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Your company security policy requires complex passwords. You have a comma delimited file named import.csv that contains user account information. You need to create user account in the domain by using the import.csv file. You also need to ensure that the new user accounts are set to use default passwords and are disabled. What shoulld you do()

Modify the userAccountControl attribute to disabled. Run the csvde i k f import.csv command. Run the DSMOD utility to set default passwords for the user accounts.


Modify the userAccountControl attribute to accounts disabled. Run the csvde f import.csv command. Run the DSMOD utility to set default passwords for the user accounts.


Modify the userAccountControl attribute to disabled. Run the wscript import.csv command. Run the DSADD utility to set default passwords for the imported user accounts.


Modify the userAccountControl attribute to disabled. Run ldifde i f import.csv command. Run the DSADD utility to set passwords for the imported user accounts.


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题Your company security policy requires complex passwords. You have a comma delimited file named import.csv that contains user account information. You need to create user account in the domain by using the import.csv file. You also need to ensure that the new user accounts are set to use default passwords and are disabled. What shoulld you do()A Modify the userAccountControl attribute to disabled. Run the csvde i k f import.csv command. Run the DSMOD utility to set default passwords for the user accounts.B Modify the userAccountControl attribute to accounts disabled. Run the csvde f import.csv command. Run the DSMOD utility to set default passwords for the user accounts.C Modify the userAccountControl attribute to disabled. Run the wscript import.csv command. Run the DSADD utility to set default passwords for the imported user accounts.D Modify the userAccountControl attribute to disabled. Run ldifde i f import.csv command. Run the DSADD utility to set passwords for the imported user accounts.” 相关考题
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考题 填空题1. public class test {   2. public static string output = “”  3.   4. public static void foo(int i) {   5. try {   6. if(i= =1) {   7. throw new Exception ();   8. }   9. output += “1”;  10. )   11. catch(Exception e) {  12. output += “2”;   13. return;   14. )   15. finally (   16. output += “3”;  17. )   18. output += “4”;   19. )   20.   21. public static void main (string args) (   22. foo(0);   23. foo(1);   24.   25. )   26. )   What is the value of the variable output at line 24?()

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考题 单选题While performing a regular check on your recovery catalog you realized that the catalog database is running out of space and you do not have options to increase the space. However, you have another database where more space is available and you want to move your existing recovery catalog to this database. The options that can be considered while moving the recovery catalog are as follows: 1. Using one of the Oracle expdp utilities to export the catalog data 2. Creating a recovery catalog user and granting the necessary privileges in the other database 3. Creating the recovery catalog using the CREATE CATALOG command 4. Using the corresponding impdp utility to import the catalog data into the other database 5. Registering the target database in the new catalog database using the REGISTER DATABASE command Identify the option with the correct sequence for moving the recovery catalog.()A 2,3,5B 1,2,4C 1,2,4,5D 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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