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Look! The police ______ the food onto the bank of the river.

am carrying


is carrying


are carrying


are carried


句意:看!警察们正在把食物搬到河岸上。本题考查动词时态和主谓一致。结合题干中的“Look!”可知此处表示正在发生的动作,因此要用现在进行时,可先排除D项。又因为主语是The police,police是单复数同形的词,此处泛指许多警察,故谓语动词应用复数形式,即are。故C项正确。
更多 “单选题Look! The police ______ the food onto the bank of the river.A am carryingB is carryingC are carryingD are carried” 相关考题
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考题 单选题A Phone him.B Take them homeC Call the police.D Give them food.