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更多 “问答题一些地区端午节的风俗要在门上插什么东西祛毒?” 相关考题
考题 多选题我国货币政策的最终目标是()A实现充分就业B稳定国内市场C国际收支平衡D保持币值稳定E促进经济增长

考题 问答题1 There are many arguments for and against television. The poor quality of its program is often criticized and TV commercials are also boring. So television is undoubtedly 1.__________ a great comfort to many lonely and elderly people. 2 The manager of a large office building had received many complains about elevator service in the building, but he engaged a group of engineers to study the situation 2.__________ and make recommendation for improvement. 3 We asked a lady, who replied that she thought you could tell a well-mannered person by the way they occupied the space around them——for example, when such a person walks down a street he or she is constantly unaware of others. Such people never 3.__________ bump into other people. 4 Until the very latest moment of his existence, man has been bound the planet on which he originated and developed. Now he has the capability to leave that planet and move out into the universe to those worlds which he has known previously only directly. 4.__________ 5 One major decision which faces the American students ready to begin higher education is the choice of attending a large university or a small college. The large university provides a wide range of specialized departments as well as numerous courses within such departments. The small college, therefore, 5.__________ generally provides a limited number of courses and specializations but offers a better student-faculty ratio, thus permitting individualized attention to students. 6 Music the Johnny has learned to appreciate as unpleasant is just dull noise to Jimmy——and quite 6.__________ possible, vice versa. 7 We are learning, finally, that silence is a natural resource and must be protected by law. It appears that we all find company in sound, if we all 7.__________ demand a little quiet from time to time. 8 The farmer aroused at down or before it and had much work to do, with his own muscles as his chief source of power. He used axes, spades and 8.__________ other complicated tools. 9 Whether women who have started a career will attain pay equality with men rests on at least two factors. First, will most of them continue part-time at their jobs after they have children? A 9.__________ break in their employment, or a decision to work part-time, will slow their raises and promotions as it would for men. 10 Whether true or not, the story illustrates the problem with idioms. They are almost possible to 10.__________ understand from the meanings of the individual words. And with English idioms, even the same words may have different meanings. 在8处填写改错内容。

考题 单选题关于道德与法律的关系,正确的是()。A 在内容上没有交叉B 在最终目的上没有一致性C 在实践上是相互支撑的D 在适用范围上完全一致

考题 单选题甲公司与乙公司签订服装买卖合同,约定甲公司于3月10日交付服装1000套,乙公司于3月15日支付货款10万元。3月10日,甲公司仅交付服装900套,乙公司此时因濒临破产致函甲公司表示无力履行合同。根据合同法律制度的规定,下列表述中,正确的是()。A 甲公司无权中止履行合同B 因乙公司丧失履行能力,甲公司可行使先履行抗辩权C 乙公司有权以甲公司仅交付900套服装为由,拒绝支付任何货款D 甲公司有权以乙公司已不能履行合同为由,请求乙公司承担违约责任

考题 填空题我国最为著名的瓷都在江西的()。

考题 问答题简述制订课时体育教学目标的注意事项。

考题 单选题()指的是人们自身有什么样的内在能源或动力,能驱动他们以一定方式表现出某一特定行为,以及有哪些外在的环境性因素触发了此种活动。A 调动B 激发C 人力激励D 鼓励

考题 单选题寄存财产被丢失或者毁灭损毁的,其诉讼时效期间是()A 1年B 2年C 3年D 4年

考题 填空题灵感激发的方式主要有:外部激发、内部激发和()。

考题 单选题小区重选时,终端通过什么法则从服务小区重选到邻小区()A H法则;B S法则;C R法则;D Q法则;

考题 单选题Internet环境下信用卡支付较为安全的方式是采用什么协议进行?()A SSLB ATMC POSD SET

考题 判断题BPM流程导出的可以支持多种格式。A 对B 错

考题 问答题简述多媒体课件的教学内容组织结构类型及特点。

考题 问答题简述社会控制的必要性。

考题 单选题经营者销售或者购买商品()以明示方式给对方折扣和经给中间人佣金。给方、收方必须如实入帐。A 不可以B 可以

考题 多选题女性劳动力参与率提高的主要影响因素有()。A女性的相对工资率上升B女性对劳动力市场工作的偏好和态度发生了改变C养老金福利的增加D出生率的下降E离婚率的上升

考题 多选题下列关于国际法的说法错误的是()A联合国是国际法的立法机关B国际法的强制执行主要依靠联合国的维持和平部队和国际法院的执行庭C国际法和国内法的主体完全相同D联合国大会的决议是国际法强制执行的依据

考题 填空题()也称为核心利益,是消费者真正购买的服务或利益。

考题 多选题美国霍姆斯小组发表的有关教师专业发展的报告有()。A《明天的教师》B《明日之学校》C《明日之教育学院》D《教师专业标准大纲》

考题 单选题硬盘的格式化分为两种,()格式化称为物理格式化,用在对硬盘进行高级格式化之前。A 低级B 高级C 普通D 复杂

考题 问答题教育的个体功能主要体现在哪几个方面?

考题 填空题常用的加热杀菌技术有:()、()、()、()。

考题 多选题以下所列等式正确的有()。A营业收入=主营业务收入+其他业务收入B营业利润=营业收入-营业成本-营业税金及附加-销售费用-管理费用-财务费用-资产减值损失±公允价值变动收益(损失)±投资收益(损失)C利润总额=营业利润+投资收益+营业外收入-营业外支出D净利润=利润总额-所得税费用

考题 判断题船舶总长度用于理论计算,故亦称作计算长度。()A 对B 错

考题 单选题在《圣经·旧约》中说:上帝看到人类道德败坏,于是后悔自己造了人,他准备降下大洪水将人类毁灭,但是顾念到一个名叫()的人,于是教他如何造一只巨大的方舟,让他的一家人躲到方舟避难。A 孔德B 伊阿宋C 挪亚D 宙斯

考题 单选题职业培训教案的编写特别注重()。A 语言的精练B 培训场地和培训方法的选择C 教学环节设计的完美D 操作实施的规范性

考题 判断题有效的管理者与成功的管理者都离不开沟通,只是沟通的重点有所不同。A 对B 错

考题 判断题齿轮传动的标准安装是指:分度圆与节圆重合。A 对B 错