the first time since 2014,to$790bn,and will play a significant role for years on current trends,the IEA said.Investment in coal power dropped sharply but was offset by an uptick in oil and gas spending,the World Energy Investment repoit found..Dr Fatih Birol,the executive director of the IEA,said of the renewables fall:"We are seeing a decrease,which is disappointing.And more disappointing is we see the signs this decline may continue this year-this is a worrying trend."Fossil fuels'share of energy investment needs to drop t0 40%by 2030 to meet climate targets but instead rose fractionally t0 59%in 2017.World leaders'warm words on renewables and energy efficiency needed to be matched with action,Birol said,urging govemments to create less investment uncertainty for green energy.Globally,energy investment fell 2%to$1.8tn in 2017,with electricity taking a bigger share than oil and gas for the second year in a row.The decline in renewable power generation spending was mostly down to falls in wind power and hydro but solar hit record levels despite becoming cheaper to install.While coal investment fell to its lowest level in 10 years,spending on gas-fired power stations rose 40%.Nuclear power fell sharply to the lowest level of investment in five years.In the oil and gas industry,rising prices have helped investment in production rise 4%last year and is expected to grow 5%this year.The US's shale boom will drive much of the groivth,and frackers are on track to achieve positive free cashflow this year,for the first time.The US is not expected to pump enough extra crude to bring down oil prices,though.Birol said"Us shale growth is very welcome growth for badly needed additions but this growth alone will not be enough to balance out the markets.Outside the US,investment in conventional oil and gas projects remains subdued and Birol said the world faced"major difficulties"if investment was not stepped u Motorists spent S 43bn on fully electric cars and plug-in hybrids last year,accounting for half of global growth in car sales.However,the battery-powered cars are not seriously denting oil demand yet the IEA said Governments are increasing investment in energy markets,either directly through state-owned firms or indirectly via investments policies and regulation,which Birol said was a surprising development What is the main reason for the falling investment in the renewable power generation?A.The complicated investment procedures B.The drop in the demand of the green en C.The decline in wind power and hydro D.The lack of financial support and channels

考题 Thousands of employees chose Enron as their sole investment option mainly because( ) A.the 401(k) made them responsible for their own future. B.Enron offered to add company stock to their investment. C.their employers intended to cut back on pension spending. D.Enron s offer was similar to a defined-benefit plan.

考题 浙江省交通投资集团有限公司标志由 “CICO”四个字符构成,其全英文意思是()A、Communications Information COMPANYB、China Investment COMPANYC、Traffic Industry COMPANYD、Communications Investment COMPANY

考题 下列哪项不是机构投资者()A、投资基金(Investment Funds)B、养老基金(Pesion Funds)C、捐赠基金(Endowment Funds)D、保险公司E、个人

考题 单选题The nation’s fledgling economy struggled because the investment from other countries into its major industries was lacking from most of them.A because the investment from other countries into its major industries was lacking from most of themB because few other countries were willing to invest in its major industriesC due to the fact that few other countries would have invested in its major industriesD because of the lack of investment from few other countries in its major industriesE for the lack of investment in its major industries from other countries

考题 单选题下列哪项不是机构投资者()A 投资基金(Investment Funds)B 养老基金(Pesion Funds)C 捐赠基金(Endowment Funds)D 保险公司E 个人

考题 名词解释题投资需求曲线(Investment demand curve)