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What is known as "one-to-nearest" addressing in IPv6?()

global unicast






unspecified address


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题What is known as "one-to-nearest" addressing in IPv6?()A global unicastB anycastC multicastD unspecified address” 相关考题
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考题 单选题男,8岁。晨空腹注射乙脑疫苗,5分钟后出现头晕、心慌、面色苍白、出冷汗、心搏加快,应考虑()A 变态反应B 不适反应C 局部反应D 局部弱反应E 晕针

考题 单选题下列疾病中,哪种出现皮疹最早()A 水痘B 猩红热C 麻疹D 斑疹伤寒E 幼儿急疹

考题 单选题对新生儿颅内出血叙述错误的是()A 症状轻重与出血部位及出血量有关B 一般生后1~2天内出现症状C 意识表现为过度兴奋或抑制D 颅内压增高E 肌张力正常

考题 单选题3岁男孩,诊断肾病综合征,长期忌盐,因“低热、咳嗽、双下肢及眼睑水肿5天”入院,外院曾给予呋塞米治疗,血压75/40mmHg,咽红,心肺无异常,此患儿最可能属于(  )。A 低钾血症B 低钙血症C 低血糖症D 低镁血症E 低钠血症

考题 单选题哪种说法描述了用于在路由器上运行OSPF进程ID?()A 这是本地显著而且必须是在整个区域相同B 它是全局显著,用来表示AS号C 它是局部显著和用于识别OSPF的数据库的一个实例D 它是全局显著,用于识别OSPF根区域

考题 多选题Which of the following contribute to congestion on an Ethernet network?()AUse of full duplex mode.BCreation of new collision domain.CCreation of new broadcast domain.DAddition of hub to the network.EUse of switches in the network.FAmount of ARP or IPX SAP traffic.

考题 单选题婴儿心肺复苏心脏按压的方法不正确的是(  )。A 按压位置在胸骨中1/3处B 小婴儿可用手指按压C 按压深度为3cmD 按压频率100次/分E 置患儿于硬板上

考题 单选题典型急性菌痢患儿大便呈()A 米泔水样便B 柏油样便C 灰陶土样便D 少量脓血便E 果酱样腥臭便

考题 单选题What is the effect of using the service password-encryption command?()A only passwords configured after the command has been entered will be encryptedB Only the enable password will be encryptedC Only the enable secret password will be encryptedD It will encrypt the secret password and remove the enable secret password from the configurationE It will encrypt all current and future passwords.

考题 单选题患儿男,1岁半。发热,咳嗽4天,曾用青霉素肌注治疗无效。昨天起拒食,呕吐,尿量减少。入院查体:体温39.8℃,脉率180次/分,呼吸65次/分,精神萎靡,烦躁不安,口唇发绀,鼻翼扇动,三凹征(+),两肺散在中小水泡音,肝脏右肋下3cm。血白细胞2.5×10/L,中性粒细胞90%。对该患儿的具体护理措施,不妥的是()A 密切观察患儿体温B 保持呼吸道通畅,给氧C 保持室内适当的温度和湿度D 半卧位保持安静,尽量减少刺激E 经常帮助患儿翻身,拍背,进行体位引流

考题 单选题菌痢的病原体属于()A 志贺菌属B 沙门菌属C 类志贺毗邻单胞菌属D 弧菌属E 弯曲菌属

考题 单选题肺炎的一般治疗错误的是()A 经常变换体位B 及时清除呼吸道分泌物C 尽量少喂水,防止肺水肿D 饮食应易消化,营养丰富E 注意保持室内空气新鲜

考题 单选题How many subnets can be gained by subnetting into a /27 mask, and how many usable host addresses will there be per subnet?()A 8 subnets, 31 hostsB 8 subnets, 32 hostsC 16 subnets, 30 hostsD 16 subnets, 32 hostsE A Class B address can't be subnetted into the fourth octet.

考题 多选题A network administrator changes the configuration register to 0x2142 and reboots the router. What are two results of making this change?()AThe IOS image will be ignored.BThe router will prompt to enter initial configuration mode.CThe router will boot to ROM.DAny configuration entries in NVRAM will be ignored.EThe configuration in flash memory will be booted.

考题 单选题What is the purpose of the command shown below?vtp password Fl0r1da()A It is used to validate the sources of VTP advertisements sent between switches.B It is used to access the VTP server to make changes to the VTP configuration.C It allows two VTP servers to exist in the same domain, each configured with different passwords.D It is the password required when promoting a switch from VTP client mode to VTP server mode.E It is used to prevent a switch newly added to the network from sending incorrect VLAN information to the other switches in the domain.

考题 单选题男,6个月。发热伴流涕1天。就诊时全身抽搐1次,测体温39.5℃。该患儿可能的医疗诊断是()A 中毒性脑病B 高热惊厥C 低钙抽搐D 化脓性脑膜炎E 病毒性脑炎

考题 多选题实现VLAN的三大好处?()A可以实现更有效地利用带宽,允许许多物理组使用相同的网络基础设施B广播风暴可以通过减少广播域的数量,从而增加它们的尺寸来缓解C水平较高可以通过从其他网络业务分离敏感的数据流量达到D基于端口的VLAN造成交换机端口的采用效率,这要归功于802.1Q中继可以实现E来更有效地利用带宽,允许许多逻辑网络使用相同的网络基础设施F广播风暴可以通过增加广播域的数量,从而降低它们的尺寸来缓解GVLAN使它更容易为IT人员配置新的逻辑组,因为所有的VLAN属于同一个广播域

考题 单选题扩容宜选(  )。A 4:3:2溶液B 2:3:1溶液C 1:4溶液D 2:1等张含钠液E 1:2溶液

考题 单选题Which additional configuration step is necessary in order to connect to an access point that has SSID broadcasting disabled?()A Set the SSID value in the client software to public.B Configure open authentication on the AP and the client.C Set the SSID value on the client to the SSID configured on the APD Configure MAC address filtering to permit the client to connect to the AP

考题 单选题Which Cisco IOS diagnostics command can disrupt the operation of a router under high-load conditions?()A show running-configB show processes cpuC debug allD logging host ip address

考题 单选题支气管哮喘()A 呼吸表浅、双吸气B 呼吸快,有鼻翼扇动、三凹征C 呼出气体有烂苹果味D 吸气性呼吸困难E 呼气性呼气困难

考题 多选题A national retail chain needs to design an IP addressing scheme to support a nationwide network. The company needs a minimum of 300 sub-networks and a maximum of 50 host addresses per subnet. Working with only one Class B address, which of the following subnet masks will support an appropriate addressing scheme?()A255.255.255.0B255.255.255.128C255.255.252.0D255.255.255.224E255.255.255.192F255.255.248.0

考题 单选题不符合原发型肺结核的临床特点的是()A 起病缓慢B 有结核中毒症状C 肺部体征明显D 可伴有肝脾肿大E 可出现疱疹性结膜炎

考题 判断题ARP是一个使用广播的地址解析协议,并且使用了ARP高速缓存,原因是使用广播会耗费大量带宽。A 对B 错

考题 多选题Which of the following describe the process identifier that is used to run OSPF on a router? (Choose two.)()AIt is locally significant.BIt is globally significant.CIt is needed to identify a unique instance of an OSPF database.DIt is an optional parameter required only if multiple OSPF processes are running on the router.EAll routers in the same OSPF area must have the same process ID if they are to exchange routing information.

考题 多选题As a frame leaves a Layer 3 device,the Layer 2 encapsulation information is changed from what it was when it entered the device. For what two reasons can this happen?()AThe data is moving from 10BASE-TX to 100BASE-TX.BThe WAN encapsulation type has changed.CThe data format has changed from analog to digital.DThe source and destination hosts are in the same subnet.EThe source and destination MAC addresses have changed.

考题 单选题You work as a technician at TestKing. You are configuring a Cisco router. You want to configure the IP address on an interface.Which command should you use?()A router(config-if)#ip address subnet mask router(config-if)# router(config-if)#ip address router(config-if)# subnet mask router(config-if)#ip address router(config-if)#ip address subnet mask /22