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解析: 惊厥、喉痉挛发作控制后或未发作期,给10%氯化钙5~10ml,用糖水稀释3~5倍后口服,每日3次,连服3~5天后改服10%葡萄糖酸钙。
更多 “单选题患儿,男,4个月。人工喂养,因惊厥入院,患儿每日惊厥5~6次,每次约半分钟,入院查血钙1.7mol/L,诊断手足搐搦症,入院后患儿再次惊厥。该患儿使用氯化钙治疗正确的是()A 口服10%氯化钙前用生理盐水稀释B 10%氯化钙肌内注射C 10%氯化钙静脉注射D 与牛奶同服减少对胃肠道的刺激E 连续服用3~5天改为葡萄糖酸钙口服” 相关考题
考题 单选题Which of the following is helpful to allow an IPv6 host to learn the IP address of a default gateway on its subnet?()A Stateful DHCPB Stateless RSC Stateless autoconfigurationD Neighbor Discovery Protocol

考题 单选题一对育龄夫妇,第1胎现5岁,患21-三体综合征。现第2胎,妊娠2个月。要求遗传学指导。应该采取(  )。A B C D E

考题 单选题患儿男,1岁。腹泻3天,每天4~5次,伴有轻度呕吐,皮肤弹性稍差。护士对家长饮食管理的指导不正确的是()A 暂禁食4~6小时B 减少食量,停止不当饮食C 饮食调整应由少到多,由稀到稠D 可继续母乳喂养,但需暂停辅食E 应根据患儿的耐受情况对饮食进行调整

考题 单选题Which is a legitimate bandwidth matched pair?()A DS-1; E1B DS-1; STM-1C OC-3; STM-1D STS-1; STM-1E OC-192; STM-192

考题 多选题An etwork administrator has enabled OSPF across an NBMA network and has issued the command ip ospf network nonbroadcast. Given those facts, which two statements are true?()AInterfaces will automatically detect and build adjacencies with neighbor routersBDR and BDR elections will not occurCDR and BDR elections will occurDThe neighbor command is required to build adjacenciesEAll routers must be configured in a fully meshed topology with all other routers

考题 单选题女婴,胎龄40周出生。出生体重2900g,身长50cm,皮肤红润,胎毛少,足底纹理较多。 该女婴母乳喂养,吸吮好,哺后安睡,生后4天体重下降7%,查体:反应好,面色红润,心肺(-),该女婴体重下降可能的原因是()A 进乳量多,进水量少B 进水多,进乳量少C 败血症D 呆小病E 生理性体重下降

考题 单选题Your client has deployed a cisco wireless location appliance within their warehouse environment. they have been experiencing problems with tracking objects using active rfid tags. the rfid beacon rate is 10 seconds. you have discovered an issue with the rfid timeout value. How should this value be changed?()A change the value on the wireless controller to 45 seconds.B change the value on the wireless controller to 95 seconds.C change the value on the cisco wcs to 95 seconds.D change the value on the cisco wcs to 45 seconds.

考题 单选题关于蛲虫病患儿的护理错误的是()A 患儿睡觉时应穿睡裤、戴手套B 患儿内衣裤、被褥等需煮沸,或用开水浸泡后在日光下暴晒,连续3天C 集体、儿童机构中应定期进行普查、普治D 宣传正确的个人卫生、饮食习惯,搞好环境卫生E 婴幼儿尽早穿满裆裤

考题 单选题There are six phases of the Cisco Network Lifecycle Services framework. What are they?()A Prepare, Plan, Design, Apply, Operate, and ManageB Prepare, Plan, Design, Implement, Operate, and OptimizeC Prepare, Plan, Design, Implement, Operate and ManageD Prepare, Plan, Create, Implement, Operate, and Improve

考题 单选题该患儿首要的护理诊断是(  )。A 疼痛B 活动无耐力C 体液过多D 体温过高E 皮肤完整性受损

考题 单选题在使用过程中需监测听力的是()A 异烟肼B 利福平C 链霉素D 乙胺丁醇E 吡嗪酰胺

考题 单选题What is the term for the space that exists above a drop ceiling or below a raised floor and that isused for air return?()A NEMA areaB plenum areaC DAS areaD extended areaE RF special area

考题 单选题During the installation of the Cisco WCS version 4.0, an error occurs. Where would you look forthe installation log,in order to learn more about this error?()A at the root of the installation driveB in the Cisco WCS installation directoryC on the desktop of the serverD in the Cisco WCS/Logs directory

考题 多选题Which two statements regarding the Wireless LAN Solution Engine (WLSE) are true?()ATo support fault and policy reporting,the WLSE requires a Wireless Control System (WCS).BWhen WLSE detects an AP failure,it automatically increases the power and cell coverage of nearbyAPs.CWLSE requires the 2700 location appliance to offer location tracking.DWLSE can locate rogue APs and automatically shut them down.EWLSE configuration is done using the command line interface (CLI) or a WEB based template.

考题 单选题患儿,女,1岁。低热10余日,喜哭易怒,嗜睡,有时便秘,体检:前囟膨隆,心肺正常,肝肋下1.5cm,颈软,克氏征阴性,腹壁反射减弱,脑脊液外观毛玻璃样,细胞数200×10/L,糖2.4mmol/L,氯化物107mmol/L,护士最应密切监测的指征是()A 体温B 脉搏C 脑膜刺激征D 瞳孔E 神志

考题 单选题婴幼儿肌内注射的要点是()A 进针快,推药快,拔针快B 进针快,推药慢,拔针快C 进针慢,推药慢,拔针慢D 进针慢,推药快,拔针慢E 进针快,推药慢,拔针慢

考题 多选题Router R1 has been configured for EIGRP. The configuratio n also includes an ACL with one line -access - list 1 permit - and the EIGRP configuration includes the distribute -list 1 in command. Which of the following routes could not be displayed in the output of the show ip eigrp topology comm and as a result?()A10.10.32.0/19B10.10.44.0/22C10.10.40.96/27D10.10.48.0/23E10.10.60.0/30

考题 单选题In the cisco wcs,how many days is data available for trending analysis?()A 7B 60C 14D 30

考题 单选题患儿,男,8个月。1天前突然发热,咳嗽,随后呕吐3次,大便稀,每天10余次,呈黄色水样,黏液少,无腥臭味。体检:体温39℃,精神萎靡,皮肤弹性略差,前囟及眼窝凹陷,哭泪少,咽稍充血,心肺检查无异常。大便有少量脂肪球。引起腹泻的病原体最可能是()A 轮状病毒B 绿脓杆菌C 白色念珠菌D 金黄色葡萄球菌E 致病性大肠杆菌

考题 多选题Router R1 is three router hops away from subnet According to various show interfaces commands, all three links between R1 and use the following settings: bandwidth: 1000, 500, 100000 and delay : 12000, 8000, 100. Which of the following answers correctly identifies a value that feeds into the EIGRP metric calculation?()ABandwidth of 101,500BBandwidth of about 34,000CBandwidth of 500DDelay of 1200EDelay of 2010FDelay of 20100

考题 单选题In a high-availability deployment, when the Cisco CRS Administrator adds a JTAPI Call Control Group with 100 CTI ports, how many device records will be added to the Cisco Unified CallManager database?()A CTI Ports are not added by the creation of a Call Control Group.  B CTI ports are no longer required to be added to the Cisco Unified CallManager database.  C 100 devices will be added to the Cisco Unified CallManager database.  D 200 devices will be added to the Cisco Unified CallManager database.  E It depends upon how many port groups these ports will be split into.  F It depends upon the number of server nodes within the Cisco Unified CallManager cluster.

考题 单选题When should you enable Network Address Translation Transparency (NAT-T) on the Teleworker?()A when a router between the Teleworker router and the head-end VPN router is doing NAT/pNAT and does not support IPSec pass-through B when the Teleworker router itself is doing NAT/pNATC alwaysD never

考题 单选题新生儿寒冷损伤综合征患儿体温正常6小时后,监测体温的频率为()A 半小时1次B 1小时1次C 2小时1次D 4小时1次E 6小时1次

考题 单选题Select the wireless service component in the implement phase in which operations responsibilities are defined and transferred to the operate phase team.()A Ongoing Support Handoff MeetingB Staff TrainingC Detailed Design DevelopmentD Staging and System Migration

考题 单选题Which device creates an OEO conversion? ()A  amplifierB  attenuatorC  regeneratorD  light emitterE  optical switchF  optical receiverG  fiber-optic cable

考题 单选题维生素D缺乏性手足搐搦症的患儿发生惊厥首先要做到()A 应用止惊剂B 应用钙剂C 应用呼吸兴奋剂D 保证呼吸道通畅E 吸氧

考题 单选题Which of the following allows network administrators to easily apply common services and employ features across Cisco switches, routers, and access points with an intuitive GUI?()A Cisco IPSB Cisco Network AssistantC Cisco VAM2+D Cisco SDM

考题 单选题BGP是在()之间传播路由的协议A  主机B  子网C  区域(area)D  自治系统(AS)