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更多 “单选题患儿,女,10个月,因面色苍白2个月来医院就诊。患儿生后单纯母乳喂养,未添加辅食。查体:精神萎靡,营养发育较差,反应迟钝,皮肤黏膜和甲床苍白,头发枯黄,前囟2cm×3cm,心、肺无异常,肝肋下2cm,脾肋下1.5cm。血红蛋白70g/L,血涂片见红细胞体积小、含色素低。应采取的措施是()A 输血治疗B 口服铁剂C 口服叶酸D 口服维生素CE 肌注维生素B12” 相关考题
考题 多选题When HSRP is configured on a network, which two of these items are provided, which are shared between the routers that run HSRP ?() (choose two)AShared single interfaceBIP AddressCTCP-based hello packetsDMAC address

考题 单选题An reap was supporting 16 wlans, but now it only supports one. What happened to cause the change?()A controller connectivity has been lost.B the access point lost its configuration.C the access point was rebooted.D an access point firmware upgrade is in progress.

考题 多选题Which of the following are TACACS+ characteristics?(Choose all that apply.)()ACisco proprietaryBStandards-based protocolCProvides separate services for authentication, authorization, and accountingDEncrypts only the passwordEUses UDP for a transport layerFEncrypts the entire packet

考题 单选题以下不属于语言发育中发音阶段的行为是()A 发喉音B 发啊、咿、呜等元音C 发辅音D 模仿成人的口唇动作练习发音E 有意识的叫爸爸、妈妈

考题 单选题患儿,女,8岁,因眼睑水肿、肉眼血尿4天伴头痛以急性肾小球肾炎收住入院,现已住院2周,出现下列哪项表现时该患儿可以恢复正常生活()A 水肿消退、血压降至正常B 肉眼血尿消失C 红细胞沉降率正常D Addis计数正常E 病后1~2个月

考题 多选题When installing a cisco wcs,which two ports can be changed during installation?()AhttpsBtftpCrmiDhttpEftp

考题 单选题婴儿腹泻引起的等渗性脱水,第1天补液宜用的液体是()A 1/2张含钠液B 1/3张含钠液C 1/4张含钠液D 2/3张含钠液E 等张含钠液

考题 单选题Why should iBGP sessions be fully meshed within a Transit AS?()A BGP requires redundant TCP sessions between iBGP peers.B Routes learned via eBGP are never propagated to other iBGP peers.C A full mesh allows for optimal routing within the Transit AS.D Routes learned via iBGP are never propagated to other eBGP peers.E Routes learned via iBGP are never propagated t o other iBGP peers.

考题 单选题下列哪项指标是脱水患儿经补液后血容量已恢复的主要指标?(  )A 口舌湿润,无口渴B 皮肤弹性恢复C 眼窝凹陷恢复D 血压恢复正常E 尿量增加

考题 单选题The IOS of a North American Cisco Aironet 1130AG Series standalone access point has becomecorrupt. You must therefore reload the TFTP firmware. Before you press and hold the MODEbutton, you should verify that the file name is which of the following?()A c1130-k9w7-tar.bootB c1130-k9w7-tar.defaultC c1130-k9w7-tar.recoverD c1130-k9w7-tar.123-7.JA1.tar

考题 单选题There are 30 managed access points on the WLSE. A radio scan is started but fails. Upon inspection of the device list in the reports tab, you notice a red indicator on the WDS access point.Upon inspection of the WDS access point through its GUI, it is discovered that the security keys arenot set up between the WDS access point and the WLSE. Which of the following is misconfigured?()A SNMP communitiesB Telnet/SSH user/passwordC WLCCP credentialsD HTTP user/password

考题 单选题患儿,1岁半,诊断为缺铁性贫血,需口服铁剂治疗。护士对家长进行应用铁剂的指导,其中不正确的是(  )。A 注意观察药物反应,可能有恶心、排便异常等B 应在两餐之间服药,减少对胃肠道的刺激C 可与牛奶同时服用,利于铁剂吸收D 可用吸管服药,以减轻牙齿染黑E 患儿大便呈黑色是正常现象,停药后可恢复正常

考题 单选题Which wireless service component is associated with maintaining historical and current information about the WLAN solution?()A Acceptance Test PlanB Change ManagementC Incident ManagementD Configuration Management

考题 单选题健康男婴,6个月。出生体重为3.6kg,身长为53cm,头围33cm,来医院做健康检查。 若该婴儿正常发育,预计该婴儿可以做的动作为()A 坐B 滚C 爬D 站E 走

考题 单选题When should you enable Network Address Translation Transparency (NAT-T) on the Teleworker?()A when a router between the Teleworker router and the head-end VPN router is doing NAT/pNAT and does not support IPSec pass-through B when the Teleworker router itself is doing NAT/pNATC alwaysD never

考题 多选题Which two differentiators make RSTP the preferred protocol for preventing Layer 2 loops in a switchednetwork environment?() (Choose two.)AFeatures such as UplinkFast and BackboneFast are compatible with RSTP.BAn RSTP that is based on Cisco products generally performs better than the Cisco proprietary 802.1D enhancements.CCisco proprietary enhancements are not transparent.DInformation about port roles is sent to all switches.ERSTPs that are based on Cisco products require no additional configuration.

考题 单选题女婴,胎龄40周出生。出生体重2900g,身长50cm,皮肤红润,胎毛少,足底纹理较多。 该女婴母乳喂养,吸吮好,哺后安睡,生后4天体重下降7%,查体:反应好,面色红润,心肺(-),该女婴体该新生儿最可能是()A 早产儿B 足月儿C 足月小样儿D 过期产儿E 大于胎龄儿

考题 单选题Which Cisco solution was developed to let you create separate networks on one SAN; thus providingyou with improved availability, security, and backup? ()A Cisco Direct Attached StorageB Cisco Direct Storage Area NetworkC Cisco Virtual Storage Area NetworkD Cisco Virtual Attached Storage Network

考题 单选题Which traffic descriptor s can be recognized and categorized by cisco quality of service(qos)features?()A  incoming interface.outgoing interface.ip precedence.and differentiated services code P.oint(DSCP).B  Incoming interace.ip precedence.differentiated services code point(DSCP),and source or d.estination address.C  Outgoing interface.ip precedence.differentiated services code point(DSCP).and source or d.estination address.D  Incoming interface .outgoing interface.ip precedence and differentiated code point s.ervices(DCPS)E  Incoming interface .ip precedence .and source or destination address. F  Outgoing interface.ip precedence .and source or destination address.

考题 单选题患儿女,3岁。患急性支气管炎,按医嘱需用头孢拉定抗感染。已知头孢拉定针剂(粉剂)每瓶0.5g,小儿用量为每天50mg/kg,每天2次,肌内注射。护士每次应抽取的量是()A 2.5mlB 3mlC 3.5mlD 4mlE 4.5ml

考题 单选题Which tool enables easy configuration and monitoring of Cisco ISRs? ()A Cisco MWAMB Cisco SDMC Cisco NAC ApplianceD Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express

考题 单选题以下哪些内容是路由信息中所不包含的()A  源地址B  下一跳C  目标网络D  路由权值

考题 单选题降低颅内压,首选治疗措施是(  )。A 50%葡萄糖B 呋塞米C 20%甘露醇D 乙酰唑胺E 腰穿减压

考题 单选题急性颅内压增高已出现脑疝症状时首先选用治疗是(  )。A 乙酰唑胺B 20%甘露醇C 50%葡萄糖D 地塞米松E 腰穿降颅压

考题 单选题For a lightweight access point to participate in aggressive load balancing,it must have heard the client for how many seconds?()A 15B 10C 1D 5

考题 单选题The Prescott Shovel Company wants to upgrade its Cisco Unity Express from a Cisco Unified CallManager Express integration to a Cisco Unified CallManager integration. Which statement is true?()A A special hybrid license is required. B The Cisco Unity Express license must be changed. C The Cisco Unity Express license does not need to be changed. D The license file names are identical, which allows them to be interchanged as long as the module itself is not being upgraded.

考题 多选题What are two ways to minimize the delay of VoIP packets that are traversing a network?()AUse WFQ, CBWFO, and LLO to prioritize delay-sensitive packetsBUse WFO, CBWFO, and LLO to compress the payload.CGive TCP packets priority over UDP packets.DUse control plane policing for cRTP queuing.EUse stacker and predictor to compress the payload.

考题 单选题患儿男,4岁。确诊为动脉导管未闭,准备近日行扁桃体切除术,术前准备最重要的是()A 避免劳累B 防止受凉C 注射青霉素D 使用镇静剂E 用强心苷类药物