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更多 “单选题患儿男,4个月。人工喂养,因惊厥入院,患儿每日惊厥5~6次,每次约半分钟,入院查血钙1.7mol/L,诊断手足搐搦症,入院后患儿再次惊厥。对该患儿正确的护理措施是()A 抱起患儿紧急送到抢救室B 约束患儿肢体防止撞伤C 口腔内放压舌板以防舌咬伤D 针刺人中穴止惊E 将患儿放于平卧位大声呼唤患儿” 相关考题
考题 单选题As a network administrator, you have configured a Catalyst 6500 Series Switch with redundant supervisor engine in a CIS network. What is the result of issuing the redundancy force-switchover command on that switch?()A Automatic switchover from active to standby on primary supervisor failureB Reset of the primary supervisor.C Manual switchover from active to standby supervisorD Manual switchover from standby to active supervisor

考题 多选题Which two statements about the IS -IS routing protocol are true?()AIS - IS is capable of supporting IPv4 and IPv6.BIS - IS is only capable of supporting IPv4 and CLNS.CIS - IS routers use ES - IS hellos (ESH) to establish and to maintain neighbor relationships.DIS - IS routers run the Bellman - Ford algorithm against their LSDBs to pick the best paths.ELevel 1 routers learn about paths within the area of which they are a part.FLevel 2 routers learn about paths both within areas and between areas.

考题 单选题患儿女,7个月。因化脓性脑膜炎入院,护士巡视时发现患儿出现喷射性呕吐、烦躁不安,有颅内压增高的可能,此时应给予哪项护理措施?(  )A 加快输液速度,防止休克B 平卧位,保持安静C 腰椎穿刺放脑脊液D 输液速度宜慢,量宜少E 各项护理操作分开进行

考题 单选题本病于下列哪一情况而好转?(  )A 添加辅食B 使用抗生素C 避免饥饿D 停喂母乳E 补液

考题 单选题One of the most important characteristics of OSPF is Multiple areas. Which statement best describes why this feature is such an important enhancement to earlier routing protocols?()A The network domain, when divided into areas, allows for the use of both IANA classful addressing and private addressing.B The use of multiple areas allows for the use of prioritization.C All computation is kept within the area, with minimum communication between the areas,allowing the network to scale to larger sizes.D It is easier to implement security.

考题 单选题Which integrated security feature is not provided by the Cisco Business Ready Teleworker solution?()A Stateful Inspection FirewallB Intrusion Detection SystemC Spam Filtering D 802.1-based AuthenticationE Proxy AuthenticationF URL Filtering

考题 单选题饮食护理正确的是(  )。A 蛋白摄入量控制在每日2g/kgB 长期禁盐C 限制能量摄入D 少食维生素E 服用激素食欲增加者不必限制热量的摄入

考题 单选题On a WLAN controller, what is the default roaming bandwidth percentage reserved for voice clients?()A 6 percentB 12 percentC 18 percentD 24 percent

考题 单选题Which of the characteristics below is associated with the (QoS) Integrated Services Model?()A QoS classified at layer 3 using IP precedence or DSCPB Guaranteed rate serviceC Implemented using FIFO queuesD All traffic has an equal chance of being dropped

考题 单选题Which two commands should be entered on a WLAN controller to remove any residual configuration?()A  Enter the clear controller command followed by the reload command.B  Enter the clear controller command followed by the reset command.C  Enter the clear controller command followed by the reset system command.D  Enter the erase startup-config command followed by the reload command.E  Enter the erase startup-config command followed by the reset command.F  Enter the erase startup-config command followed by the reset system command.

考题 单选题患儿男,臀位产。生后5小时出现呕吐,呈喷射性,伴尖声哭叫、唇稍发绀、体温不升。查体:前囟饱满,心肺正常,拥抱反射消失。疑为新生儿颅内出血。首优的护理诊断为()A 知识缺乏B 营养失调C 自主呼吸紊乱D 焦虑(家长)E 潜在并发症:颅内压增高

考题 单选题What does a Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 7921G deployment require()?A more access points than a data networkB fewer access points than a data networkC less SNR than a data networkD specific relative access point placement

考题 单选题In a deployment using standalone access points, clients set up to authenticate with eap-peap or eap-cisco wireless (cisco-leap) cannot authenticatE.  when you inspect the failed attempts report on the cisco secure acs, you find this error: "unknown network access server nas."  Which problem may have caused this failure?()A misconfigured ip address of the aaa server on the access pointB misconfigured eap type on the access pointC misconfigured ip address of the access point on the aaa serverD misconfigured eap type on the aaa server

考题 单选题新生儿缺血缺氧性脑病的治疗原则不包括()A 支持疗法B 控制惊厥C 控制入量D 治疗脑水肿E 及时复苏

考题 单选题What is the maximum number of hexadecimal characters allowed when configuring the WPA orWPA2passphrase in Cisco ADU?()A 128B 32C 16D 64

考题 单选题患儿男,5岁。因急性肺炎入院2天,查体:T:39℃,P:130次/min,R:25次/min,意识清楚,其余结果正常,在查体过程中突然发生意识丧失,眼球上翻,四肢出现强直性或阵挛性抽动。针对该患儿的护理措施不正确的是()A 松开衣领B 摇晃患儿使其清醒C 在上下牙间垫牙垫D 保持环境安静E 降低体温

考题 单选题患儿,男。早产,日龄1天。有窒息史,嗜睡,反应差,肌张力低,惊厥,查体:前囟张力稍高,拥抱、吸吮反射减弱,初步诊断为新生儿缺血缺氧性脑病。该患儿病情稳定后,促进脑功能恢复的护理是()A 固定肢体在功能位B 维持氧饱和度的稳定C 保证足够的热量供给D 减少探视次数E 动作训练和感知刺激的干预措施

考题 单选题When optimizing a standalone point-to-multipoint bridge installation with eight non-root bridges,which of the following RTS threshold and CWmin settings would be correct for the non-root bridges?()A RTS threshold = 4000, CWmin = 3B RTS threshold = 1, CWmin = 4C RTS threshold = 4000, CWmin = 5D RTS threshold = 1, CWmin = 5

考题 多选题To enable BGP tunneling over the IPv4 backbone, the IPv4 address is convertedinto a valid IPv6 address. Which three IPv6 addresses are acceptable formats for the IPv4address? ()A192.168.30.1:0:0:0:0:0:0B0:0:0:0:0:0:

考题 多选题Which of the following are shared distribution tree characteristics()AMemory requirements are higher for shared distribution tree than for source distributiontree.BCreates a tree from a central RP to all last-hoprouters.CUses a rendezvous point.DAn optimal path is created between each source router and each last-hoprouter.EPlace(S,G)entry in each router’smulticast routing table.FPlace(*,G)entry in a router’smulticast routing to table.

考题 单选题On the Cisco Aironet Access Points connected to a Cisco Unified Wireless LAN controller, which TCLAS queue transmits RTP packets with correct 802.11e QoS markings?()A UPB VOC VID BKE BE

考题 单选题患儿,女,5岁。患有特发性血小板减少性紫癜,因被水果刀割破手指、出血不止入急诊。包扎、服用止血药物无效,出血量约500ml,意识不清,脉搏细速,此时最有效的抢救方法是()A 输注浓缩红细胞B 输注血小板C 输注全血D 输注洗涤红细胞E 输注红细胞悬液

考题 单选题治疗具有严重细胞免疫缺陷患儿的有效措施是(  )。A 免疫重建B 保护性隔离C 输新鲜血D 抗生素预防性治疗E 免疫球蛋白替代疗法

考题 单选题维生素D缺乏性手足搐搦症窒息时(  )。A B C D E

考题 单选题When installing the CRS software on two or more nodes in the same cluster, how do you know it is safe to start installing the next node? ()A Wait until the node is completely installed to start installation on the next one. B After you insert Disk 2. C A dialog box, It is now safe to start installing the next node, appears during the installation. D After Windows OS is installed on the first node.

考题 多选题解决路由环问题的方法有()A水平分割B路由保持法C路由器重启D定义路由权的最大值

考题 单选题新生儿颅内出血进行时,最先的治疗措施为()A 及时注射维生素KB 及时吸氧C 保持安静D 注意保暖E 补充营养

考题 单选题Clients using Cisco-LEAP and EAP-FAST authentication are having no problems logging on to the wirelessnetwork, but clients using PEAP are failing to log on. Which situation would result in this type of problem?()A The AAA server is set to accept both MS-CHAP v2 and GTC for PEAP authentication.B Clients have been set to validate the server identity.C Posture validation has not been enabled.D Clients and server are not using certificates.