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A ()is at the end of the cargo runner for picking up the load.

  • A、sling
  • B、hook
  • C、block
  • D、tackle


更多 “A ()is at the end of the cargo runner for picking up the load.A、slingB、hookC、blockD、tackle” 相关考题
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考题 有以下程序:includeusing namespace std;{public:TestClass(int r1,int r2){R1=r1;R2 有以下程序: #include<iostream> using namespace std; { public: TestClass(int r1,int r2) { R1=r1; R2=r2; } void print(); void print() const; private; int R1,R2; }; void TestClass::print() { cout<<R1<<","<<R2<<end1; } void Testclass::print() const cout<<R1<<","<<R2<<end1; } int main() { TestClass a(5,4); const TestClass b(20,52); b.print(); return 0; } 执行后的输出结果是( )。A.5,4B.20,52C.0,0D.4,5

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考题 在窗体中添加一个标签LblResult和一个命令按钮Command1,然后编写程序。程序的功能是单击命令按钮,计算1+2+3+4+5的值,并把结果转化为字符串显示在标签内,能够实现上述功能的程序段是, ( )A.Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim I,R As Integer For I=1 To 5 Step 1 R=R+I Next LblResult. Name=Str$ (R) End SubB.Private Sub Command1_ClickO Dim I,R As Integer For I=1 To 5 Step 1 R=R+I Next LblResult. Caption= Str$ (R) End SubC.Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim I,R As Integer Do While I<5 R=R+I I=I+1 Loop LblResult. Caption=Str$ (R) End SubD.Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim I,R As Integer Do R=R+I I=I+1 Loop While I<5 LblResult. Caption=Str$ (R) End Sub

考题 有以下程序:includeusing namespace std;class R{public:R(int r1,int r2){R1=rl;R2= 有以下程序: #include<iostream> using namespace std; class R { public: R(int r1,int r2) { R1=rl; R2=r2; } void print(); void print()const; private: int R1,R2; }; void R::print() { cout<<R1<<","<<R2<<end1; } void R::print() const { cot<<R1<<","<<R2<<end1; } int main() { Ra(5,4); const R b(20,52); b.print(); return 0; } 执行后的输出结果是A.5,4B.20,52C.0,0D.4,5

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考题 A whipping is ______.A.a messengerB.a stopper for nylon lineC.a U-bolt for securing a cargo whip to the winch drumD.turns of twine around a rope end

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考题 分析下面的PASCAL程序,给出正确的运行结果() PROGRAM mx(input,output); VAR R,s,t:integer; PROCEDURE change(a,b:integer); VAR T:integer; BEGIN A:=3*a; B:=2*b; T:=a+b; End; BEGIN R:=2;s:=4;t:=6; Change(r,s); Writeln(‘r=’,r,’s=’,s,’t=’,t)End.A、r=2 s=4 t=6B、r=2 s=4 t=14C、r=6 s=8 t=6D、r=6 s=8 t=14

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考题 单选题Your vessel has a midships engine room and the cargo is concentrated in the end holds.The vessel is().A sagging with tensile stress on main deckB sagging with compressive stress on main deckC hogging with tensile stress on main deckD hogging with compressive stress on main deck

考题 单选题分析下面的PASCAL程序,给出正确的运行结果() PROGRAM mx(input,output); VAR R,s,t:integer; PROCEDURE change(a,b:integer); VAR T:integer; BEGIN A:=3*a; B:=2*b; T:=a+b; End; BEGIN R:=2;s:=4;t:=6; Change(r,s); Writeln(‘r=’,r,’s=’,s,’t=’,t)End.A r=2 s=4 t=6B r=2 s=4 t=14C r=6 s=8 t=6D r=6 s=8 t=14

考题 单选题A whipping is().A a messengerB a stopper for nylon lineC a U-bolt for securing a cargo whip to the winch drumD turns of twine around a rope end

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考题 单选题A ()is at the end of the cargo runner for picking up the load.A slingB hookC blockD tackle