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What protection method is used in 4F MS-SPRing networks?()

 Each fiber has half of its capacity reserved for protection.


 Two fibers carry their full capacities while the other two fibers are reserved for protection.


 The signal is sent simultaneously in both directions around the ring. The receiver determines which fiber to listen to based on signal quality.


 The signal is sent simultaneously in both directions around the ring. The transmitter determines which fiber has the working bit set for the receiver to acknowledge.


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题What protection method is used in 4F MS-SPRing networks?()A  Each fiber has half of its capacity reserved for protection.B  Two fibers carry their full capacities while the other two fibers are reserved for protection.C  The signal is sent simultaneously in both directions around the ring. The receiver determines which fiber to listen to based on signal quality.D  The signal is sent simultaneously in both directions around the ring. The transmitter determines which fiber has the working bit set for the receiver to acknowledge.” 相关考题
考题 多选题What are the three models of quality of service (QoS) in a network?()AResource Reservation Protocol (RSVP)Bfirst-in, first-out (FIFO)Cbest-effortDCBWFQEIntServFDiffServ

考题 单选题护理急性颅内压增高患儿应选择()A 去枕平卧B 半卧位C 头低足高位D 头肩抬高15°~30°E 勤翻身变换体位

考题 单选题Which QoS model manages the QoS requirements for the network on a per-hop behavior (PHB) basis?()A best-effort deliveryB ingress committed rate (ICR)C shaping and policingD egress committed rate (ECR)E Integrated Services (IntServ)F differentiated services (DiffServ)

考题 多选题When configuring a WLAN controller for a voice application using Cisco 7920 wireless IP phones,which two general control settings should you select?()AAggressive Load Balancing onBAggressive Load Balancing offCMulticast onDMulticast offEAP Fallback onFAP Fallback off

考题 单选题When configuring QoS on a wireless controller, the per-user, real-time bandwidth contract isenforced for which of the following protocols?()A IPXB IPC UDPD TCP

考题 单选题An engineer is trying to summarize the following networks using the "ip summary- address eigrp"command: Which network and subnet mask below would be the smallest EIGRP summary address to include all three subnets?()A

考题 多选题Which of the following are both advertised by EIGRP in the Update message and included in the formula for calculating the integer EIGRP metric?()AJitterBDelayCMTUDReliability

考题 单选题患儿,男8岁,眼睑水肿4天伴尿少,近2日尿呈浓茶色,患儿无尿频、尿急、尿痛。患儿3周前曾患上呼吸道感染。查体:T36.2℃,R26次/分,P100次/分,BP1.30/90mmHg,神清,双眼睑及颜面水肿,双足背轻度非凹陷性水肿,心肺(-),腹软,肝、脾肋下未及。该患儿正确的诊断是()A 先天性肾病B 单纯性肾病C 肾炎性肾病D 急性肾小球肾炎E 泌尿系感染

考题 单选题You are troubleshooting a one-way call problem with a cisco 7920 wireless ip phone on a standalone wlan. What may have caused this problem?()A the minimum data rate is not set to 11 mbps.B publicly secure packet forwarding is enabled.C the access point is set to the least congested channel.D an address resolution protocol has been disabled.

考题 单选题Given the NSAP, 39.0100.0102.0001.0c00.1211.00, which portion is interpreted by IS - IS as the area?()A 39B 39.0100C 39.0100.0102D 0001E 0001.0c00F 0001.0c00.1211

考题 单选题预防急性上呼吸道感染发生,以下错误的是()A 居住环境阳光充足,避免污染B 加强锻炼C 合理喂养D 上呼吸道感染流行季节做好隔离工作E 预防性的服用抗生素

考题 多选题What are three factors that limit the maximum distance of an amplified optical signal without regeneration? ()(Choose three.)Afiber dispersionBsignal attenuationCtransmitter powerDamplifier bandwidthEreceiver dispersion tolerance

考题 单选题下列哪项是垂体性侏儒症的最佳治疗方法?(  )A 应用促蛋白合成激素B 生长激素替代疗法C 应用糖皮质激素D 应用甲状腺片E 应用绒毛膜促性腺激素

考题 单选题When planning for VoWLAN capacity during a site survey, how many simultaneous calls can beestimated per 5 GHz channel?()A 7B 14C 20D 30

考题 单选题How can Cisco NetFlow be used to aid in the operation and troubleshooting of QoS issues? ()A NetFlow can report on the number of traffic matches for each class map in a configured QoS policy configuration.B NetFlow records can be used to understand traffic profiles per class of service for data, voice, and video traffic.C NetFlow can discover the protocols in use and automatically adjust QoS traffic classes to meet policy-map requirements.D NetFlow can be configured to identify voice and video traffic flows and place them into a lowlatency queue for expedited processing.

考题 单选题早产儿入暖箱的箱温调节依据为()A 体温和皮肤红润度B 吸吮和吞咽能力C 呼吸频率和心率D 肌张力和神经反射E 体重和病情

考题 单选题腹泻患儿,预防红臀最主要的护理措施是(  )。A 暴露臀部皮肤B 俯卧位C 大便后及时清洁臀部D 勤换尿布E 臀部涂爽身粉

考题 单选题The following output occurs on Router R2. Which of the following statements can be confirmed as true based on the output from R2?() R2# show ip policy Interface Route map Fa0/0 RM1 Fa0/1 RM2 S0/0/0 RM3A R2 will forward all packets that enter Fa0/0 per the PBR configuration.B R2 will use route map RM2 when determining how to forward packets that exit interface Fa0/1.C R2 will consider using PBR for all packets exiting S0/0 /0 per route map RM3.D R2 will consider using PBR for all packets entering S0/0/0 per route map RM3.

考题 单选题青春期保健的最大特点是()A 体格生长平稳B 神经发育不成熟C 内分泌调节稳定D 认知、心理社会和行为发展日趋成熟E 思想稳定

考题 单选题健康男婴,6个月。出生体重为3.6kg,身长为53cm,头围33cm,来医院做健康检查。 若该婴儿正常发育,预计其体重为()A 5.6kgB 6.2kgC 7.4kgD 7.8kgE 8.2kg

考题 单选题Which command would display OSPF parameters such as filters, default metric, maximum paths,and number of areas configured on a router?()A show ip protocolB show ip routeC show ip ospf interfaceD show ip ospfE show ip interfaceF None of the other alternatives apply

考题 单选题In what situation would the command ip helper-address be required?(Choose the best answer.)()A Only when there is a duplicate IP address caused by a combination of static and dynamic IPaddress allocationsB On each router that exists between the client and the serverC Only when a router separates the client from the serverD Only if the DHCP sever issues a DHCPNAK to the initial requestE Only when the client is on the same subnet as the serverF Only when the DHCP pool is out of IP addresses

考题 单选题以上是腺病毒肺炎的特点的是(  )。A B C D E

考题 多选题To enable BGP tunneling over an IPv4 backbone, the IPv4 address is converted into a valid IPv6 address. Which three IPv6 addresses are acceptable formats for the IPv4 address? ()A192.168.3 0.1:0:0:0:0:0:0B0:0:0:0:0:0:

考题 单选题患儿,女,6个月。人工喂养,腹泻3天,每天10~20次,呈水样便,已12小时未排尿。体检:T37.5℃,意识模糊,四肢发凉,皮肤弹性极差,前囟及眼窝凹陷明显,可见颅骨软化,血清钠130mmol/L,血钾4.0mmol/L。诊断为病毒性肠炎(重型)、佝偻病。预防该患儿发生臀红的关键措施是()A 臀下放置气垫B 臀部暴露C 勤换尿布D 每次大便后用温水清洗臀部E 臀部涂爽身粉

考题 单选题What is the purpose of IP Event Dampening?()A to configure a subinterface so that it can be applied to the primary interface in order to prevent exponential selective dampeningB to suppress the effects of excessive interface flapping events on routing protocols and routing tables in the networkC to introduce a nonconfigurable exponential delay mechanismD to allow the network operator to configure a router to automatically dampen and selectively identify a local interface that is failing

考题 单选题Router B1, an internal router in area 1, displays the following output. The only two ABRs connected to area 1 are performing Type 3 LSA filterinG. Which of the following answers is true based on the information in the output from B1?() R1# show ip route longer - prefixes ! Legend lines omitted for brevity is variably subnetted, 17 subnets, 3 masks O [110/658] via, 00:00:32, Serial0/0/0.1 O IA [110/658] via, 00:41:39, Ser ial0/0/0.2 O IA [110/658] via, 00:41:39, Serial0/0/0.2A A Type 3 LSA for was filtered by both ABRsB A Type 3 LSA for was not filtered by both ABRsC A Type 3 LSA for was not filtered by at least one ABRD A Type 3 LSA for filtered by both ABRs

考题 单选题儿科护理人员的素质要求包括(  )。A 有强烈的责任感B 爱护并尊重儿童C 丰富的科学知识及熟练的操作技巧D 有效的人际沟通技巧E 以上都是