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Which Cisco IOS command is used to troubleshoot a problem in which a BGP session stays in the active state?()

debug ip bgp updates


debug ip tcp events


debug ip bgp transactions


debug ip tcp transactions


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题Which Cisco IOS command is used to troubleshoot a problem in which a BGP session stays in the active state?()A debug ip bgp updatesB debug ip tcp eventsC debug ip bgp transactionsD debug ip tcp transactions” 相关考题
考题 多选题What are the two reasons for the appearance of as the next hop for a network in the show ip bgp command output?()AThe network was originated via redistribution of an interior gateway protocol into BGPBThe network was defined by a static routeCThe network was originated via a network or aggregate commandDThe network was learned via EBGPEThe network was learned via IBGP

考题 单选题蛲虫患儿可引起潜在的下列哪项并发症?(  )A 肠道慢性炎症B 局部炎症C 睡眠不安D 尿道炎E 会阴瘙痒

考题 单选题G-6-PD患者应避免食用()A 酵母B 绿叶蔬菜C 蚕豆D 黄豆E 蛋黄

考题 单选题患儿男,4个月。临床检查结果中哪项是发育异常的情况?(  )A 头不能抬起B 前囟未闭,呈1.5cm×1.5cmC 乳牙未萌出D 拥抱反射消失E 不能伸手取物

考题 多选题You have implemented mutual route redistribution between OSPF and EIGRP on a border router. When checking the routing table on one o f the OSPF routers within the OSPF routing domain, you are seeing some, but not all of the expected routes. Which two things should you verify to troubleshoot this problem?()AThe border router is using a proper seed metric for OSPFBThe border ro uter is using a proper seed metric for EIGRPCThe administrative distance is set for OSPF and EIGRPDThe missing EIGRP routes are present in the routing table of the border routerEThe subnet keyword on the border router in the redistribute EIG RP command

考题 单选题What is the goal of QoS in a network? ()A prevent packets from being droppedB increase available bandwidthC reduce hardware errorsD provide predictable network serviceE eliminate propagation delayF eliminate jitter and packet loss

考题 单选题营养不良伴下列哪种情况可静脉输注白蛋白()A 食欲很差B 吞咽困难C 吸吮力弱D 完全不能进食者E 低蛋白血症

考题 多选题Which of the following are methods EIGRP uses to initially populate (seed) its EIGRP topology table, before learning topology data from neighbors?()ABy adding all subnets listed by the show ip route connected commandBBy adding the subnets of working interfaces over which static neighbors have been definedCBy adding subnets redistributed on the local router from another routing sourceDBy adding all subnets listed by the show ip route static command

考题 单选题患儿女,10个月。因畏食来院做体检,护士首先应为小儿检查的是哪个项目?(  )A 乳牙B 体重C 坐高D 身长E 骨化中心

考题 单选题患儿,男8岁,眼睑水肿4天伴尿少,近2日尿呈浓茶色,患儿无尿频、尿急、尿痛。患儿3周前曾患上呼吸道感染。查体:T36.2℃,R26次/分,P100次/分,BP1.30/90mmHg,神清,双眼睑及颜面水肿,双足背轻度非凹陷性水肿,心肺(-),腹软,肝、脾肋下未及。该患儿正确的诊断是()A 先天性肾病B 单纯性肾病C 肾炎性肾病D 急性肾小球肾炎E 泌尿系感染

考题 单选题洋地黄治疗易发生中毒的是(  )。A 缩窄性心包炎B 急性心肌炎C 甲亢性心脏病D 心房纤颤伴心动过速E 房室传导阻滞

考题 单选题7岁女童,因风湿热入院,目前使用青霉素和阿司匹林治疗。近日该患儿出现食欲下降、恶心等胃肠道不适,护士可以给予的正确指导是(  )。A 饭后服用阿司匹林B 停止使用阿司匹林C 这是青霉素的不良反应D 两餐间服用阿司匹林E 阿司匹林与维生素C同服

考题 单选题传染病的流行过程必须具备哪三个基本环节()A 病原体、环境、易感人群B 病原体、环境、传染源C 传染源、传播途径、易感人群D 病原体、传播途径、易感人群E 传染源、传播途径、环境

考题 单选题In the event that two devices need access to a common server, but they cannot communicate witheach other, which security feature should be configured to mitigate attacks between thesedevices?()A private VLANsB port securityC BPDU guardD dynamic ARP inspectionE DHCP snooping

考题 单选题患儿1岁半,因发热、呕吐、腹泻,重度脱水入院。经补液脱水基本纠正,现患儿精神萎靡,四肢无力,心音低钝,腹胀、膝腱反射减弱,可能的临床诊断为()A 小儿低血糖症B 小儿低钙血症C 小儿低钾血症D 小儿高钾血症E 小儿高血糖症

考题 单选题Refer to the exhibit. Given the DHCP pool configuration shown on Router A, the Cisco IP phone will not boot up in the Teleworker location. What is missing from the Teleworker DHCP pool configuration?()A The DHCP pool needs to have an import all statement. B The DHCP pool is missing an option 150 ip statement.C The DHCP pool is missing an option 139 ip statementD The DHCP pool is missing a dns-server statement.

考题 单选题If the VoWLAN client is a Vocera badge, which Cisco WLC parameter needs to be changed from the default value?()A DTIMB Ethernet multicast modeC peer-to-peer block modeD RF group modeE DTPC

考题 多选题Which two statements about MAC addresses in the Cisco UCS are true?()AThe first 2 octets represent the manufacturer OUI.BThe first 3 octets represent the manufacturer OUI.CThe last 3 octets are assigned by the organization itseIf.DThe last 4 octets are assigned by the organization itseIf.

考题 单选题患儿,女,5岁。患有特发性血小板减少性紫癜,因被水果刀割破手指、出血不止入急诊。包扎、服用止血药物无效,出血量约500ml,意识不清,脉搏细速,此时最有效的抢救方法是()A 输注浓缩红细胞B 输注血小板C 输注全血D 输注洗涤红细胞E 输注红细胞悬液

考题 单选题对于肺炎患儿,病房适宜的温度和相对湿度是()A 16~18℃,40%B 18~20℃,60%C 20~22℃,70%D 22~24℃,80%E 24~26℃,90%

考题 多选题A router has been configured with the commands router eigrp 9 and network No other EIGRP - related commands have been configured. The nswers list the IP addresses that could be assigned to this router's Fa0/0 interface. Which answers list an IP address/prefix length that would cause the router to enable IGRP on Fa0/0?()A172.16.0.1/23B172.16.1.1/26C172.16.1.1/24D172 .16.0.255/23ENone of the other answers is correct.

考题 单选题You work as a network Technician. A new workstation has consistently been unable to obtain anIP address from the DHCP server when the workstation boots. Older workstations function normally, and the new workstation obtains an address when manually forced to renew its address.  What should be configured on the switch to allow the workstation to obtain an IP address at boot?()A UplinkFast on the switch port connected to the serverB BackboneFast on the switch port connected to the serverC PortFast on the switch port connected to the workstationD trunking on the switch

考题 单选题流行性腮腺炎主要的治疗措施为()A 对症治疗B 隔离、休息C 抗病毒治疗D 抗生素治疗E 流质饮食、休息

考题 单选题患儿男,臀位产。生后5小时出现呕吐,呈喷射性,伴尖声哭叫、唇稍发绀、体温不升。查体:前囟饱满,心肺正常,拥抱反射消失。疑为新生儿颅内出血。首优的护理诊断为()A 知识缺乏B 营养失调C 自主呼吸紊乱D 焦虑(家长)E 潜在并发症:颅内压增高

考题 多选题What are two ways to minimize the delay of VoIP packets that are traversing a network? ()AUse WFQ, CBWFQ, and LLQ to prioritize delay-sensitive packets.BUse WFQ, CBWFQ, and LLQ to compress the payload.CGive TCP packets priority over UDP packets.DUse control plane policing for cRTP queuing.EUse stacker and predictor to compress the payload.

考题 单选题For an active Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 7921G 5 GHz site survey, what are the mostappropriate client test settings to use with the AirMagnet site survey tool?()A 100 mW, 24 Mb/sB 100 mW, 18 Mb/sC 25 mW, 18 Mb/sD 3.2 mW, 54 Mb/s

考题 单选题Which Cisco solution was developed to let you create separate networks on one SAN; thusproviding you with improved availability, security, and backup? ()A Cisco Direct Attached StorageB Cisco Direct Storage Area NetworkC Cisco Virtual Storage Area NetworkD Cisco Virtual Attached Storage Network

考题 单选题Which of these correctly identifies the six phases of the Cisco Lifecycle Services framework? ()A Prepare, Plan, Create, Implement, Operate, and ImproveB Prepare, Plan, Design, Implement, Operate, and OptimizeC Prepare, Plan, Design, Apply, Operate, and ManageD Prepare, Plan, Design, Implement, Operate and Manage