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更多 “单选题对腰麻后头痛的预防措施是()A 给预防性止痛药B 给镇静剂C 麻醉后去枕平卧6~8小时D 静脉输液E 针刺疗法” 相关考题
考题 单选题Your virtual environment includes a Windows Server 2008 R2 Hyper-V failover cluster. You manage the environment by using Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) 2008 R2. You need to configure the live migration network priorities for all virtual machines (VMs). What should you do?()A Enable Cluster Shared Volumes (CSVs).B In Failover Cluster Manager, edit the properties of a single VM.C In Virtual Network Manager, edit the properties of the virtual network.D In Hyper-V Manager, take each VM offline and edit the settings of each VM.

考题 单选题剧烈频繁呕吐可引起()A 呼吸性酸中毒B 呼吸性碱中毒C 代谢性酸中毒D 代谢性碱中毒E 混合性酸中毒

考题 单选题You create a Web Form for the acceptance of donations. Users type donation amounts by using a TextBox control named txtAmount. The donation amount must be between 10 dollars and 10,000 dollars. You add the following RequiredFieldValidator and RangeValidator. During testing you learn that when users fail to enter values before submitting the Web Form to the server, the message "Please enter a value" appears, as shown below. You need to ensure that the message appears immediately following the txtAmount TextBox control without extra spaces. What should you do? ()A In the RangeValidator, set the Display property to Dynamic.B In the RangeValidator, set the Display property to Static.C In the RequiredFieldValidator, set the Display property to Dynamic.D In the RequiredFieldValidator, set the Display property to Static.

考题 单选题You work as the IT professional in an international company which is named Wiikigo. You are experiencedin implementing and administering a network operating system.You are specialized in deploying servers,configuring Windows Server 2008 Terminal services and network application services,and configuring aweb services infrastructure. There is a single Active Directory domain in your network. The networkcontains a Terminal Server that runs Windows Server 2008, and client computers that run Windows Vista.All computers are members of the domain. You use the TS RemoteApp Manager to deploy an application.The Terminal Servers security layer is set to Negotiate. You have to make sure that domain users are notprompted for credentials when they access the application.  What action should you perform to make sureof this?()A The Credential Delegation settings in the local Group Policy should be modified on the server.B The Password Policy settings in the local Group Policy should be modified on the server.C The Credential Delegation settings in the local Group Policy should be modified on all client computers.D The Password Policy settings in the local Group Policy should be modified on all client computers.

考题 单选题有机磷农药中毒时使用解磷定必须遵循以下哪种原则()A 量小B 缓给C 尽早、重复、首剂足量D 间断给药E 与碱性药同用

考题 多选题You create a Web Form. You need to add controls that use adaptive rendering to display content. The type of content rendered must depend on the device that is requesting the page. What are two possible ways to achieve this goal?()AAdd custom controls that emit XHTML to the Web Form.BAdd custom controls that emit WML to the Web Form.CAdd mobile controls to the Web Form.DAdd Web server controls to the Web Form.

考题 单选题患儿,8岁,因"高热3天,昏迷、抽搐1天"于2005年8月3日入院。查体温39.8℃,脉搏120次/分,双侧瞳孔不等大,对光反应迟钝,颈强直(+)。下列做法中,错误的是()A 酒精擦浴B 冰帽降温C 亚冬眠疗法D 20%甘露醇静脉推注E 立即腰穿,进行脑脊液的相关检查

考题 单选题导致风湿性二尖瓣狭窄患者死亡的最常见并发症是()A 脑血栓B 心房纤颤C 充血性心力衰竭D 亚急性感染性心内膜炎E 急性肺水肿

考题 单选题某患者葡萄胎刮宫术后4个月,仍有少量阴道流血,血hCG明显高于正常,胸部X线片显示片状阴影,病理报告:未见绒毛结构。最可能的诊断是()A 再次葡萄胎B 结核C 侵蚀性葡萄胎D 宫外孕E 绒毛膜癌

考题 单选题完全胃肠外营养()A 营养支持时间在2周以内B 营养支持时间在2周以上C 将多种自然食物混合成半液体状膳食D 人工配置的各种分子水平的营养成分E 用静脉途径输入生理需要的全部营养要素

考题 单选题以下不适宜行痛点注射的疾病是()A 肩周炎B 肱骨外上髁炎C 腱鞘炎D 腰肌劳损E 脉管炎

考题 单选题患者,男性,45岁,有慢性乙型病毒性肝炎病史多年,因肝区疼痛1周来就诊,体格检查肝大,可扪及结节,B超怀疑肝癌。下列哪项检查对患者诊断无任何意义()A 肝CT检查B 甲胎蛋白测定C 肝穿刺活检D 肝血管造影E 血淀粉酶测定

考题 单选题You work in a company which uses SQL Server 2008. You are the administrator of the company database. Now you are in charge of a SQL Server 2008 instance which is named Instance01. Instance01 contains a database which is named Dworks. The bulk-logged recovery mode is used by the Dworks database. You log ship the Dworks database through a WAN link. A scheduled job rebuilds the indexes of the Dworks database. You find that the size of the log backups for log shipping has been enlarged by the job. Now you have to reduce the size of the log backup.  So what action should you perform to achieve this goal?()A You should recreate the indexes. B You should compress the log file backups C You should make the Dworks database use the Full recovery mode D You should make the Dworks database use the Simple recovery mode.

考题 单选题下面那个代码段正确的增加了一个TextBox控件到一个名为form1的Web窗体上?()A TextBox c = new TextBox(); c.ID = txtUserName; c.Visible = true;B TextBox c = new TextBox(); c.ID = txtUserName; c.Visible = true; c.Controls.Add(form1);C TextBox c = new TextBox(); c.ID = txtUserName; c.Visible = true; c.Add(form1);D TextBox c = new TextBox(); c.ID = txtUserName; c.Visible = true; form1.Controls.Add(c);

考题 单选题女性,30岁,不慎被锐器划破面部皮肤12小时,检查左面颊皮肤全层裂开约3cm,有血痂。目前伤口的处理原则是()A 伤口清创不缝合B 不清创,伤口处理后换药C 清创后延期缝合D 清创后一期缝合E 伤口内应用抗生素

考题 单选题中骨盆横径也称坐骨棘间径,平均值约为()A 9cmB 10cmC 12cmD 13cmE 15cm

考题 单选题在社会和医学实践中最容易产生争议的是()A 被动自愿安乐死的实施B 主动自愿安乐死的实施C 被动非自愿安乐死的实施D 主动非自愿安乐死的实施E 任何一种安乐死的实施

考题 单选题苏某,男性,22岁,因交通事故致头部受伤,当即出现昏迷,4h后收治人院,患者仍处于持续昏迷状态,对刺痛有睁眼和躲避反应,只能发声,剧烈呕吐两次,查体见视乳头水肿,血压升高,脉搏缓慢有力,呼吸深慢。下列哪项护理问题与该患者无关()A 有发生脑疝的危险B 营养失调:低于机体需要量C 意识障碍D 清理呼吸道无效E 疼痛

考题 单选题成人每天蛋白质的需要量是()A 0.5~1.0g/kgB 1.0~1.5g/kgC 1.5~2.0g/kgD 2.0~2.5g/kgE 2.5~3.0g/kg

考题 多选题Your company has more than 1,000 client computers.  You deploy Windows 7 by using six different images.  A driver that is included in the images needs to be replaced.   You have the following requirements:   Update the Windows 7 images with the new driver. Ensure that the old driver is no longer available.    You need to define an image-update strategy that meets the requirements.   What are two possible ways to achieve this goal?()AMount each image by using the Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) tool, and then copy the newdriver into a new folder in the image.BMount each image by using the Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) tool, and then delete the olddriver and inject the new driver.CMount each image by using ImageX,and then install the new driver.DDeploy each image to a reference computer, and then uninstall the old driver and install the new driver. Capture the new image

考题 单选题您需要创建一个将用于部署 Windows 7 的虚拟硬盘 (VHD)文件。该解决方案必须将使用VHD造成的性能影响减到最少。您应该创建哪种类型的VHD?()A 不同的磁盘B 动态扩充的磁盘C 固定大小的磁盘D 快照

考题 单选题下列出血性疾病中,属于凝血功能异常的是()A 过敏性紫癜B 维生素C缺乏症C 血小板减少性紫癜D 新生儿出血症E 遗传性毛细血管扩张症

考题 单选题链霉素的主要不良反应为()A 末梢神经炎B 高尿酸血症C 过敏反应D 听力障碍E 球后视神经炎

考题 单选题You work in a company which uses SQL Server 2008. You are the administrator of the company database. Now you are in charge of a SQL Server 2008 instance which contains a database. Now your company CIO assigns a task to you. You have to check the performance of the SQL Server 2008 instance. You have to find out which common language runtime (CLR) queries takes the longest-running time.  So in the options below, which dynamic management view should you choose to use?()A sys.dm_os_wait_stats B sys.dm_exec_requests C sys.dm_exec_sessions D sys.dm_exec_query_stats

考题 单选题女性型骨盆耻骨弓角度是()A 50°B 60°C 70°D 80°E 90°

考题 单选题你的SQL Server 2005数据库包含一个有500,000,000行数据的表。其中,一些是历史数据,一些是当前的数据。你需要在一个服务器上对数据进行分区,以提高性能和优化管理。你应该怎么做?()A 进行水平分区B 进行垂直分区C 进行原始分区(raw partition)D 进行分布式分区(distributed partitioning)

考题 单选题患者,男性,50岁,2型糖尿病10年,近半个月来发现双下肢水肿,并逐渐加重,常感乏力、头晕,遂来医院就诊,查血浆白蛋白25g/L,血清胆固醇及三酰甘油升高,血肌酐、尿素氮正常,查体:血压170/110mmHg,双下肢重度可凹性水肿。该患者可能的诊断为()A 急性肾小球肾炎B 慢性肾小球肾炎C 肾病综合征D 肾盂肾炎E 慢性肾衰竭

考题 单选题你有一台运行Windows 7的计算机,你有一个名为app1.msi的应用程序安装包。你需要执行app1.msi的自定义安装。你该怎么做?()A 创建一个名为app1.mst的转换文件,然后运行Msiexec.exe /i app1.msi /t app1.mst.B 创建一个名为app1.mst的转换文件,然后运行Msinfo32.exe /i app1.msi /t app1.mst.C 创建一个名为app1.msp的更新文件,然后运行 Msiexec.exe /i app1.msi /update app1.msp. D 创建一个名为app1.msp的更新文件,然后运行Msinfo32.exe /i app1.msi /update app1.msp.