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更多 “单选题遗传学上把具有显隐性差异的一对性状称为()。A 单位性状B 相对性状C 共显性D 完全显性” 相关考题
考题 单选题在计算机系统中,通常为匹配不同速度的外设,采用了缓冲技术,下列各种类型的缓冲区中,哪一种是错误的?()A 单缓冲区B 双缓冲区C 缓冲池D 高速缓存

考题 判断题杜威所倡导的活动课程主要的意图在于,试图在儿童的现有经验与学科知识所代表的人类种族经验或逻辑经验之间架起一座桥梁,以解决儿童现有经验与学科知识之间明显的脱节问题。( )A 对B 错

考题 判断题塌菜特点在操作上与煎相似,但成品特点却有很大的区别,塌菜质地酥软,味醇,形色美观。A 对B 错

考题 单选题Why is the southern area of the Northern Territory called the Red Centre of Australia?()A Because Uluru is located there.B Because it is extremely hot and dry.C Because it consists of miles and miles of red-sand desert and mountain ranges.D Because it lies in the tropics.

考题 问答题试论法律推理的形式及其作用。

考题 多选题企业集团在国民经济发展中的主要作用有( )。A企业集团是推动国家产业结构调整,促进产业升级的主导力量B企业集团是国家技术创新、变革体系的支撑主体C企业集团是国家技术创新体系的支撑主体D企业集团是市场秩序的自主管理者,可以避免企业之间的过渡竞争、无序竞争E能够很快形成在国际市场中竞争的实力,具有维护国家经济主权的战略作用

考题 单选题急性支气管炎的主要症状()A 发热B 咳嗽C 气促D 发绀E 吐泻

考题 问答题收款凭证、付款凭证和转账凭证各主要栏应怎样填写?

考题 单选题以下哪项内容是对审计委员会工作成效的最大限制:()A 审计委员会中的独立董事组成可能与管理层存在亲密的私人和工作关系B 审计委员会的观点受到公司总裁的限制C 审计委员会注重对利润的追求,忽略社会效益D 审计委员会委员不精通会计和经济方面的知识

考题 填空题状态图反映了状态与()的关系。

考题 多选题以下哪些工具属于金融顾问的数据分析工具()A人员维度KPI数据管理表B车型维度金融信贷KPI数据管理表C金融机构市场份额金融产品结构报表D金融信贷收益报表

考题 单选题物流业是一种()行业。A 生产性B 生活性C 服务性D 消费性

考题 填空题信用证是开证行向受益人作出的()的付款承诺。受益人通过信用证结算要获得货款,必须以提供符合信用证要求的()为前提。

考题 判断题为使蜗杆传动中的蜗轮转速降低一倍,可以不用另换蜗轮,而只采用一个双头蜗杆代替原来的单头蜗杆。A 对B 错

考题 单选题The number of speakers of English in Shakespeare’s time is estimated (估计) to have been about five million. Today it is estimated that some 260 million people speak it as a native language, mainly in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. In addition to the standard varieties of English found in these areas, there are a great many regional and social varieties of the language as well as various levels of usage that are employed both in its spoken and written forms. In fact, it is impossible to estimate the number of people in the world who have acquired an adequate (足够的) working knowledge of English in addition to their own languages. The purpose for English learning and the situations in which such learning takes place are so varied that it is difficult to explain and still more difficult to judge what forms an adequate working knowledge for each situation. The main reason for the widespread demand for English is its present-day importance as a world language. Besides serving the indefinite needs of its native speakers, English is a language in which some of important works in science, technology, and other fields are being produced, and not always by native speakers. It is widely used for such purposes as meteorological and airport communications, international conferences, and the spread of information over the radio and television networks of many nations. It is a language of wider communication for a number of developing countries, especially former British colonies. Many of these countries have multilingual populations and need a language for internal communication in such matters as government, commerce, industry, law and education as well as for international communication and for entrance to the scientific and technological developments in the West.According to the passage, what is the main reason for the widespread use of EnglishA It was popular during Shakespeare’s time.B It is used in former British colonies.C It serves the needs of its native speakers.D It is a world language that is used for international communication.

考题 单选题国债A价格为95元,到期收益率为5%;国债B价格为100元,到期收益率为3%。关于国债A和国债B投资价值的合理判断是()。A 国债A较高B 国债B较高C 两者投资价值相等D 不能确定

考题 单选题对于下列销售收入认定,通过比较资产负债表日前后几天的发货单日期与记账日期,注册会计师认为最可能证实的是()A 发生B 完整性C 截止D 分类

考题 单选题民法的基本原则有()A 男女平等B 互谅互让C 公平、诚实

考题 多选题甲企业(系增值税一般纳税人)某月“库存商品”账户的贷方发生额大于当期结转的主营业务成本,则甲企业有可能发生了()。A商业折扣行为B自产货物因管理不善被盗的行为C在建工程领用自产货物行为D将自产货物抵偿债务的行为E将自产货物用于无偿赠送给敬老院行为

考题 问答题简述毛泽东思想的科学体系和主要内容?

考题 问答题对幼儿园课程中游戏的界定是什么?

考题 单选题下列哪项表述是错误的?()A 司法行政机关只具有行政职权B 司法行政机关的监狱部门具有司法职权C 公安机关具有行政职权和司法职权D 司法行政机关吊销律师执业证行使的是行政职权

考题 多选题同事之间相处的礼仪包括:()。A多看多做少说B尊重C忌蜚短流长D一视同仁

考题 单选题以下不属于《证券法》所称之内幕信息的是()A 已公开的公司分配股利的计划B 公司股权结构的重大变化C 公司营业用主要资产的抵押、出售或者报废一次超过该资产的百分之三十D 公司的董事、监事、高级管理人员的行为可能依法承担重大损害赔偿责任

考题 填空题1938年11月,为寻求新的国际交通线,国民政府决定修筑()铁路(昆明至缅甸)和()铁路(叙府至昆明)。

考题 单选题ERP与MRPII的主要区别之一是在ERP中()。A 有计算机辅助设计功能B 有电子商务功能C 采用信息技术的最新成果D 有计算机辅助制造功能

考题 单选题银行应当建立规范的(),按照规定及时、真实、完整地披露会计、财务信息,满足股东、监管当局和社会公众对其信息的需求。A 从业资格管理制度B 会计差错责任人追究制度C 离岗(任)审计制度D 信息披露制度

考题 多选题计算机信息系统舞弊的主要手段有()A利用非法程序进行舞弊活动B通过输入、篡改或窃取系统数据进行舞弊活动C通过非法操作进行舞弊和犯罪D通过内外勾结进行舞弊