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解析: 治疗药物的安全性评价分为实验室评价和临床评价两部分,更多的是临床评价,临床评价主要是上市后药物进行临床观察和不良反应监察。
更多 “单选题药物上市后的不良反应监察是()A 治疗药物的有效性评价B 治疗药物的安全性评价C 治疗药物的生命质量评价D 治疗药物的质量评价E 治疗药物的药物经济学评价” 相关考题
考题 单选题患者,女,33岁,继发性痛经3年,检查子宫,后倾后屈,7.5cm×7.0cm大,质硬。本例不可能出现的临床表现为:()A 不孕B 性交疼痛C 经量过多D 经期延长E 月经稀发

考题 单选题关于钩端螺旋体病的描述,错误的是()A 人主要是通过接触钩端螺旋体污染的水或土壤而被感染B 钩端螺旋体致病与其产生的内毒素样物质有关C 钩端螺旋体可进入血液引起钩端螺旋体血症D 钩端螺旋体病可累及全身多个脏器E 钩端螺旋体病患者病后可获得以细胞免疫为主的特异性免疫力

考题 单选题Sous la plume de _____, Frédéric Moreau, jeune étudiant de droit, tombe amoureux d’une femme mariée, Madame Arnoux.A StendhalB Émile ZolaC Victor HugoD Gustave Flaubert

考题 单选题以下所列抗菌药物的给药途径中,最正确的是()。A 口服给药方便B 静脉给药能确保药效C 局部感染采取局部给药D 治疗感染一般采用注射给药E 重症感染初始治疗应予静脉给药,病情好转及早转为口服给药,局部应用宜尽量避免

考题 单选题因颅内压增高引起的呕吐的疾病见于()A 脑水肿B 尿毒症C 偏头痛D 迷路炎

考题 单选题胸腔积液病人,常采取的体位是()A 健侧卧位B 患侧卧位C 自动体位D 端坐位E 被动体位

考题 单选题以下有关内科及儿科应用抗菌药物作为预防用药的基本原则的叙述中,最正确的是()A 长期预防用药无效B 长期预防特定病原菌入侵C 预防在一段时间内发生的感染无效D 预防在一段时间内发生的感染可能有效E 以防止任何细菌入侵为目的,往往无效

考题 多选题再生能力较强的细胞有()A上皮细胞B神经细胞C骨骼肌细胞D骨细胞

考题 单选题三级预防的对象主要是针对()。A 个体B 职业特制人群C 特制环境中有高智商的人群D 高危人群

考题 单选题先天性甲状腺功能低下可导致()A 侏儒症B 呆小症C 巨人症D 甲亢

考题 单选题Почему наличие в составе правительства России двух женщин считается сенсацией?A Большинство женщин не xoтят работать в политике.B В правительстве редко бывают женщины-руководители.C Раньше в правительстве и в парламенте не было женщин.D Раньше женщины руководили лишь силовыми ведомствами.

考题 单选题关于竞争性拮抗药的特点,不正确的是()A 对受体有亲和力B 对受体有内在活性C 可抑制激动药的最大效能D 当激动药剂量增加时,仍然达到原有效应E 使激动药量-效曲线平行右移

考题 问答题Practice 4  Europeans have long aspired to end American dominance as the world’s economic leader. The single market and the euro are widely seen as essential steps in this direction. But is Europe ready to lead? Do Europeans understand what it would take?  Despite a budding recovery, the United States is hardly the model of economic health that it once was. On several issues—from steel tariffs to the resurgent deficit to shady corporate practices—America has demonstrated a growing failure of leadership. Over the past two decades the United States has shown what it takes to be an economic superpower—a strong currency, openness to imports, concessions in trade negotiations and articulating an economic philosophy for the rest of the world. Now that it’s apparently fading on so many counts, the question becomes: is Europe willing and prepared to do what the United States once did, in order to supplant it?  First the exchange-rate issue. The euro will probably continue strengthening against the dollar, if only because of America’s huge and growing $400 billion-a-year current-account deficit. This means that, every year, the United States borrows about 4 percent of its GDP on world markets. If international investors lose confidence in the U.S. economy, fewer people will want to hold dollar assets. The dollar will fall—and the euro will appreciate.  This may be a normal market cycle, but there will be consequences. Among others, European companies will see their U.S. profits erode. What happens if the dollar falls farther and faster than anticipated? Are European industrial companies ready to compete with a euro worth $1.10, $1.15 or $1.25? The flip side of the much-desired strong euro would almost certainly be a surge in imports from the United States and the rest of the world. Exports might fall, resulting in job losses—perhaps even a trade deficit for the European Union.  Europeans are rightfully angry at new U.S. steel tariffs. But given the sheer size of America’s trade deficit, Washington’s policies are actually relatively moderate. The question remains: if Europe were in a similar position, would its voters and politicians be equally sensitive to what’s best for the global economy? Would European politicians be able to face the incredible pressures that would build for protectionist measures if it were Europe, and not the United States, that ran a persistent trade deficit? Not likely, I fear.  America’s retreat from its leading role presents an opportunity for the European Union. Trouble is, its political institutions have yet to mature to the point where they can resolve trade disputes, say, by looking beyond the immediate and narrow self-interests of its member states.  Europe’s chance for economic leadership may come sooner than expected. But too many Europeans haven’t yet grasped the basic secret of America’s leadership—the hard work and tough choices that are involved. That’s what Europeans now face, in this season of elections and decision making that will shape their future. Let’s hope they recognize that such sacrifices will pay off for them, as well as for the rest of the world.

考题 判断题呋塞米不用于治疗充血性心力衰竭。()A 对B 错

考题 单选题巨幼细胞贫血首选()A 维生素B12B 维生素B6C 亚叶酸钙D 叶酸十维生素B12E 以上都不是

考题 单选题缺铁性贫血孕妇,补充铁剂的方法错误的是:()A 铁剂的补充首选口服铁剂B 服用铁剂时同时服用维生素CC 铁剂宜在饭前服用D 用吸管服用

考题 单选题在解热镇痛抗炎药中,对PG合成酶抑制作用最强的是?()A 阿司匹林B 保泰松C 非那西丁D 吡罗昔康E 吲哚美

考题 单选题有关药物与血浆蛋白结合,下列论述中正确的是()A 结合率低,药物作用弱B 结合率高,药物作用强C 结合型无药理活性,游离型有药理活性D 结合型有药理活性,游离型无药理活性

考题 问答题Practice 2  积极开展对外交往与合作,全方位外交取得重大进展,坚定地维护和发展了国家利益。我国同主要大国加强了对话,增进了信任,扩大了合作。中美关系稳定发展,中俄战略协作伙伴关系提高到新水平,中欧全面合作日益深化,中日关系得到改善,同周边国家睦邻友好关系进一步加强,区域合作取得新成果,同发展中国家的团结合作开创了新局面。成功举办一系列重大多边外交活动。妥善应对国际上各种新挑战,积极负责地参与解决全球性问题,在解决国际和地区热点问题上发挥着重要的建设性作用。

考题 单选题氯霉素的主要不良反应是()。A 过敏性休克B 关节毒性C 泌尿道损害D 肾脏、耳毒性E 骨髓抑制

考题 判断题黄体分为月经黄体和妊娠黄体,在卵巢中在持续时间不同,前者持续时间短,后者持续时间长。A 对B 错

考题 多选题在下列哪种情况下需要洗手()。A直接接触每个患者前后B从同一患者身体的污染部位移动到清洁部位时C处理药物或配餐前D接触患者血液、体液、分泌物、排泄物、伤口敷料等之后

考题 单选题肺下叶后基底段支气管扩张,体位引流应该()。A 头低足高,侧卧位B 头低足高,俯卧位C 头高足底,侧卧位D 头高足底,俯卧位

考题 单选题消化性溃疡病最常见的并发症是:()A 幽门梗阻B 溃疡穿孔C 癌变D 出血E 反流性食管炎

考题 单选题患者男性,遭撞击导致肋骨骨折,患侧胸部饱满,叩诊呈鼓音,患者出现明显呼吸困难,呼吸活动度降低,听诊呼吸音减弱。先遵医嘱为患者进行胸腔闭式引流,则引流管放置的位置为:()A 前胸壁锁骨中线第2肋间B 腋中线和腋后线间第6~7肋间C 前胸壁锁骨中线第6~7肋间D 腋中线和腋后线间第2肋间

考题 单选题老年性心力衰竭患者症状加重的常见诱因是()A 过度劳累B 摄入液体过多C 心肌缺血D 室性期前收缩E 呼吸道感染

考题 单选题下列关于胃肠减压治疗肠梗阻的说法哪一项不正确()A 吸出肠管中积气积液,减轻肠管膨胀B 减少毒素吸收C 必不可少的术前准备D 改善呼吸功能E 减少肠胃蠕动

考题 问答题高热患者的护理措施?