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解析: 选项A商用货车以“整备质量每吨”作为计税单位;选项B摩托车按以“每辆”作为计税单位;选项C游艇以“身长度每米”作为计税单位。
更多 “单选题下列关于车船税计税单位确认的表述中,正确的是()。A 商用货车按“每辆”作为计税单位B 摩托车按“排气量”作为计税单位C 游艇按“净吨位每吨”作为计税单位D 专用作业车按“整备质量每吨”作为计税单位” 相关考题
考题 名词解释题角色办演

考题 单选题最早把评价引入课程编制过程中的是()。A 泰勒B 罗杰斯C 布卢姆D 布鲁纳

考题 单选题以下选项中,属于结构节能的举措的是()。A 开发推广节能技术B 降低高耗能产业比重C 加强能源生产监管D 设立严格的节能减排法律法规

考题 单选题在一个玩具加工厂里,生产一种专利玩具的工人接受的培训是()。A 一般培训B 自我培训C 特殊培训D 正规教育

考题 多选题专业技术人员失恋时,短期的心理调适方法有()。A适当的发泄情绪B多参与集体活动C要懂得珍惜自己D清除对方的痕迹

考题 单选题资产负债率的计算公式为( )。A 负债总额/资产总额×100%B 资产总额/负债总额×100%C 流动负债/流动资产×100%D 流动资产/流动负债×100%

考题 单选题Which of the following is not true regarding IOS default settings for administrative distance?()A EIGRPinternal:90B OSPFexternal:110C EIGRPexternal:90D RIP:120E OSPFinternal:110

考题 问答题分析作品:罗丹的《思想者》

考题 单选题利用图形化的符号来显示系统和业务领域的数据流和数据处理的是:()A 业务流程图B 程序结构图C 数据模型D 数据流图

考题 多选题中国特色社会主义的主线有()。A什么是马克思主义,怎样对待马克思主义B建设什么样的党,怎样建设党C什么是社会主义,怎样建设社会主义D实现什么的发展,怎样发展

考题 判断题了解领域背景与特点,确定用户需求和目标是数据预处理中的数据准备。A 对B 错

考题 单选题冷轧带肋钢筋代号为LL,如LL550中数值表示钢筋的()A 最大抗拉强度值B 最小抗拉强度值C 最小抗压强度值D 最大抗压强度值

考题 单选题甲地神鸟公司将3辆车卖给乙地达宇公司,达宇公司将汽车运回期间受到乙地工商局查处。工商局以神鸟公司无法进口汽车证明,达宇公司无准运证从事非法销售运输为由,决定没收3辆汽车。神鸟公司不服该决定提起诉讼。本案受理法院的主要审查对象是()。A 3辆汽车的性质B 神鸟公司销售行为的合法性C 达宇公司购买运输行为的合法性D 工商局处罚决定的合法性

考题 单选题对外人称自己的家人,()是用来称呼比自己辈分高或年长的家长。A 大B 家C 舍

考题 问答题简述内审的方法。

考题 单选题关于HAV,哪项是错误的()。A 粪—口途径传播B 传染源主要是患者C RNA病毒D 长期带病毒者少见E 检测两对半抗原抗体系统做检测

考题 单选题从全球来看,美国以54.7%的Internet用户比率遥遥领先,排在第二位的国家是()。A 日B 加C 中D 英

考题 单选题C/A码的码长度为1023比特,周期为()。A 267天B 1天C 1msD 0.02s

考题 单选题下列选项中,不符合现金管理的基本原则是()A 钱账分管原则B 收付合法原则C 日清月结原则D 禁止坐支现金

考题 判断题注册会计师在对某房地产开发企业进行审计时,鉴于房地产企业的内部控制薄弱及会计核算随意性较大的特点,将审计风险直接评价为高风险。A 对B 错

考题 问答题长沙公积金租房一年可以提取几次?

考题 单选题诺西设备一个GPRS时隙可供好几个用戶同时使用,下行最大用戶数是().A 6B 7C 8D 9

考题 单选题如果某电力市局领导与某电力市局之间建立一个VPN连接,应该建立何种类型的VPN()。A 内部VPNB ISPVPNC 远程VPND Internet VPN

考题 单选题Majored Finance An increase in students (11)to study economics at university is being attributed to (归因于)the global economic crisis awakening a public thirst for knowledge about how the(12)system works. Applications for degree courses beginning this autumn were up by 15% this January, according to UCAS, the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service. A(13)for the Royal Economic Society said applications to do economics at A-level were also up. Professor John Beath, the president of the society and a leading lecturer at St Andrews University, said his first-year lectures—which are open to students from all departments—were (14)crowds of 400, rather than the usual 250. "There are a large number of students who are not (15)majors, who would like to learn something about it. One of the things I have done this year is to relate my teaching to contemporary (16)in a way that one hasn't traditionally done," he added. University applications rose 7% last year. But there were rises above average in several subjects. Nursing saw a 15% jump, with people's renewed interest in (17)in the public sector (部门) ,which are seen as more secure in economic crisis. A recent study showed almost two thirds of parents (18)schools should do more to teach pupils about financial matters, and almost half said their children had asked them what was going on, although a (19)of parents felt they did not understand it themselves well enough to explain. Zack Hocking, the head of child trust funds, said: "It's possible that one good thing to(20)from the downturn will be a generation that's financially wiser and better equipped to manage their money through times of economic uncertainty." 19.()A financialB applyingC careersD minorityE drawingF economicsG believedH purposeI spokesmanJ eventsK eventsL professional

考题 填空题加惰轮的轮系只改变(),不改变()。

考题 名词解释题教育科学

考题 单选题国家支持公平、公开、()的市场竞争A 合理B 合情C 合法D 以上三者都不对

考题 单选题所有权包括四项权能,即占有权、使用权、收益权、处分权。下列选项中属于收益权的是( )。A 出租房屋B 修理房屋C 抵押房屋D 出售房屋