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Which of the following operating procedures should be carried out immediately after any diesel engine is started?()

Take all exhaust temperature reading


Check the sump oil level


Verify proper lube oil pressure


All of the above


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题Which of the following operating procedures should be carried out immediately after any diesel engine is started?()A Take all exhaust temperature readingB Check the sump oil levelC Verify proper lube oil pressureD All of the above” 相关考题
考题 A base operating system has just been installed, successfully rebooted, and the user is now logged in as root. The user wants the server software bundle installed, but has additional software that must be installed with the bundle. Which of the following procedures should be performed to complete the installation?()A.Add the software to /usr/sys/inst.imagesB.Update the bundle file in /usr/sys/inst.imagesC.Install the bundle filelists and run update allD.Add the software to the bundle file in /usr/sys/inst.data/sys_bundles

考题 A parallel printer has just been connected. There are not selections in the SMIT menu to configure the printer. Which of the following procedures should be performed to complete the configuration?() A.chdevB.rebootC.lpstat -QD.smit install

考题 Which of the following procedures should occur before removing a failing disk from a volume group?() A.Veryoff the volume groupB.Unmount any filesystems on the diskC.Remove all physical partitions on the diskD.Unmount mirrored filesystems from the disk

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考题 If it becomes necessary to pump bilges while a vessel is in port, which of the following procedures should be followed?A.Pump only if the discharge is led to a shore tank or bargeB.Pump only during the hours of darknessC.Pump only on the outgoing tideD.Pump only as much as is necessary

考题 With reference to the requirements under IMO MODU CODE,Operating manuals containing guidance for the safe operation of the MODU unit for both normal and envisaged emergency conditions, to the satisfaction of the Administration should be provided on board and be readily available to all concerned. The manuals should, in addition to providing the necessary general information about the unit, contain guidance on and procedures for the operations that are vital to the safety of personnel and the unit.The operating manual for normal operations should include the following general descriptive information()A、a description and particulars of the unitB、a capacity plan showing the capacities and the vertical, longitudinal and transverse centers of gravity of tanks and bulk material stowage spacesC、Fuel oil storage and transfer proceduresD、All of above

考题 Which of the following safety procedures is the BEST when lifting heavy equipment onto a repairbench?()A、The technician should always bend at the waist and lift with their arms.B、The technician should seek assistance from an available customer.C、The technician should always bend at the waist and lift with their back.D、The technician should get assistance from another technician.

考题 A server is experiencing an undetermined problem. Which of the following steps should the technician take in order to identify whether it is a software or hardware problem?()A、Reseat all main componentsB、Try to replicate the problemC、Flash the BIOSD、Reinstall the operating system

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考题 Lightening causes a power surge and leads to a fire in the datacenter. Following emergency procedures, which of the following is the FIRST thing the server administrator should do?()A、Turn off all electrical powerB、Remove all backup mediaC、Implement fire suppressionD、Evacuate all personnel

考题 A system administrator completed an upgrade of the maintenance level of their AIX system. Which of the following commands should be run to verify that the operating system is in a consistent state?()A、instfix -iB、lslpp -lC、lppchk -vD、oslevel -r

考题 An SSA disk that is part of the mirrored volume group needs to be replaced. Which of the following procedures should be performed before the disk is physically able to be replaced?()A、reducevg, rmdev, syncvg B、rmlvcopy, exportvg, rmdev C、rmlvcopy, reducevg, rmdev D、No action is required since SSA is a Hot Swap device and is mirrored

考题 In a three-disk volume group, a disk was physically removed from the system without performing any software procedures to properly remove the disk. Which of the following commands should be performed to recover from this error?()A、extendvgB、cfgmgrC、reducevgD、varyoffvg

考题 Once the filemon command is invoked, which of the following procedures should be performed to stop the command so that the filemon reports will still be generated? ()A、Run "filemon -u".B、Run the "trcstop" command.C、Perform a "kill -9" of the filemon process.D、Send a SIGSTOP signal to the filemon process.

考题 When a user tries to log into the system, the following error occurs:  "3004-004. You must "exec" login from the lowest login Shell". Which of the following procedures should be performed next to determine the cause of the problem?()A、 Reboot the system. B、 Increase the number of ptys. C、 Increase number of licenses. D、 Run df -k to check for full filesystems.

考题 A parallel printer has just been connected. There are not selections in the SMIT menu to configure the printer. Which of the following procedures should be performed to complete the configuration?()A、chdevB、rebootC、lpstat -QD、smit install

考题 A system was running properly until a reboot. Following the reboot, the system LED displayed cycles between 0223 and 0229. Which of the following procedures should be performed next?()A、Power down then power up the systemB、Boot into diagnostic mode and run fsckC、Boot from installation media and run bosbootD、Boot into maintenance mode and check the bootlist

考题 A base operating system has just been installed, successfully rebooted, and the user is now logged in as root. The user wants the server software bundle installed, but has additional software that must be installed with the bundle. Which of the following procedures should be performed to complete the installation?()A、Add the software to /usr/sys/inst.imagesB、Update the bundle file in /usr/sys/inst.imagesC、Install the bundle filelists and run update allD、Add the software to the bundle file in /usr/sys/inst.data/sys_bundles

考题 单选题A server is experiencing an undetermined problem. Which of the following steps should the technician take in order to identify whether it is a software or hardware problem?()A  Reseat all main componentsB  Try to replicate the problemC  Flash the BIOSD  Reinstall the operating system

考题 单选题Which of the following safety procedures is the BEST when lifting heavy equipment onto a repairbench?()A The technician should always bend at the waist and lift with their arms.B The technician should seek assistance from an available customer.C The technician should always bend at the waist and lift with their back.D The technician should get assistance from another technician.

考题 单选题Which of the following procedures should occur before removing a failing disk from a volume group?()A Veryoff the volume groupB Unmount any filesystems on the diskC Remove all physical partitions on the diskD Unmount mirrored filesystems from the disk

考题 单选题In readying an auxiliary water-tube boiler for a routine hydrostatic test, which of the following procedures should be undertaken prior to filling the boiler with fresh water?()A The safety valve escape piping should be disconnected from the valve body and a blank insertedB The boiler vent valves should be openedC All hand-hole/manhole covers should be tightened up as much as possible to preclude any leaksD All of the above

考题 单选题Which of the following procedures should be carried out when a large, low-speed, diesel engine is operated with one cylinder secured?()A Lubrication to the defective cylinder should be increasedB Cooling water temperature to the engine should be increasedC Only the turbocharger speed should be reducedD Engine speed should be reduced

考题 单选题If it becomes necessary to pump bilges while a vessel is in port, which of the following procedures should be followed?()A Pump only if the discharge is led to a shore tank or bargeB Pump only during the hours of darknessC Pump only on the outgoing tideD Pump only as much as is necessary

考题 单选题Which of the following operating procedures should be carried out immediately after any diesel engine is started?()A Take all exhaust temperature readingB Check the sump oil levelC Verify proper lube oil pressureD All of the above

考题 单选题With reference to operating a four-ram steering gear system under emergency conditions, which one of the following statements is incorrect?()A Only one pump should be used at any timeB The ship speed should be reduced to 70% of the normalC Watch keeping of the steering gear should be increasedD Limitations of the steering gear should be logged but the bridge need not be informed

考题 单选题The company should establish and maintain procedures to control all documents and date which are relevant to().A ISMB SOLASC DOCD SMS