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You are the network administrator for your company. The network contains a single Active Directory domain. All computers on the network are members of the domain. All domain controllers run Windows Server 2003.   You are planning a public key infrastructure (PKI). The PKI design documents for your company specify that certificates that users request to encrypt files must have a validity period of two years.   The validity period of a Basic EFS certificate is one year. In the Certificates Templates console, you attempt to change the validity period for the Basic EFS certificate template. However, the console does not allow you to change the value.  You need to ensure that you can change the value of the validity period of the certificate that users request to encrypt files. What should you do?  ()

 Install an enterprise certification authority (CA) in each domain.


 Assign the Domain Admins group the Allow - Full Control permission for the Basic EFS certificate template.


 Create a duplicate of the Basic EFS certificate template. Enable the new template for issuing certificate authorities.


 Instruct users to connect to the certification authority (CA) Web enrollment pages to request a Basic EFS certificate.


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题You are the network administrator for your company. The network contains a single Active Directory domain. All computers on the network are members of the domain. All domain controllers run Windows Server 2003.   You are planning a public key infrastructure (PKI). The PKI design documents for your company specify that certificates that users request to encrypt files must have a validity period of two years.   The validity period of a Basic EFS certificate is one year. In the Certificates Templates console, you attempt to change the validity period for the Basic EFS certificate template. However, the console does not allow you to change the value.  You need to ensure that you can change the value of the validity period of the certificate that users request to encrypt files. What should you do?  ()A  Install an enterprise certification authority (CA) in each domain.B  Assign the Domain Admins group the Allow - Full Control permission for the Basic EFS certificate template.C  Create a duplicate of the Basic EFS certificate template. Enable the new template for issuing certificate authorities.D  Instruct users to connect to the certification authority (CA) Web enrollment pages to request a Basic EFS certificate.” 相关考题
考题 单选题You have a Web server that runs Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2). You need to collect the following information from the Web server:  (1)Unauthorized attempts to upload files  (2)Unsuccessful commands that try to run executables  You must achieve this goal by using the minimum amount of administrative effort.What should you do?()A From Network Monitor, start a capture.B From the Performance snap-in, create a counter log.C From Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, enable logging.D From Computer Management, modify the properties of the application log.

考题 单选题某孕妇现孕30周,长时间仰卧后,出现血压降低、心率加快、面色苍白等症状。出现这种情况后,护士应该立即()A 通知医生B 给予面罩吸氧C 开放静脉,准备抢救D 嘱孕妇左侧卧位E 让孕妇继续平躺观察

考题 单选题放疗病人的皮肤护理措施不包括(  )。A 穿宽松柔软、吸湿性强的内衣B 干反应可涂0.2%薄荷淀粉C 湿反应可涂2%甲紫D 照射部位常规涂70%乙醇消毒E 有水疱可涂硼酸软膏

考题 单选题You work as a network administrator at ABC.com. The ABC.com network consists of a single domain named ABC.com. All servers on the ABC.com network have Windows Server 2012 R2 installed.The ABC.com network contains a server named ABC_SR11 that hosts a virtual machine named ABC_VT01.  ABC_VT01 has an existing snapshot. You want to change the Snapshot File Location of ABC_VT01. How would you accomplish this?()A You should use Windows Explorer to move the snapshot file.B You should run the Convert-VHD cmdlet on ABC_VT01.C You should use Hyper-V Manager to delete the existing snapshot.D You should use Windows Backup to configure the file location.

考题 单选题提示胸腔闭式引流管拔管最重要的指征是()A 胸部X线检查示肺复张B 引流液减少C 引流瓶内无气体溢出D 患者自觉舒适E 胸管留置72小时

考题 单选题斜疝行传统疝修补术后早期,最适宜的卧位是()A 半卧位,肩下垫枕B 仰卧位,腘部垫枕C 俯卧位,腰部垫枕D 斜坡卧位,头部垫枕E 健侧卧位,患侧垫枕

考题 单选题You have a server that runs Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2). You back up the files on the server by using the following schedule: ·Full backup every Sunday ·Differential backup at 01:00 every Monday to Friday You want to restore the version of a file stored on the server at the start of the business day on Wednesday. You are unsure when the file was last modified. You need to restore the appropriate version of the file by using the minimum number of tapes. Which backup jobs should you review to locate the correct version of the file? ()A the differential backup from TuesdayB the differential backup from Wednesday and then the full backup from SundayC the full backup from SundayD the full backup from Sunday and then all other backups

考题 单选题You are the administrator of 15 Windows XP Professional portable computers in the sales department of your ompany. The company network uses DHCP to configure the IP addresses of the portable computers when the computers are used in the office. Company policy allows the company portable computers to be connected to users' home networks. The sales department reports that users who use home networks that have manually configured IP addresses are unable to connect the portable computers to their home networks. You want to ensure that users can connect portable computers to their home networks when they are at home and to the company network when they are in the office. You do not want to change the configuration of home computers on users' home networks. You do not want to change the administrative privileges of the sales department users. What should you do?()A Configure the network adapters of the portable computers to enable Internet Connection Sharing (ICS). B Configure the network adapters of the portable computers to enable Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA).C Add a script to the users' desktops that changes the IP configuration between dynamic and manual.D Configure the IP properties of the portable computers so that they have an alternate configuration. 

考题 单选题出生后1天、1个月、6个月时接种的疫苗是()A 卡介苗B 乙肝疫苗C 麻疹疫苗D 流感疫苗E 白喉疫苗

考题 单选题患者,女性,58岁。因煤气中毒入院,患者处于浅昏迷状态,脉搏130次/分,皮肤多汗,面色潮红,口唇呈樱桃红色。为进一步确诊,应进行的检查是()A 血常规B 血液碳氧血红蛋白C 血胆碱酯酶D 血氧饱和度E 血气分析

考题 单选题休克患者使用血管扩张药物,说法正确的是()A 补充血容量同时即可使用B 血容量基本补足,但末梢血运未见好转时使用C 血压及中心静脉压完全恢复正常D 血容量恢复,毛细血管充盈后方可使用E 血容量完全补足时方可使用

考题 单选题Your network consists of a single Active Directory domain. You have a server named Server1. Server1 has only one hard disk drive. You run a full backup at 02:00 every Monday. You run an incremental backup at 02:00 every Tuesday to Sunday. You run an Automated System Recovery (ASR) backup every day at 13:00. Server1’s hard disk drive fails on Wednesday at 15:00. You need to recover Server1 to its latest configuration by using the minimum amount of administrative effort. What should you restore? ()A Monday’s full backup, then Tuesday’s incremental backup, and then Wednesday’s incremental backupB Monday’s full backup and then Wednesday’s ASR backupC Monday’s full backup and then Wednesday’s incremental backupD Wednesday’s ASR backup

考题 单选题患者男性,40岁。头痛半年,用力时加重,多见于清晨及晚间,常伴有恶心,有时呕吐。经CT检查诊断为颅内占位性病变、颅内压增高,为行手术收入院。入院后第2天,因便秘、用力排便,突然出现剧烈头痛、呕吐,右侧肢体瘫痪,随即意识丧失。体检:血压178/105mmHg,呼吸17次/分钟,脉搏54次/分钟。左侧瞳孔散大,对光反应消失。根据患者目前情况,最可能的诊断是()A 重度昏迷B 脑血管意外C 小脑幕切迹疝D 休克E 瘤体破裂

考题 单选题以上是金黄色葡萄球菌性肺炎的特点的是(  )。A B C D E

考题 单选题患者上消化道出血,最可能是因为(  )。A 应激性溃疡B 消化性溃疡出血C 急性糜烂出血性胃炎D 食管胃底静脉曲张出血E 胃癌出血

考题 单选题You work as a network administrator at ABC.com. The ABC.com network consists of a single domain named ABC.com. All servers on the ABC.com network have Windows Server 2012 R2 installed.The network as a server named ABC_SR05 that provides DHCP services.  You need to create a new IPv4 subnet on the network. The subnet must support a maximum of 5,000 hosts and must have a few unused addresses as possible.  How would you configure DHCP to support this subnet?()A You should use a subnet mask of You should use a subnet mask of You should use a subnet mask of You should use a subnet mask of You should use a subnet mask of You should use a subnet mask of

考题 单选题你是TestKing网站的电脑管理员,你把所有的客户机从WindowsNT Workstation4.0升级到了WindowsXP专业版,升级完成后,Anne报告说她的电脑启动后分辨率是640*480,16位颜色,她不能更改设置,并且她想选择WindowsXP的主题,你要确保Anne能使用WindowsXP界面,你要怎么做呢?()A 升级显卡的驱动使其支持显示分辨率和颜色深度B 在高级显示中的颜色管理中,给Anne的显示器添加颜色配置文件C 在显卡的高级属性设置中,落选允许复合写的复选框D 恢复显卡驱动,恢复到原先WindowsNT Workstation4.0的时候

考题 单选题胆道T管引流的患者胆道远端通畅的表现是()A 腹痛和黄疸减轻,引流量增多B 体温正常,引流量增多C 上腹胀痛,引流量骤减D 食欲好转,黄疸消退,引流量减少E 黄疸消退,引流量增多,食欲无变化

考题 单选题You are designing the top-level organizational unit (OU) structure to meet the business and technical requirements. Your design must accommodate the anticipated growth of the company.  Which top-level OU structure should you use?()A Paris OU, Sydney OU, Los Angeles OU, Lisbon-Barcelona OU  B IT Administration OU, All CohoVineyard Departments OU, All CohoVineyard Offices OUC Sales OU, Purchasing OU, Marketing OU, Accounting OU, Distribution OU, Human Resources OUD CohoVineyard Users OU, CohoVineyard Computers OU, CohoVineyard Servers OU, CohoVineyard Applications OU

考题 单选题能引起恶性贫血的疾病是(  )。A B C D E

考题 单选题患者女性,38岁。双手手腕、掌指关节肿胀疼痛2个月,伴有晨僵,时间约1小时。为明确诊断,应进行以下哪项血液学检查?(  )A 血沉B 血常规C 抗链“O”D 血细胞计数E 类风湿因子

考题 单选题脊髓损伤急性期的康复措施是()A 预防压疮、肢体置功能位及被动关节运动,呼吸训练及排痰训练和防止泌尿系感染B 肌力训练、床上全面锻炼,坐位练习、轮椅训练,站立和步行训练,作业疗法C 痉挛、性功能障碍和疼痛的处理D 运动功能障碍和姿势异常的锻炼E 早期发现早期康复,康复与游戏及教育相结合

考题 单选题提示血管过度收缩()A 中心静脉压低,血压低B 中心静脉压高,血压低C 中心静脉压高,血压正常D 中心静脉压低,血压正常E 中心静脉压正常,血压低

考题 单选题You have a server that runs Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2). You back up the shared folders on the servers by using the following schedule: ·Full backup at 01:00 every Sunday ·Incremental backup at 01:00 every Monday to Friday On a Wednesday afternoon, the hard disk drive that contains the shared folders fails. You need to restore the latest version of all files in the shared folders. The solution must use as few backup tapes as possible. What should you restore? ()A the files from the full backupB the files from the full backup and from the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday backupsC the files from the full backup and from the Wednesday backupD the files from the Wednesday backup

考题 单选题该患者目前首要的护理问题是(  )。A 恐惧B 疼痛C 生活自理缺陷D 潜在并发症E 知识缺乏

考题 单选题此时首选下列哪项护理?(  )A 输血B 导尿C 阴道检查有无软产道损伤D 补液,继续观察E 应用子宫收缩剂

考题 单选题You are designing a new NETBIOS naming strategy for the corporate environment. Which domain name should you use?()A adB woodgroveadC woodgrovebankD woodgrovebank.com

考题 单选题某新生儿刚出生,心率98次/分,呼吸浅慢、不规则,四肢活动好,喉反射不明显,躯干及四肢皮肤色泽红润。其Apgar评分为()A 4分B 5分C 6分D 7分E 8分