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更多 “单选题关于新生儿沐浴时的注意事项,下面叙述错误的是()A 水温以37~42℃为宜,先放冷水再放热水,以手肘内侧测试水温B 浴室应保持在24~26℃为宜,门窗要紧闭,避免宝宝着凉C 沐浴前30分钟应喂奶D 出生体重小于2500克的宝宝,很容易受环境温度的变化出现体温波动,不宜沐浴E 洗澡后,用消毒棉签蘸酒精,由内向外擦拭脐部” 相关考题
考题 单选题患者,男性,60岁。5个月前发生上消化道出血,经检查,证实为食管静脉曲张,2天前再次出现呕血、黑便,来院急诊治疗,既往有乙肝病史20年,此患者诊断为门脉高压。紧急处理不妥的是()A 三腔二囊管压迫止血B 静滴垂体后叶素C 口服肠道抗生素D 应用止血剂E 口服冰盐水

考题 单选题若患者住院期间出现高热,护理措施哪项不妥?(  )A 及时擦干皮肤,更换衣物B 物理降温C 乙醇擦浴D 遵医嘱给予退热药E 防止患者发生虚脱

考题 单选题骨盆测量哪项数值低于正常值?(  )A 髂嵴间径25cmB 髂嵴间径28cmC 出口后矢状径7. 5cmD 骶耻外径19cmE 坐骨结节间径9cm

考题 单选题您需要设定本机安全性原则,设定当您变更计算机系统时,系统会要求输入使用者名称和密码。这时应该怎么做?()A  启用 [密码必须符合复杂性需求] 设定。B  启用 [使用者账户控制: 侦测应用程序安装,并提示提高权限] 设定。C  将 [交互式登入: 在密码过期前提示使用者变更密码] 设定为 1 到 999 之间的值。D  将 [使用者账户控制: 在管理核准模式,系统管理员之提高权限提示的行为] 设定为 [提示要求认证] 选项。

考题 单选题妇科检查前护理工作错误的是()A 向患者作好解释工作B 嘱患者排尿C 更换好一次性垫单D 协助患者取仰卧位E 准备好消毒的检查器械

考题 单选题Your network consists of a single Active Directory domain named contoso.com. The functional level of the domain is Windows Server 2003. You need to schedule a task to find all user accounts whose passwords have remained unchanged during the past 60 days. Which tool should the scheduled task run? ()A Dsget.exeB Dsquery.exeC Active Directory Users and ComputersD Find.exe

考题 单选题对肾结核患者进行健康指导不正确的是()A 适当活动B 不随意增减抗结核药量C 术后坚持服抗结核药1个月D 观察有无恶心、呕吐、耳鸣、听力下降等E 勿用氨基糖苷类、磺胺类药物

考题 单选题You are the network administrator for All network servers run Windows Server 2003. A server named PrintTK1 has a print device directly connected to the parallel port. The print device is shared for use by all users. Peter is the IT manager. Peter reports that his documents are often printed after documents submitted by other users. You need to ensure that Peter's documents take precedence over documents submitted for printing by other users. However, if a document is already printing, the printing must not be interrupted. What should you do?()A Configure the printer permissions to assign the Allow - Take Ownership permission to Peter. Restart the Print Spooler service on PrintTK1.B Make Peter's user account the owner of the printer. Restart the Print Spooler service on PrintTK1.C Create a new printer on PrintTK1 and configure it to print to the print device. In the Advanced tab of the new printer properties, select the Print directly to the printer option. Configure Peter's computer to print to the new printer.D Create a new printer PrintTK1 and configure it to print to the print device. Modify the priority of the new printer. Configure Peter's computer to print to the new printer.

考题 单选题You are designing a DNS name resolution strategy to allow all users access to internal and external web sites.  What should you do?()A  Allow zone transfers to any DNS server.B  Create a new stub zone for the DNS zone on the DNS server.C  Configure the DNS server to forward all unanswered queries to a DNS server located at the ISPD  Add the DNS server located at the ISP to the list of name servers for the fourthcoffee.com DNS zone

考题 单选题你是公司网络管理员。网络通过一台Windows server 2003服务器Router11连接互联网。你发现网络中的部分计算机感染了蠕虫病毒,该病毒不时地外网的不同主机发送信息。这些信息都使用同一个TCP/IP端口。你要检查出是哪些计算机感染了病毒。你需要在Router11上配置一个解决方案,该方案须做到以下两点:检测并识别出该蠕虫病毒发送的信息。立即发送一个通知给管理员去修复被感染的计算机。你该如何操作?()A 配置一个WMI event trigger(WMI事件触发器)B 配置一个Network Monitor capture filter(网络监视器捕捉过滤器)C 配置一个Network Monitor trigger(网络监视器触发器)D 配置一个System Monitor (系统监视警报)

考题 单选题肝脏术后最严重的并发症是()A 肺感染B 腹膜炎C 切口裂开D 出血E 腹腔脓肿

考题 单选题You need to design a certificate management process for internal users. What should you do?()A Establish a Web enrollment service for internal users to request access to resourcesB Grant Enrollment Agent rights to usersC Establish enrollment stations and store user certificates in a smart cardD Create Connection Manager scripts to identify the client computer operating system, and configure Web proxy settings to specify the appropriate Web enrollment service

考题 单选题Your network consists of a single Active Directory domain and a single subnet. The network is not connected to the Internet. All servers run Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2). All client computers run Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (SP3). You have a DHCP server named Server1. All client computers receive their IP configurations from Server1. You implement a new server named Server2. You connect Server2 to the internal network and the Internet. You then configure Server2 as a network address translation (NAT) router. From a client computer, you discover that you cannot access any Internet servers. From Server2, you verify that you can access Internet servers and internal servers. You need to ensure that all internal computers can access Internet servers.  What should you do?()A On Server2, add a new route.  B On Server1, create a multicast scope.  C On Server1, add the Router scope option.  D On Server2, modify the default gateway address.

考题 单选题甲状腺功能减退症的药物护理中有关服用甲状腺素不正确的是()A 从小剂量开始B 用药前后测脉搏C 不可随意停药D 定时测体重E 可根据症状自行调整剂量

考题 多选题You are the network administrator for The network consists of a single Active Directory domain named The domain contains Windows Server 2003 computers and Windows XP Professional computers. All confidential company files are stored on a file server named TestKing1. The written company security states that all confidential data must be stored and transmitted in a secure manner. To comply with the security policy, you enable Encrypting File System (EFS) on the confidential files. You also add EFS certificates to the data decryption field (DDF) of the confidential files for the users who need to access them. While performing network monitoring, you notice that the confidential files that are stored on TestKing1 are being transmitted over the network without encryption. You must ensure that encryption is always used when the confidential files on TestKing1 are stored and transmitted over the network. What are two possible ways to accomplish this goal? ()(Each correct answer presents a complete solution. Choose two)AEnable offline files for the confidential files that are stored on TestKing1, and select the Encrypt offline files to secure data check box on the client computers of the users who need to access the files.BUse IPSec encryption between TestKing1 and the client computers of the users who need to access the confidential files.CUse Server Message Block (SMB) signing between TestKing1 and the client computers of the users who need to access the confidential files.DDisable all LM and NTLM authentication methods on TestKing1.EUse IIS to publish the confidential files. Enable SSL on the IIS server. Open the files as a Web folder.

考题 单选题Your network consists of a single Active Directory domain named contoso.local. All servers run Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2). All internal computers are part of the domain.  You deploy a stand-alone Web server in a perimeter network. Users on the Internet access the server by using the URL http://www.contoso.com.You need to ensure that internal users can connect to the Web server by using the URL http://ContosoWeb.  What should you add?()A a host record for ContosoWeb to the contoso.com DNS zone B a host record for ContosoWeb to the contoso.local DNS zone C contoso.com as a DNS suffix on the network adapter for each computer D contoso.com to the DNS search suffix list on the network adapter for each computer

考题 单选题Your network consists of a single Active Directory domain named contoso.com. All servers run Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2). You deploy a Web server named Server1. Users access the server by using the URL http://server1.contoso.com.  You need to create a new resource record that will allow users to access the server by using the URLhttp://www.contoso.com. The solution must prevent the need to modify the new record if the IP address of Server1 changes. Which type of resource record should you configure?()A alias(CNAME)B host(A)C mail exchanger(MX)D pointer(PTR)

考题 单选题您与其它使用者共享一台计算机。您需要确定这台计算机的所有应用程序和装置驱动程序失败报告都会提交到 Microsoft 问题报告及解决方案。这时应该怎么做?()A  在每次发生错误之后,执行 Microsoft Windows Update 扫描。B  针对所有使用者开启 Windows 问题报告功能。C  设定计算机加入 Microsoft Windows 客户经验改进计划。D  建立标准使用者账户。指示所有使用者都使用这个标准使用者账户登入计算机,然后设定对此使用者账户进行稽核。

考题 单选题控制破伤风患者痉挛发作最主要的措施是()A 鼻饲饮食B 保持环境安静C 避免强光照射D 按时使用镇静剂E 静脉滴注破伤风抗毒素

考题 单选题慢性左心衰竭时可表现为()A 呼气性呼吸困难B 吸气性呼吸困难C 混合性呼吸困难D 呼吸困难伴咳泡沫痰E 呼吸困难伴咳大量粉红泡沫痰

考题 单选题硬脑膜外血肿患者意识变化的特点是()A 昏迷B 昏迷-清醒C 昏迷-清醒-昏迷D 清醒-昏迷E 清醒-昏迷-清醒

考题 单选题对腹部闭合性损伤伴休克,腹腔穿刺抽出粪性液体的患者应()A 立即手术探查B 先纠正休克,必须等休克好转后才能施行手术C 积极治疗休克,在抗休克的同时进行手术探查D 胃持续减压、输液、应用大剂量抗生素E 严密观察腹部情况12小时后再考虑手术治疗

考题 单选题目前该患儿呈现典型痉咳状态,常突发数十声急促的咳嗽,终末长吸气伴高调鸡鸣样吼声。此时最主要的护理诊断为(  )。A 潜在并发症:肺不张B 低效型呼吸型态C 自主呼吸受损D 有窒息的危险E 活动无耐力

考题 单选题妇科检查中哪项正确?(  )A 常规做阴道窥器检查B 检查前充盈膀胱C 出血者应轻柔检查D 患者取膝胸卧位E 腹壁肥厚者可先行麻醉

考题 多选题You need to ensure that SMTP e-mail messages can be delivered when the messages are sent to addresses that end with @fourthcoffee.com and are intended for the Exchange Server 5.5 environment. Which three courses of action should you perform?()ACreate mail-enabled contacts in the fourthcoffee.com domain for each Exchange Server 5.5 recipient. Establish the e-mail address to have an address that ends with @oldmail.fourthcoffee.comBCreate mail-enabled contacts in the fourthcoffee.com domain for each Exchange Server 5.5 recipient. Establish the e-mail address to have an address that ends with @fourthcoffee.comCConfigure each Exchange Server 5.5 recipient to have an address e-mail address that ends with @oldmail.fourthcoffee.com. Set the @oldmail.fourthcoffee.com address to be the default reply addressDConfigure each Exchange Server 5.5 recipient to have an additional e-mail address that ends with @oldmail.fourthcoffee.com. Set the @fourthcoffee.com address to be the default reply addressEConfigure each Exchange Server 5.5 recipient to use a single SMTP address that ends with @oldmail.fourthcoffee.comFConfigure an SMTP connector between the Exchange Server 2003 routing group at the Sydney office and the Exchange Server 5.5 site at the Sydney office. Configure the connector namespace to be oldmail.fourthcoffee.comGConfigure an SMTP connector between the Exchange Server 2003 routing group at the Sydney office and the Exchange Server 5.5 site at the Sydney office. Configure the connector namespace to be fourthcofee.com

考题 单选题你需要设计一个方法去保护无线网络的通信安全.方法必须满足chief security officer需求.你该怎样做?()A 在Denver and Dallas部门配置wap(wireless access points)去过虑非法MAC地址B 在Denver and Dallas部门所有计算机上配置网络连接属性.使用与wap相同的网络名C 增加GPO并且连接到Denver OU and Dallas OU上.在Denver and Dallas部门网络上增加一个无线网络策略设置用视窗模式去配置无线网络设置D 增加GPO并且连接到Denver OU and Dallas OU上.在Denver and Dallas部门网络上增加一个无线网络策略设置以加密数据和动态密钥分配

考题 单选题下列哪种情况符合继发不孕诊断()A 结婚2年,未避孕2年未孕B 结婚5年,自然流产2次,至今1年未孕C 结婚1年,未避孕,未孕D 结婚5年,避孕套避孕,未孕E 结婚5年,3年前人工流产,现2年未避孕未孕

考题 单选题成人烧伤后,治疗过程中要求其每小时尿量保证在()A 50ml以上B 40ml以上C 30ml以上D 20ml以上E 10ml以上