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Placing a filter on the () of an oily water separator will "polish" the discharge but overloading must be avoided.

suction side


discharge side


by-pass pipe


sampling pipe


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更多 “单选题Placing a filter on the () of an oily water separator will "polish" the discharge but overloading must be avoided.A suction sideB discharge sideC by-pass pipeD sampling pipe” 相关考题
考题 How to operate oily water separator?

考题 When started, a complete oily water separating unit is first filled ______. The oily water mixture is then pumped through the inlet pipe into the coarse separating compartment.A.with dirty waterB.with clean waterC.by oily waterD.by mixed water

考题 The requirement to carry an Oil Record Book does not apply to a ship that ______.A.is not equipped to discharge overboard any oil or oily mixtureB.is on an international voyage to a country that is a party to MARPOLC.has an International Oil Pollution Prevention CertificateD.has an oily water separator of sufficient capacity for the oil wastes generated

考题 单选题Which of the following pumps will most affect oily water separator performance and give the worst result?()A reciprocating pumpB vane pumpC screw pumpD centrifugal pump

考题 单选题Placing a filter on the () of an oily water separator will "polish" the discharge but overloading must be avoided.A suction sideB discharge sideC by-pass pipeD sampling pipe

考题 单选题Which of the following pumps is most suitable for an oily water separator?()A reciprocating pumpB vane pumpC mono pumpD axial-flow pump

考题 单选题The following measures can be used to improve oily water separator’s separating effect except ()A overhauling every two yearB working at intervalsC renewing filtration materialD pumping bilge water from different layers respectively

考题 单选题The ()is fitted on an oily water separator.A sliding bowl bottomB gravity discC bowlD liquid level detector

考题 单选题Which of the equipment listed is most effective in processing bilge slops for overboard discharge?()A 100PPM oily water separatorB Assembling the lube oil purifier as a separator and aligning bilge overboardC A 15PPM oily water separatorD A magnetic duplex strainer

考题 单选题A new ocean going ship of 2000 gross tons having an inoperative oily water separator may dispose of its bilge slops by ().A holding its slops onboard until they can be pumped into the city sewer systemB circulating them through the lube oil purifier to remove water and debrisC holding its slops onboard until they can be discharged to a shore side reception facilityD pumping them into a settling tank for separation before pumping the oily water residue overboard

考题 单选题To assist separation of low viscosity oils steam coils or electric heaters are fitted () of the oily water separator.A in entranceB in exitC in the upper partD on the outside

考题 单选题Which of the following is wrong about operation of oily water separator?()A filled with clean water before operationB keep air cushion in oil collecting space during runningC check oil level during runningD clean inner separator with low pressure stream

考题 单选题When oily water separator is operating, which measure () is wrong.A pay attention to operating parametersB renew and clean separating units in timeC check oil level in separator to prevent overloadD check separating effect, if it is bad, flush with large capacity water pump

考题 单选题The pressure difference of the gauge on the oily water separator increases greatly, the reason is()A the filter is cloggedB bilge suction value is cloggedC suction value and discharge value of the pump do not open fullyD screw pump is worn seriously and volumetric efficiency is decreased

考题 单选题In an oily water separator the oil will travel () to the oil collecting spaces.A upwardsB downwardsC outwardsD forwards

考题 单选题After stopping oily water separator, sea water should be permitted for () minutes,()should be closed after stopping pump to reduce oxidation corrosion of inner wall.A 15;inlet valueB 15;inlet and outlet valueC 30;inlet valueD 30;inlet and outlet value

考题 单选题Before the oily water separator put into operation, it should be ()A filled with bilge waterB filled with oilC filled with clean waterD be emptied

考题 单选题The most suitable pump for oily water separator feed duties is ().A a reciprocating pumpB a vane pumpC a centrifugal pumpD a triple screw pump

考题 单选题The pump used to send the bilge water into the oily water separator()the mixture because this might create finer oil particles.A should agitateB should not agitateC should mix upD should not add up

考题 单选题Oily water separator mis-alarms, the most possible reason is ()A separating oil too fastB the sensor flushed badlyC the discharge solenoid value out of orderD too low heating temperature

考题 单选题Because the flow rate of supply water pump is too large, oily water separator does not work wellWhich of the following is not the reason?()A the monitoring equipment is out of orderB separating effect becomes badC inner wall is contaminatedD separating effect becomes bad and inner wall is contaminated

考题 单选题Here some oil in the oily water separator, as a result of its lower (), will separate and rise into the oil collection space.A temperatureB viscosityC densityD velocity

考题 单选题What’s the advantage of oily water separator that meets the requirement of MEPC 60(33) over MEPC 107(49)?()A more economicB larger capacity on oil treatmentC less costiveD more capable of separating emulsified oil

考题 单选题One of the reasons that cause oil flowed from sludge outlet of a self-cleaning separator is()A seal water supply be cut offB make up water supply be cut offC oil outlet valve closed or not open sufficientlyD the flow rate of oily water is too much

考题 单选题If separating effect is not good, we can improve it by ()A flushing separator with hot waterB increasing water supply flowC heat oily water properlyD opening manual oil discharge value

考题 单选题In which case is the IOPP Certificate of an inspected vessel NOT invalidated? ()A The required oily-water separator malfunctionsB The ship is transferred to Liberian registryC An annual survey is conducted fifteen months after the date of certificate issuanceD A 15 ppm oily-water separator is replaced by a 100 ppm oily-water separator

考题 单选题The requirement to carry an Oil Record Book does not apply to a ship that().A is not equipped to discharge overboard any oil or oily mixtureB is on an international voyage to a country that is a party to MARPOLC has an International Oil Pollution Prevention CertificateD has an oily water separator of sufficient capacity for the oil wastes generated

考题 单选题Which of the following liquids can ordinarily be discharged overboard without being processed through an oily water separator?()A Cargo tank ballastB Segregated ballastC Engine room bilgesD Cargo pump room bilges