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更多 “多选题在路由器上配置帧中继静态map必须指定()参数。A本地的DLCIB对端的DLCIC本地的协议地址D对端的协议地址” 相关考题
考题 单选题下列哪项是苯丙酮尿症患儿最突出的特点?(  )A 皮肤白皙,易出现湿疹样皮疹B 抽搐发作C 智力低下D 尿有特殊霉臭味E 毛发呈黄褐色

考题 单选题男婴,出生体重950g,属于()A 极低出生体重儿B 超低出生体重儿C 低出生体重儿D 正常体重儿E 巨大儿

考题 单选题下列疾病中,哪种出现皮疹最早()A 水痘B 猩红热C 麻疹D 斑疹伤寒E 幼儿急疹

考题 单选题Which statement about RIPng is true?()A RIPng allows for routes with up to 30 hops.B RIPng is enabled on each interface separately.C RIPng uses broadcasts to exchange routes.D There can be only one RIPng process per router.

考题 单选题不符合6个月以下婴儿患急性粟粒型肺结核的特点的是()A 症状不典型B 受累器官多C 常伴发结核性脑膜炎D 病情进展快,病死率高E 查体可发现明显体征

考题 单选题以下关于急性呼吸衰竭的基本治疗原则叙述不正确的是()A 促进氧气摄取B 减少二氧化碳排出C 纠正酸、碱失衡及电解质紊乱D 维持重要器官的功能E 预防感染

考题 单选题Given an IP address with a subnet mask of, what is the correct network addres?()A

考题 单选题有机磷经消化道中毒者应洗胃,可选用2%~4%苏打水,应排除(  )。A 乐果B 对硫磷C 马拉硫磷D 敌敌畏E 美曲膦酯

考题 单选题患儿,3岁。因腹痛就诊。家长诉该患儿平时腹痛反复发作,痛后活动如常,夜间睡觉常易惊、磨牙。体检:体温正常,腹部无明显阳性体征,血常规除嗜酸性粒细胞增高,余正常。拟采取的护理措施是()A 腹部按揉或热敷B 多喝水C 禁食、胃肠减压D 补充含钙丰富食物E 按医嘱输注抗生素

考题 单选题肺炎并发心力衰竭时主要临床表现,下列哪点不正确?(  )A 突然极度烦躁不安、青紫B 心率突然180次/minC 肝脏迅速增大D 呼吸突然加快60次/minE 咳粉红色泡沫痰

考题 多选题Cisco Configuration Assistant supports a variety of virtual private networks. Which three types of VPN can be configured by using CCA?()ADMVPNBMPLS VPNCIPv6 VPNDCisco IOS SSL VPNEsite-to-site VPNFCisco Easy VPN

考题 单选题4个月(  )。A B C D E

考题 多选题Which connections allow the use of full-duplex Ethernet?()ASwitch to hostBSwitch to switchCHub to hubDSwitch to hubEHost to host

考题 单选题新生儿败血症最主要的特点是()A 高热B 血白细胞总数增高C 皮肤感染灶D 黄疸、肝脾肿大E 缺乏特异症状

考题 单选题该患儿当前的饮食中蛋白质的供给量宜为(  )。A 每日1g/kgB 每日2g/kgC 每日3g/kgD 每日4g/kgE 每日5g/kg

考题 多选题Which two statements about the configuration of the switch interface are correct (Choose two)()。AThe switchport belongs only to VLAN 2BInterface fa0/0 will be in both VLAN 1 (by default) and VLAN 2CThe exhibit shows interface fa0/0 to be dynamically mapped to VLAN 2DA network host can be connected to this interface

考题 单选题TCP、UDP、SPX属于OSI的()。A 网络层B 传输层C 会话层D 表示层

考题 多选题Which statements describe the routing protocol OSPF?()AIt supports VLSM.BIt is used to route between autonomous systems.CIt confines network instability to one area of the network.DIt increases routing overhead on the network.EIt allows extensive control of routing updates.FIt is simpler to configure than RIP v2.

考题 单选题肺炎的一般治疗错误的是()A 经常变换体位B 及时清除呼吸道分泌物C 尽量少喂水,防止肺水肿D 饮食应易消化,营养丰富E 注意保持室内空气新鲜

考题 单选题Refer to Cisco IOS Zone-Based Policy Firewall, where will the inspection policy be applied?()A to the zone-pairB to the zoneC to the interfaceD to the global service policy

考题 单选题患儿女,10个月,诊断重症佝偻病合并肺炎,给予肌内注射维生素D()A 2500~7500μgB 7500~15000μgC 15000~20000μgD 20000~25000μgE 25000~30000μg

考题 单选题You wish to segment your LAN into multiple broadcast domains. Which technology method should you implement in order to do this?()A Transparent bridgingB Cut-through switchingC Fragment-free switchesD Virtual LANsE Store-and-forward switching

考题 单选题You are an administrator of a switched network and your goal is to reduce some of the administrative overhead on your network. You plan on achieving this by configuring a new VLAN for each department in your network. However, you need to share the VLAN information across numerous switches throughout your network. Which of the following would allow you accomplish this?()A STPB GVRPC SNMPD VTPE DHCP

考题 多选题Which two passwords must be supplied in order to connect by Telnet to a properly secured Cisco switch and make changes to the device configuration? (Choose two.)()Aconsole passwordBvty passwordCaux passwordDtty passwordEenable secret passwordFusername password

考题 单选题肺炎链球菌肺炎选用()A 青霉素B 红霉素C 阿米卡星D 利巴韦林E 头孢菌素

考题 单选题小儿生理性贫血多发生于()A 生后4~6天B 生后3个月C 生后4~6岁D 7岁E 8岁

考题 单选题对该患儿正确的急救措施是(  )。A 吸氧B 平卧位C 约束肢体D 急查脑电图E 建立静脉通道

考题 多选题路由器的作用有()。A异种网络互连B子网间的速率适配C隔离网络,防止网络风暴,指定访问规则(防火墙)D子网协议转换E路由(寻径):路由表建立、刷新、查找F报文的分片与重组