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更多 “单选题锅炉发生腐蚀是因为炉水()。A 碱度太高B 碱度太低C 硬度太高D 硬度太低” 相关考题
考题 单选题A position obtained by crossing lines of position taken at different times and advanced to a common time is a(n) ().A dead-reckoning positionB running fixC estimated positionD fix

考题 单选题()简称为O.O船。A 矿/油两用船B 矿/杂货船C 油/气船D 矿/散货船

考题 单选题关于“能见度不良时使用的声号”的鸣放,下列说法不正确的是:() Ⅰ、在能见度不良的水域中看见他船时应继续鸣放 Ⅱ、在能见度不良的水域中,如在雷达上未发现来船时可不鸣放 Ⅲ、在能见度不良的水域中航行和锚泊或搁浅时应鸣放能见度不良时使用的声号A ⅠB ⅡC Ⅰ、ⅢD Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ

考题 单选题It is necessary to secure the forced ventilation to a compartment where there is a fire to().A allow the exhaust fans to remove smokeB extinguish the fire by carbon monoxide smotheringC prevent additional oxygen from reaching the fireD protect fire fighting personnel from smoke

考题 填空题强降水超级单体风暴通常在低层具有丰富水汽、较低LFC()和弱的对流前逆温层顶盖的环境中得以发展和维持。

考题 单选题柴油机超热负荷主要是指超过(),超机械负荷主要是指超过()。A 允许的最高冷却水温/平均有效压力B 压缩压力/爆发压力C 额定排气温度/额定转矩D 指示功率/平均有效压力

考题 单选题单向阀的基本要求包括()。A 正向流动阻力要小B 反向密封要好C 动作要灵敏D A和B和C

考题 单选题The tailshaft sealing arrangement found a little lube oil leaky and caused a lot of seawater into the bearing, the step should be taken as a makeshift is()A dropping lube oil for lubrication, reducing the pollution to the seaB setting a temporary gravity oil tank and enhanced the position properlyC lubricating with the used lube oilD lubricating with the fresh water and navigation in a lower speed

考题 单选题Which of the following statements represents the main difference between a relay and a contactor?()A Contactors control current and relays control voltageB A relay is series connected and a contactor is parallel connectedC Contactors can handle heavier loads than relaysD Contactors are made from silver and relays are made from copper

考题 单选题Which of the following statements describes one of the functions of the ballast system?()A To permit flooding of any fuel oil storage tank on any class of shipB To use it as a secondary service systemC To store reserve feed or potable water for extended cruisesD To stabilize the ship by flooding certain designed tanks with seawater

考题 单选题If a reciprocating air compressor has a knock occurring in frequency with its operating RPM, the cause is probably ().A misalignment or worn main bearingsB insufficient cylinder lubricationC defective or poorly fitted valvesD all of the above

考题 单选题API分类法按油品质量和适用机型特点把滑油分为()个质量等级。A 3B 4C 9D 18

考题 单选题在液压调速器中补偿针阀开度过大,补偿指针在过大刻度,对反馈的影响是()。A 均使反馈增强B 前者使反馈减弱,后者使反馈增强C 前者使反馈增强,后者使反馈减弱D 使反馈减弱

考题 单选题斜管微压计的特点是()。 Ⅰ.专供测流体压差较小的仪表; Ⅱ.灵敏度较低; Ⅲ.精度较高。A Ⅰ+ⅡB Ⅰ+ⅢC Ⅱ+ⅢD Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ

考题 单选题Halon from extinguishers used on a class B fire,should be directed().A at the top of the flamesB at the base of the fire near the edgeC in short quick burstsD toward the upwind side of the fire

考题 单选题船舶在使用投木块法测定冲程时,其冲程大小表示船移动的距离()A 对地B 对水C A、B都对D A、B都不对

考题 单选题() is a machine by which electrical energy is transformed into mechanical energy.A An alternatorB An electric motorC A diesel engineD A main switchboard

考题 单选题在使用()前,应检查其电源、开关、连接电缆、灯具的水密性能和绝缘电阻情况。A 航行灯及信号灯B 探照灯、运河灯C 闪光灯D 普通照明灯

考题 单选题除施焊间外,必须经()同意方可在机炉舱内实施焊接作业。A 轮机长B 大管轮C 轮机长或大管轮D 轮机长和大管轮

考题 单选题船舶电台NBDP设备电传应答码由()组成A 选呼码B 船名缩写(或呼号)C 字母XD 以上都是

考题 单选题重复喷射最容易发生的工况是()。A 高转速、高负荷B 低转速、高负荷C 高转速、低负荷D 低转速、低负荷

考题 问答题R22制冷剂有哪些主要的性能?

考题 单选题海事卫星的通信资费包括_()。A 陆线费B 岸站费C 空间费D A+B+C

考题 单选题船舶储备浮力的大小是根据()来确定的。 ①船舶的结构;②船舶的用途;③船舶的航行时间;④船舶的航行区域。A ①②③B ①②④C ②③④D ①②③④

考题 单选题带浮动杆机械追随机构的泵控型舵机,由()带动控制系统的反馈信号发送器。A 换向阀B 舵柄C 舵机房的遥控伺服机构D B或C

考题 单选题如果雷达的脉冲宽度为lμs时,不考虑光点尺寸,相应的距离分辨力为()A 37.5米B 75米C 15O米D 300米

考题 单选题()离心泵发生汽蚀后很容易断流。A 低比转数B 中比转数C 高比转数D A和B

考题 单选题互见中,机动船在航时避让从事捕鱼的船舶,下列说法正确的是:() Ⅰ、避让双船对拖网的渔船,应在其船尾或两船外舷安全距离通过 Ⅱ、避让双船对拖网的渔船,应避免从两船中间通过 Ⅲ、避让单船拖网渔船时,从其船尾通过的距离应大于从其船首通过的距离 Ⅳ、避让单船拖网渔船时应避免从其船尾通过A Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、ⅣB Ⅰ、Ⅱ、ⅢC Ⅰ、ⅡD Ⅰ