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Theory of income distribution 收入分配理论


更多 “Theory of income distribution 收入分配理论” 相关考题
考题 Which theory(s) prescribes a form. of participative management?A . theory XB . theory YC . theory ZD . A or BE . B or C

考题 Which of the following statements is in agreement with McGregor's concepts concerning Theory X and Theory Y managers?A . Theory X managers view subordinates as being lazy, irresponsible, and resistant to changeB . Theory Y managers view subordinates as being imaginative, creative, and willing to accept responsibilityC . Theory X managers tend to be autocratic whereas Theory Y managers are more likely to delegate responsibilityD . A and B.E . All of the above

考题 141 Which of the following statements is in agreement with McGregor's concepts concerning Theory X and Theory Y managers?A. Theory X managers view subordinates as being lazy, irresponsible, and resistant to changeB. Theory Y managers view subordinates as being imaginative, creative, and willing to accept responsibilityC. Theory X managers tend to be autocratic whereas Theory Y managers are more likely to delegate responsibilityD. A and B.E. All of the above

考题 70 Which theory(s) prescribes a form. of participative management?A. theory XB. theory YC. theory ZD. A or BE. B or C

考题 Disposable income 可支配收入( DI)

考题 Personal income 个人收入

考题 Theory of income distribution 收入分配理论

考题 —() — In most cases, it is the total income received. A. What does taxable income refer to?B. Why do you want to know taxable income?C. When do you start to learn taxable income?

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考题 听力原文:The tax return does not show accrued income.(8)A.The tax return is not shown in the income.B.The income is not accurate in taxation.C.The tax should be returned according to the income.D.The tax return is not in accordance with the income that should be taxed.

考题 The other main source of revenue for a bank is fee income, or called ______ income.A.interestB.commissionC.serviceD.net

考题 The income statement is prepared from (). A.the income statement columns of the work sheetB.the adjusted trial balanceC.either the adjusted trial balance or the income statement columns of the work sheetD.both the adjusted trial balance and the income statement columns of the work sheet

考题 对下面的个人所得税程序中满足语句覆盖测试用例的是()If(income800)taxrate=0;elseif(income=1500)taxrate=0.05;elseif(income2000)taxrate=0.08;elsetaxrate=0.1;A、income=(800,1500,2000,2001B、"income=(800,801,1999,2000)"C、"income=(799,1499,2000,2001)"D、"income=(799,1500,1999,2000)"

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考题 收入补偿的需求曲线( Income-compensated demand curve)

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考题 单选题The author’s main purpose in writing the last paragraph of the passage was to ______.A explain how cold viruses are transmittedB prove that a poor diet causes coldsC discuss the relationship between income and frequency of coldsD analyze the distribution of income among the people in the study

考题 单选题Since red flags are likely to be raised at the IRS by the reporting of gambling income, business owners who declare their income as business revenue is less likely to receive an audit.A Since red flags are likely to be raised at the IRS by the reporting of gambling income, business owners who declare their income as business revenue is less likely to receive an andit.B Because the reporting of gambling income is likely to raise red flags at the IRS, business owners can reduce their chances of receiving an audit by declaring that income as business revenue.C Business owners can reduce their chances of receiving an audit by declaring the income as business revenue, since the reporting of gambling income is likely to raise red flags at the IRS.D Their chances of receiving an audit are reduced by business owners who report that income as business revenue. because the reporting of gambling income is likely to raise red flags at the IRS.E The reporting of that income as business revenue can reduce the chances of business owners of receiving an audit, because of the red flags not having been raised at the IRS by the reporting of gambling income.

考题 单选题Income Income may be national income and personal income. Whereas national income is defined as the total earned income of all the factors of production-namely, profits, interest, rent, wages, and other compensation for labor, personal income may be defined as total money income received by individuals before personal taxes are paid. National income does not equal GNP (Gross National Product) because the factors of production do not receive payment for either capital consumption allowances or indirect business taxes, both of which are included in GNP. The money put aside for capital consumption is for replacement and thus is not counted as income. Indirect taxes include sales taxes, property taxes , and excise taxes that are paid by businesses directly to the government and so reduce the income left to pay for the factors of production. Three-fourths of national income goes for wages, salaries, and other forms of compensation to employees. Whereas national income shows the income that the factors of production earn, personal income measures the income that individuals or households receive. Corporation profits are included in national income because they are earned. Out of these profits, however, corporation profit taxes must be paid to the government, and some money must be put into the business for expansion. Only that part of profits distributed as dividends goes to the individual; therefore, out of corporation profits only dividends count as personal income. The factors of production earn money for social security and unemployment insurance contributions, but this money goes to government (which is not a factor of production), not to individuals. It is therefore part of national income but not part of personal income. On the other hand, money received by individuals when they collect social security or unemployment compensation is not money earned but money received. Interest received on government bonds is also in this category, because much of the money received from the sale of bonds went to pay for war production and that production no longer furnishes a service to the economy. The money people receive as personal income may be either spent or saved. However, not all spending is completely voluntary. A significant portion of our income goes to pay personal taxes. Most workers never receive the money they pay in personal taxes, because it is withheld from their paychecks. The money that individuals are left with after they have met their tax obligations is disposable personal income. Disposable income can be divided between personal consumption expenditures and personal savings. It is important to remember that personal saving is what is left after spending. It can be easily seen from this passage that the government levies tax on()A corporation profitsB every individual even though his income is very lowC those who work in joint venturesD those who work in government departments

考题 单选题Income Income may be national income and personal income. Whereas national income is defined as the total earned income of all the factors of production-namely, profits, interest, rent, wages, and other compensation for labor, personal income may be defined as total money income received by individuals before personal taxes are paid. National income does not equal GNP (Gross National Product) because the factors of production do not receive payment for either capital consumption allowances or indirect business taxes, both of which are included in GNP. The money put aside for capital consumption is for replacement and thus is not counted as income. Indirect taxes include sales taxes, property taxes , and excise taxes that are paid by businesses directly to the government and so reduce the income left to pay for the factors of production. Three-fourths of national income goes for wages, salaries, and other forms of compensation to employees. Whereas national income shows the income that the factors of production earn, personal income measures the income that individuals or households receive. Corporation profits are included in national income because they are earned. Out of these profits, however, corporation profit taxes must be paid to the government, and some money must be put into the business for expansion. Only that part of profits distributed as dividends goes to the individual; therefore, out of corporation profits only dividends count as personal income. The factors of production earn money for social security and unemployment insurance contributions, but this money goes to government (which is not a factor of production), not to individuals. It is therefore part of national income but not part of personal income. On the other hand, money received by individuals when they collect social security or unemployment compensation is not money earned but money received. Interest received on government bonds is also in this category, because much of the money received from the sale of bonds went to pay for war production and that production no longer furnishes a service to the economy. The money people receive as personal income may be either spent or saved. However, not all spending is completely voluntary. A significant portion of our income goes to pay personal taxes. Most workers never receive the money they pay in personal taxes, because it is withheld from their paychecks. The money that individuals are left with after they have met their tax obligations is disposable personal income. Disposable income can be divided between personal consumption expenditures and personal savings. It is important to remember that personal saving is what is left after spending. This passage is mainly about()A the difference between national income and GNPB the difference between national income and personal incomeC the concept of incomeD the difference between disposable income and nondisposable income

考题 单选题Income tax rates are()to one's annual income.A relatedB dependentC basedD associated

考题 单选题Income Income may be national income and personal income. Whereas national income is defined as the total earned income of all the factors of production-namely, profits, interest, rent, wages, and other compensation for labor, personal income may be defined as total money income received by individuals before personal taxes are paid. National income does not equal GNP (Gross National Product) because the factors of production do not receive payment for either capital consumption allowances or indirect business taxes, both of which are included in GNP. The money put aside for capital consumption is for replacement and thus is not counted as income. Indirect taxes include sales taxes, property taxes , and excise taxes that are paid by businesses directly to the government and so reduce the income left to pay for the factors of production. Three-fourths of national income goes for wages, salaries, and other forms of compensation to employees. Whereas national income shows the income that the factors of production earn, personal income measures the income that individuals or households receive. Corporation profits are included in national income because they are earned. Out of these profits, however, corporation profit taxes must be paid to the government, and some money must be put into the business for expansion. Only that part of profits distributed as dividends goes to the individual; therefore, out of corporation profits only dividends count as personal income. The factors of production earn money for social security and unemployment insurance contributions, but this money goes to government (which is not a factor of production), not to individuals. It is therefore part of national income but not part of personal income. On the other hand, money received by individuals when they collect social security or unemployment compensation is not money earned but money received. Interest received on government bonds is also in this category, because much of the money received from the sale of bonds went to pay for war production and that production no longer furnishes a service to the economy. The money people receive as personal income may be either spent or saved. However, not all spending is completely voluntary. A significant portion of our income goes to pay personal taxes. Most workers never receive the money they pay in personal taxes, because it is withheld from their paychecks. The money that individuals are left with after they have met their tax obligations is disposable personal income. Disposable income can be divided between personal consumption expenditures and personal savings. It is important to remember that personal saving is what is left after spending. Which of the following statements is true according to the first paragraph?()A GNP equals national income plus indirect business taxes.B GNP excludes both capital consumption allowances and indirect business taxes.C Personal income is regarded as the total money income received by an individual after his or her taxes are paid.D The money that goes for capital consumption is not regarded as income.

考题 单选题The passage proceeds by ______.A presenting a difficulty in one aspect of understanding a theory, suggesting why one solution was dismissed, and then looking at a specific example to support this dismissalB presenting a difficulty in one aspect of understanding a theory, suggesting why one solution was dismissed, and then offering evidence to support a new theoryC presenting a difficulty in one aspect of understanding a theory, suggesting that another theory is superior, and then showing why this second theory should be acceptedD presenting a difficulty in one aspect of understanding a theory, suggesting a new theory to explain the evidence, and then offering evidence that the dismissal was too hastyE presenting a difficulty in one aspect of understanding a theory, suggesting why one solution was dismissed, and then offering evidence that the dismissal was too hasty Questions

考题 名词解释题Disposable income 可支配收入( DI)

考题 名词解释题收入补偿的需求曲线( Income-compensated demand curve)

考题 名词解释题Theory of income distribution 收入分配理论