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Generators should have an excitation/voltage regulation system which will enable them to share the steady state reactive load () no machine exceeds its proportional share of reactive load by more than 10% of the rated reactive load of the largest generator.



so as


such that




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更多 “单选题Generators should have an excitation/voltage regulation system which will enable them to share the steady state reactive load () no machine exceeds its proportional share of reactive load by more than 10% of the rated reactive load of the largest generator.A whenB so asC such thatD though” 相关考题
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考题 This medicine()before dinner.A、should have takenB、should have been tookC、should be taken

考题 ( ) can provide an asynchronous link between two ac electric power system with different nominal frequencies. A.The HVDC (high voltage DC) transmissionB.The EHV (extra-high voltage) AC transmissionC.The AC distributionD.Generators

考题 any pointer positionDue to failure of one of the carbon brushes the excitation voltage is lost on one alternator that operating in parallel.Then that alternator will() A.completely loose its share of the load causing the auxiliary engine to speed up.B.overload due to reduced voltage output and increased currentC.continue to share the active load(kw)but have high very reactive loadD.try to take all the load and so trip the main circuit breaker

考题 Equal power factors on paralleled AC generators are maintained by an automatic ________.A.governor control switchB.reverse power relayC.reverse current relayD.voltage regulator

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考题 单选题If a technician suspects that the voltage being delivered to a desktop computer’s power supply is insufficient or incorrect, which device should be used to determine the correct voltage?()A A power supply testerB A multimeterC A loopback adapterD A cable tester

考题 单选题Voltage generated by most AC generators is fed from the machine to the bus by means of().A brushes on a commutatorB brushes on slip ringsC slip rings on a commutatorD direct connections from the stator

考题 单选题Which is a function of the voltage regulators used with AC generators?()A To cut out generators when they are no longer requiredB To cut in additional generators automatically as requiredC To divide the KW load equally between generators operating in parallelD To divide reactive current between generators operating in parallel

考题 单选题Generators should have an excitation/voltage regulation system which will enable them to share the steady state reactive load () no machine exceeds its proportional share of reactive load by more than 10% of the rated reactive load of the largest generator.A whenB so asC such thatD though

考题 单选题When securing an AC generator, you should FIRST ().A open the generator circuit breakerB switch the voltage regulator to “manual”C decrease the field excitation to minimumD reduce the load on the unit

考题 单选题Starting motors,generators,and other spark producing devices should be mounted as high above the bilges as possible to().A keep them dry when the bilges are full of waterB keep them cool when the vessel is underwayC make them more accessible for repairsD prevent accidental ignition of any gasoline vapors that may have accumulated in the bilges

考题 单选题Why is it desirable to operate paralleled AC generators at the same power factor?()A Circulating currents are kept to a minimumB Field excitation losses are kept to a minimumC Generator rotors will have a lesser tendency to huntD Because a power factor increase will decrease kilowatt output

考题 单选题“380V/220V Y/△” noted on the nameplate of a non-synchronous motor means that()A the armature terminals of the motor should be connected in star formation when voltage of power supply is 380B the armature terminals of the motor should be connected in star formation when voltage of power supply is 220C both A and B are correctD the armature terminals of the motor should be connected in reverse ways of A and B

考题 单选题Self-excited a-cgenerator with "error operated" voltage control systems draw the full excitation power for the machine terminalsThis dispenses with the current transformers, reactors and capacitors necessary for accurate compounding, but renders the excitation system vulnerable to variations in its output voltageWhich of the following is correct about the generator mentioned according to the sentences above ().A It consumes no excitation powerB It has current transformersC Components are needed for accurate compoundingD Its excitation system is vulnerable to voltage variations

考题 单选题Prior to starting an AC generator prime mover, the voltage regulator cutout switch should be placed in the ()A manual positionB bus neutral positionC raise voltage positionD transfer position

考题 单选题The initial voltage of self-excitation generator set up by()A residual magnetismB voltage regulatorC electrical current for excitationD the other running generator

考题 单选题A fuse that blows often should be replaced only with a fuse of ().A the recommended current and voltage ratingB higher current and voltage ratingC higher current and lower voltage ratingD lower current and higher voltage rating

考题 单选题When paralleled, AC generators must have the same ()A frequencyB number of phasesC phase rotationD All of the above

考题 单选题When two DC generators operate in parallel, they are protected against motorizing by()A blow out coilsB governor relayC under voltage tripsD reverse current trips

考题 单选题If two AC generators are to be operated in parallel, the load is distributed evenly by()A means of rheostat the governor settingsB a balance coil excitationC adjusting the governor settingsD changing excitation

考题 单选题The most common source of excitation for synchronous motors is a/an ().A low voltage batteryB motor attenuator setC DC exciter generatorD AC supply

考题 单选题According to the relevant regulation, lifeboat should be powered by().A inboard diesel engineB outboard diesel engineC outboard gasoline engineD inboard gasoline engine

考题 单选题AC and DC generators are similar in that they ()A both generate alternating voltagesB both rectify the voltage before deliveryC are constructed at the same physical size for the same kilowatt ratingD both supply three-phase power

考题 单选题If two A.C.generators are to be operated in parallel, the load is distributed evenly by()A means of rheostat the governor settingsB a balance coil excitationC adjusting the governor settingsD changing excitation

考题 单选题When working on a high voltage circuit, you should always have another person present with you.This person should have a good working knowledge of ()A the circuit being worked on and the location of all switches and circuit breakers controlling itB first-aid techniques for treating electrical shockC cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)D All of the above

考题 单选题When paralleling two AC generators, the frequency of the machine coming on-line, immediately prior to closing its breaker, should be ()A slightly less than the oncoming generator frequencyB the same as the bus frequencyC slightly greater than the bus frequencyD the same as the bus voltage

考题 单选题The voltage developed by an AC generator is controlled by varying the ()A speed of the prime moverB AC excitation to the fieldC DC excitation to the fieldD DC excitation of the voltage regulator