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You are the administrator of your company's network. A user named David runs Windows 2000 Professional on his portable computer. David wants to be able to work at home on files that he created at the office and stored on the company network. Prior to logging off the network and leaving the office, David enables offline files.   David calls you from home and reports that copies of his folders and files on the network are not available on his portable computer. What should you instruct David to do, so that he can proceed with his work?()

Enable file and print sharing. David will be able to access his files at home immediately. 


Synchronize all offline files. David will be able to access his files at home immediately. 


At the office, make all files available offline. David will be able to access his files the next time he logs off the network. 


At the office, create a shortcut to the Offline Files folder. David will be able to access his files the next time he logs off the network. 


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题You are the administrator of your company's network. A user named David runs Windows 2000 Professional on his portable computer. David wants to be able to work at home on files that he created at the office and stored on the company network. Prior to logging off the network and leaving the office, David enables offline files.   David calls you from home and reports that copies of his folders and files on the network are not available on his portable computer. What should you instruct David to do, so that he can proceed with his work?()A Enable file and print sharing. David will be able to access his files at home immediately. B Synchronize all offline files. David will be able to access his files at home immediately. C At the office, make all files available offline. David will be able to access his files the next time he logs off the network. D At the office, create a shortcut to the Offline Files folder. David will be able to access his files the next time he logs off the network. ” 相关考题
考题 单选题You are the administrator of your company’s network. A user named Peter runs Windows 2000 Professional on his portable computer. Peter wants to be able to work at home on files that were created in the office on the company network. Prior to logging off the network and leaving the office, Peter enables offline files. Peter wants to automatically download all the opened files to his computer and he should not manually define the offline files. What setting you will do in caching option? ()A Enable file and print sharing. Peter will be able to access his files at home immediatelyB Synchronize all offline files. Peter will be able to access his files at home immediatelyC In the cache settings, you should define the manual caching for documentsD In the cache settings, you should define the automatic caching for documentsE In the cache settings, you should define the automatic caching for programs. 

考题 单选题Ⅱ类环境空气消毒所用消毒器的循环风量(m3/h)必须是房间体积的()A 2倍以上B 4倍以上C 6倍以上D 8倍以上E 10倍以上

考题 单选题此患者用过的便器消毒时常用含氯制剂的浓度(  )。A 200mg/LB 500mg/LC 1000mg/LD 1500mg/LE 2000mg/L

考题 单选题组织文化形成源于实践又服务于实践,作为一种实践工具而存在的特点是指(  )。A B C D E

考题 单选题患者是否并发医院内感染,根据入院前无感染性病症,入院后发生感染的时间可以确认(  )。A 已入院24小时发生B 已入院36小时发生C 已入院96小时后发生D 已入院72小时后发生E 已入院48小时后发生

考题 单选题术前预防应用抗生素,静脉给药最佳时间(  )。A 术前1~2天B 术前24小时内C 术前12小时内D 术前2小时内E 术前0.5~l小时内

考题 单选题是管理过程的关键职能,通过信息反馈和绩效评估,对组织的活动进行监督、检查、纠正偏差()A 计划职能B 组织职能C 人员管理D 领导职能E 控制职能

考题 单选题通过护士对病人言行的观察获得资料的方法是(  )。A B C D E

考题 单选题在健康传播过程中,信息的接受者和反应者是()A 传播者B 受传者C 信息与讯息D 传播媒介E 传播效果

考题 单选题法律管理方法的作用是()A 实现既定管理目标B 提高行政效果C 使管理活动有序进行D 提高社会利益E 使管理系统达到高度统一

考题 单选题Your network administrator has assigned you an IP address of with subnet mask of network is running in pure Windows 2000 domain. What else should know in order to join your computer to the Windows 2000 domain. ()A  Address of DHCP server.B  Address of WINS server.C  Address of DNS server.D  Address of default gateway

考题 单选题下列属医护人员手上常住细菌的是()A 金黄色葡萄球菌B 乙型溶血性链球菌C 表皮葡萄球菌D 支原体E 沙门氏菌

考题 单选题You are using windows installer to deploy an application to 750 Windows 2000 Professional computers on your network. The network includes organizational unit (OU) named sales. A Group Policy object (GPO) is created for the Sales OU. You want to deploy that application in such a way that the shortcuts of that application should be created on the used desktop as well as in start-menu. When a user first click on the shortcut or try to open any file whose extension is associated with that application, then that application should automatically install on the computer. What should you do to accomplish this task?()A Using GPO, publish that application at user levelB Using GPO, assign that application at the user levelC Using GPO, publish that application at computer levelD Using GPO, assign that application at the computer level.

考题 多选题You recently upgraded all Windows NT Workstation 4.0 computers to Windows 2000 Professional. You want to give a new employee named Maria the ability to back up files, share resources, and install programs on a client computer that she shares with other users. You do not want Maria to be able to read other users' files.  What should you do to accomplish these goals?()AAdd Maria’s user account to the System group.BAdd Maria’s user account to the Interactive group.CAdd Maria’s user account to the Power Users group.DAdd Maria’s user account to the Administrators group.EAdd Maria’s user account to the Backup Operators group.

考题 单选题下列消毒液中,既可用于口腔含漱又可用于外科伤口清洗的是()A 碘伏B 氯己定C 苯扎溴铵D 过氧化氢E 过氧乙酸

考题 单选题You want to connect to your company network from your Windows 2000 Professional computer at home. You have an ISDN line that is used for internet connectivity. You create a VPN connection and are able to connect successfully to the company network. While connected to the company network, you are unable to access the Internet.   What must you do so that you can access the Internet?()A Configure the ISDN connection to use SLIP instead of PPP.B Select the Enable Internet Connection Sharing for this connection check box in the ISDN connection properties.C Clear the Use default gateway on remote network check box.D Install and configure the SAP Agent service.

考题 单选题Mike has been using RIS (Remote Installation Services), to install all new workstations on his network. A new Service Pack has recently been released from Microsoft and he wants to update his new image. He brings up his test workstation that has Windows 2000 Professional on it and installs the new Service Pack.  What is the next step Mike must take?()A Slipstream this Service Pack to the CD image on the RIS Server.B Use xcopy to copy all files to the RIS server.C Run Riprep.exeD Run Sysprep.exe

考题 单选题下列哪项结果提示导管管尖培养阳性?(  )A 每平板细菌数≥2cfuB 每平板细菌数≥5cfuC 每平板细菌数≥15cfuD 每平板细菌数≥20cfuE 每平板细菌数≥30cfu

考题 单选题某男,30岁,吸烟史10年,作为健康教育项目中被实施干预的对象,当他得知自己正在被研究时表现出了行为异常,这种现象称为(  )。A 格林效应B 霍桑效应C 光环效应D 主观效应E 客观效应

考题 单选题危重患者多、护理工作量大、专科性强的病区,哪种排班方式最适用?(  )A 双人三班制B 单人三班制C 多人两班制D 每日两班制E 白班、夜班制

考题 单选题You are the administrator of a Windows 2000 Professional computer.  You schedule a task to run after 15 minutes. One hour later, the task still has not run. Using the Task Scheduler you check the status of the task. The status says "Could not start". You also notice that your Event Viewer Security Log has a logon failure event. You want to run the scheduled task.  What should you do?()A Restart the RunAs service.B Verify the account and password information for the task.C Set the Task Scheduler service to allow the service to interact with the desktop.D Set the Task Scheduler service to log on as the local Administrator account.

考题 单选题下列关于臭氧消毒的方法,正确的是()A 适用于Ⅲ类环境的消毒B 消毒时人必须离开房间C 消毒完毕后人即可进入房间D 消毒时间为20分钟E 臭氧消毒与紫外线消毒有拮抗作用,不可同时使用

考题 单选题下列有关知、信、行三者关系,哪一项说法是正确的?(  )A 在知、信、行三者之间,知是目标、信是基础、行是行动B 在知、信、行三者之间,知是基础、信是目标、行是行动C 在知、信、行三者之间,知是目标、信是行动、行是基础D 在知、信、行三者之间,知是行动、信是基础、行是目标E 在知、信、行三者之间,知是基础、信是动力、行是目标

考题 单选题下列哪种物理方法不能达到灭菌效果?(  )A 等离子体灭菌法B 热力灭菌法C 微波灭菌法D 电离辐射灭菌法E 机械除菌法

考题 单选题哪项是人员管理的原则?(  )A B C D E

考题 单选题预真空压力蒸汽灭菌器灭菌时的有效温度是(  )。A 121℃B 100℃C 132℃D 150℃E 140℃

考题 单选题有关洗手指征错误的是()A 接触传染病患者前后B 进行无菌操作后C 接触患者的血液、体液、分泌物后D 脱手套前E 进入和离开ICU

考题 单选题You set up scheduled tasks to run and notify you of any failures. 3 days later you see that none of the tasks ran and you received no notifications. What should you do?()A Set the schedule service to run under the administrator account.B Set the scheduled tasks to run under the administrator account.C Enable the messenger serviceD Set the schedule service to run under the local system account and set it to start automatically.