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Please fill in this visitor’s ().

  • A、registry book
  • B、exercise book
  • C、seaman’s book
  • D、record book


更多 “Please fill in this visitor’s ().A、registry bookB、exercise bookC、seaman’s bookD、record book” 相关考题
考题 营业员对邮件的包装建议语句是()。A.Please fill in the forms.B.Please change your packing box.C.I suggest you put some cushioning material in it.D.Please complete the forms.

考题 A: Excuse me, where is the nearest bank, please? B:(). A、It's not sureB、That's all rightC、It's next to the newsagent

考题 Clerk: Please fill out the form.Guest: All right. , please?Clerk: It's August, the thirteenth.A. What day is it todayB. What's the numberC. What's the date todayD. What's the time now

考题 “请填单。”译成英文有()。 A、Please complete the forms.B、Fill out the forms,please.C、please show methe contents.D、Please fill in the forms.

考题 Would you please ( ) this registration form A.fill outB.fill withC.full ofD.full with

考题 It's rather cold in here. Do you mind if I close the window?().A. No, go ahead.B. Yes, please.C. Sure, please.

考题 I'd like to apply for a library card.()A. Are you a student?B. With pleasureC. Fill out the application form. first, please.

考题 I had better explain that I was a ______ visitor to the headmaster ’s study.A: rareB: sillyC: strangeD: frequent

考题 ()our S/C No.44 in duplicate for your signature and please return one copy for our file. A、Enclose please findB、We are enclosedC、WE encloseD、Enclosing please find

考题 ___you please fill in the__ ? A.Could,registration fromB.Would , registration fromC.Can ID cardD.Did,registration form

考题 Please fill the three baskets () flowers. A、ofB、byC、forD、with

考题 下面哪些句子正确表达"请填写这张表格。"() A、Please fill in this form.B、Please fill this form.C、Please fill on this form.D、Please fill out this form.

考题 Please (填写)_____ this visitor’s registry book.A.fill withB.fill inC.fill awayD.fill up

考题 A:Good morning. Phil Watson's office. B:()AMynameisDonBradley.BHello.CanIspeaktoPhilWatson,please?CCanyoutakeamessage,please?DI’lltryhismobile.

考题 -- Hello, could I speak to Don please? --()AWho are youBWhat’s the problemCAre you JaneDWho’s speaking?

考题 Please fill out this registration form的中文意思是()。A、请您填写登记表B、请您确认预订C、请把浴缸的水充满D、请把门关上

考题 Please (填写)()this visitor’s registry book.A、fill withB、fill inC、fill awayD、fill up

考题 下列常用服务用语中汉英对照正确的有()A、您准备住多久?How long do you intend to stay?B、欢迎下榻本饭店。Welcome to our hotel!C、请您出示证件。Please sign here.D、请填写入住登记表。Please fill out the registration form.

考题 营业员对邮件的包装建议语句是()。A、Please fill in the forms.B、Please change your packing box.C、I suggest you put some cushioning material in it.D、Please complete the forms.

考题 Please fill in this form.”中文含义是()

考题 fill()this Application form,please.A、withB、/C、inD、on

考题 单选题A:Good morning. Phil Watson's office. B:()A MynameisDonBradley.B Hello.CanIspeaktoPhilWatson,please?C Canyoutakeamessage,please?D I’lltryhismobile.

考题 单选题Please (填写)()this visitor’s registry book.A fill withB fill inC fill awayD fill up

考题 多选题下列常用服务用语中汉英对照正确的有()A您准备住多久?How long do you intend to stay?B欢迎下榻本饭店。Welcome to our hotel!C请您出示证件。Please sign here.D请填写入住登记表。Please fill out the registration form.

考题 单选题_____A He’s the boss.B He’s a visitor.C He’s a new employee.D He’s the woman’s friend.

考题 填空题Please fill in this form.”中文含义是()

考题 单选题Please fill in this visitor’s ().A registry bookB exercise bookC seaman’s bookD record book

考题 单选题Hello, is Tom in? -()A Who's speaking, please?B How's everything going?C Who's this?D Hold on, please. Wrong number!