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()(国旗) should be put on the stern of the ship.

  • A、Bridge
  • B、Ensign
  • C、design
  • D、Engine room


更多 “()(国旗) should be put on the stern of the ship.A、BridgeB、EnsignC、designD、Engine room” 相关考题
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考题 Ms. Wright demanded that the urgent report ____________ on her desk by 5 p.m. today.A、should putB、will be putC、is putD、be put

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考题 ()all we should put the theory into practice.ABesideBToCAboveDOf

考题 ()all we should put the theory into practice.A、BesideB、ToC、AboveD、Of

考题 在船上应当日落时降下国旗.()A、We should lower national flag when the sun sets.B、We should lower national flag when the ship is in port.C、We should lower national flag when loading and unloading.D、We should lower national flag when the sun rises.

考题 The signals that will be used for emergency should be clearly ()(列出).A、put outB、set outC、set onD、put on

考题 You should lower the ensign when the sun sets.()A、日出时应该升国旗。B、日出时应该降国旗。C、日落时应该降国旗。D、日落时应该升国旗。

考题 日落降国旗。()A、The ensign should be hoisted when the sun rises.B、The ensign should be lowered when the sun rises.C、The ensign should be hoisted when the sun sets.D、The ensign should be lowered when the sun sets.

考题 单选题The 4th paragraph suggests that ______.A questions are often put to the more intelligent studentsB alphabetically disadvantaged students often escape from classC teachers should pay attention to all of their studentsD students should be seated according to their eyesight

考题 单选题在船上应当日落时降下国旗.()A We should lower national flag when the sun sets.B We should lower national flag when the ship is in port.C We should lower national flag when loading and unloading.D We should lower national flag when the sun rises.

考题 单选题()(国旗) should be put on the stern of the ship.A BridgeB EnsignC designD Engine room

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考题 单选题As soon as the ship gets alongside the wharf, you should lower the gangway and put a ()below it.A safety netB safety beltC safety lampD safety device

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考题 单选题Which of the following is false?()A preparation for stand-by should be organized by engine roomB engine trails should be agreed with bridge, and then do itC As to engine trials of the twin diesels and two propellers, the two diesels should use “slow ahead” at the same timeD After engine trials, the handle of the engine telegraph should be put in the “stop” position

考题 单选题日落降国旗。()A The ensign should be hoisted when the sun rises.B The ensign should be lowered when the sun rises.C The ensign should be hoisted when the sun sets.D The ensign should be lowered when the sun sets.

考题 单选题A fire is discovered in the forepeak of a vessel at sea. The wind is from ahead at 35 knots. You should().A remain on course and hold speedB change course and put the stern to the windC change course to put the wind on either beam and increase speedD remain on course but slack the speed

考题 单选题Before the oily water separator put into operation, it should be ()A filled with bilge waterB filled with oilC filled with clean waterD be emptied

考题 单选题()all we should put the theory into practice.A BesideB ToC AboveD Of

考题 单选题A crew member has just fallen overboard off your port side. Which action should you take?().A Immediately put the rudder over hard rightB Immediately put the rudder over hard leftC Immediately put the engines asternD Wait until the stern is well clear of the man and then put the rudder over hard right

考题 单选题You should hoist the ensign when the sun rises.()A 日出时应该升国旗。B 日出时应该降国旗。C 日落时应该降国旗。D 日落时应该升国旗。

考题 单选题The canopy of an inflatable liferaft should().A go into place as the raft is inflatedB be put up after everyone is aboardC be put up only in severe weatherD be used as a sail if the wind is blowing