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哪项是水痘皮疹的分布特点?(  )











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更多 “单选题哪项是水痘皮疹的分布特点?(  )A 无痒感B 分批出现,向心性分布C 开始为面部、头皮,以后至躯干D 呈离心性分布E 不出现在口腔、结膜、生殖器等处” 相关考题
考题 单选题What is the benefit of implementing a Cisco end-to-end solution?()A It enables the network to work as a unified wholeB It maximizes the network securityC It increases the cost of the equipmentD It reduces the cost of the equipment

考题 单选题Which of these is a suspect user agent?()A  (the null string)B  Wget/1.8.1C  Mozilla/5.0D  Opera/9.0

考题 多选题Why do large OSPF networks use a hierarchical design?()Ato confine network instability to single areas of the network.Bto reduce the complexity of router configurationCto speed up convergenceDto lower costs by replacing routers with distribution layer switchesEto decrease latency by increasing bandwidthFto reduce routing overhead

考题 单选题在护理脱水补液的患儿时,如输液后患儿出现乏力、腹胀、肠鸣音减弱、腱反射消失、心音低钝,应考虑()A 低钾血症B 低氯血症C 钙血症D 低镁血症E 低磷血症

考题 单选题Which PPP subprotocol negotiates authentication options?()A NCPB LCPC ISDND DLCIE SLIP

考题 单选题Acknowledgements, sequencing, and flow control are characteristics of which OSI layer()。A Layer2B Layer3C Layer4D Layer5E Layer6F Layer7

考题 多选题下列关于新交换机默认配置的说法中哪三项正确?()A禁用了生成树协议。B使能口令被配置为cisco。C所有交换机端口都被分配给VLAN1。D闪存目录中包含IOS映像。EVLAN1配置有管理IP地址。F所有接口均设置为自动协商速度和双工模式。

考题 多选题Which three statements about HSRP operation are true?()AThe virtual IP address and virtual MA+K44C address are active on the HSRP Master router.BThe HSRP default timers are a 3 second hello interval and a 10 second dead interval.CHSRP supports only clear-text authentication.DThe HSRP virtual IP address must be on a different subnet than the routers' interfaces on the same LAN.EThe HSRP virtual IP address must be the same as one of the router's interface addresses on the LAN.FHSRP supports up to 255 groups per interface, enabling an administrative form of load balancing.

考题 单选题The network default gateway applying to a host by DHCP is option is the valid IP address of this host?()A

考题 单选题患儿男,1岁半。发热,咳嗽4天,曾用青霉素肌注治疗无效。昨天起拒食,呕吐,尿量减少。入院查体:体温39.8℃,脉率180次/分,呼吸65次/分,精神萎靡,烦躁不安,口唇发绀,鼻翼扇动,三凹征(+),两肺散在中小水泡音,肝脏右肋下3cm。血白细胞2.5×109/L,中性粒细胞90%。 该患儿最可能的情况是()A 肺炎合并心衰B 肺炎合并中毒性脑病C 肺炎合并脓胸D 肺炎合并肺大疱E 肺炎合并肺脓肿

考题 单选题患儿女,6个月。因维生素D缺乏性手足搐搦症入院,治疗期间护士及时发现治疗错误()A 惊厥发作时缓慢推注10%葡萄糖酸钙(10分钟以上)B 惊厥发作时快速滴注葡萄糖酸钙C 喉痉挛发作控制后给10%氯化钙5ml,用糖水稀释3~5倍后口服D 连服3~5天10%氯化钙后改服10%葡萄糖酸钙E 1周后补充维生素D

考题 单选题下列哪项处理不妥?(  )A 给氧B 翻身、拍背C 腰穿D 物理降温E 保持安静,减少刺激

考题 单选题以下哪项检查对诊断最有帮助?(  )A 血钙、磷、碱性磷酸酶B 染色体核型分析C 血清T3、T4测定D 尿三氯化铁试验E 脑电图

考题 多选题What are the two advantages of any intelligent network that uses a systems-level approach?()AimproveQosBreduced costs for all types of usersCpacket inspection at wire speedDreduced complexity

考题 单选题无症状新生儿低血糖的治疗措施为()A 口服葡萄糖B 静脉输注葡萄糖C 氢化可的松静脉点滴D 胰高血糖素肌内注射E 泼尼松口服

考题 单选题对新生儿颅内出血叙述错误的是()A 症状轻重与出血部位及出血量有关B 一般生后1~2天内出现症状C 意识表现为过度兴奋或抑制D 颅内压增高E 肌张力正常

考题 单选题Which command is used to load a configuration from a TFTP server and merge the configuration into RAM?()A copy running-config: TFTPB copy TFTP: running-configC copy TFTP: startup-configD copy startup-config: TFTP

考题 单选题For the following items ,which one can be used to authenticate the IPsec peers during IKE Phase 1?()A pre-shared keyB integrity check valueC XAUTHD Diffie-Hellman Nonce

考题 单选题高危新生儿不包括()A 母亲患有先兆子痫的新生儿B 分娩过程使用止痛药物的新生儿C 胎龄为42周的新生儿D 脐带绕颈的新生儿E 母亲吸烟的新生儿

考题 单选题Two routers named Atlanta and Brevard are connected via their serial interfaces as illustrated, but they are unable to communicate. The Atlanta router is known to have the correct configuration.Given the partial configurations, identify the fault on the Brevard router that is causing the lack of connectivity?()A incompatible IP addressB insufficient bandwidthC incorrect subnet maskD incompatible encapsulationE link reliability too lowF IP/TCP closed

考题 单选题路由器有两个快速以太网接口,需要连接到四个VLAN的局域网。你怎么能完成这个任务,用最少的物理接口,在不降低网络性能的情况下?()A 添加两个快速以太网接口。B 添加第二个路由器来处理VLAN流量。C 使用集线器与路由器快速以太网接口连接四个VLAN。D 实现一个单臂路由的配置。

考题 单选题患儿,女,10岁。因发热、咳嗽而住院治疗。入院诊断为肺炎球菌性肺炎。刚入院时,该患儿的压力主要来源于()A 疾病本身造成的痛苦B 限制儿童的日常活动C 陌生环境的不安全感D 学业中断E 身体形象的改变

考题 单选题该患儿的诊断首先考虑是(  )。A 叶酸缺乏性营养性巨幼细胞贫血B 缺血缺氧性脑病+缺铁性贫血C 缺乏维生素B12营养性巨幼细胞贫血D 营养性缺铁性贫血E 再生障碍性贫血

考题 多选题什么是系统日志消息的热门目的地才可以得救?()AflashB日志缓冲区RAMC配置终端D其他终端ESyslog服务器

考题 单选题At a branch location, TestKing.com has deployed a non modular router that is equipped with two serial interfaces and two Ethernet interfaces.What additional equipment must be used to allow the branch office to connect to the central office by using an ISDN service?()A a serial cable with a V.35 to RJ45 adapterB a CSU/DSUC an external ISDN TA and NT1D The non-modular router cannot connect to an ISDN service. The network administrator must purchase a modular router with an ISDN BRI-U card.

考题 单选题该病临床表现最突出的是(  )。A 恶心、呕吐B 呼吸困难C 呼出气体有特殊蒜臭味D 兴奋、躁动E 腹痛、腹泻

考题 单选题若该患儿出现嗜睡、尖声哭叫、肌张力下降,胆红素上升至386μmol/L,该患儿可能发生了(  )。A 颅内出血B 胆红素脑病C 呼吸衰竭D 新生儿化脓性脑膜炎E 低血糖

考题 单选题临床上最危重的急症是()A 感染性休克B 心力衰竭C 呼吸衰竭D 肾衰竭E 心跳呼吸骤停