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更多 “问答题为什么说坚持和完善中国特色社会主义制度是实现我国发展进步的根本制度保障?” 相关考题
考题 单选题The teeth are _____, but they look very natural.A falseB correctC fakeD unnatural

考题 单选题A ButB SoC IfD Or

考题 单选题What does the word “forewarn” (Para. 4) mean?A Deal with.B Argue with.C Advise beforehand.D Give instructions to.

考题 单选题A importantB clearC directD correct

考题 单选题国家创建法律的方式有(  )。A 协议和制定B 制定和认可C 沿用和认可

考题 单选题Please call us for more information as our website is currently _____ repair.A underB byC ofD with

考题 填空题开关闭合前,应将滑片P调至____端;

考题 单选题The teacher and writer _____ her friend.A areB haveC isD were

考题 单选题_____ with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain doesn’t seem high at all.A When comparedB CompareC While comparingD Comparing

考题 单选题Mrs. Green _____ in this university for more than 20 years when she retired from work last month.A has taughtB had been teachingC has been teachingD had been taught

考题 多选题我们党确立的马克思主义的思想路线就是(  )。A相信群众、依靠群众B解放思想、实事求是C深化改革、扩大开放

考题 填空题在HF、HCl、HBr和HI 4种化合物中,还原性最强的是____.

考题 单选题The new traffic rules will become _____ from the first day of 2016.A comfortableB excellentC challengingD effective

考题 单选题A ExactlyB EasilyC InsteadD Really

考题 单选题下列有关浓硫酸的叙述中,正确的是(  ).A 加热条件下浓硫酸与铜反应表现出浓硫酸的酸性和强氧化性B 常温下浓硫酸使铁、铝钝化,体现浓硫酸的酸性和氧化性C 浓硫酸用作干燥剂是利用它的脱水性D 浓硫酸与C、S等非金属反应表现出浓硫酸的酸性和强氧化性

考题 单选题Interestingly enough, the two brothers have noting in _____.A ordinaryB commonC generalD particular

考题 单选题What will happen to the workers if they keep on working without any rest?A They will get a lot of money.B They will fail in their jobs and even cause a lot of trouble.C They will live a happy life in the future.D They will feel better after finishing everyday jobs.

考题 单选题下列溶液中,跟100mL0.5mol/LNa2SO4溶液所含Na+的物质的量浓度相同的是(  ).A 200mLl.0mol/L NaCl溶液B 200mL0.5mol/L NaCl溶液C 100mL0.5mol/L NaOH溶液D 50mLl.0mol/L Na2CO3溶液

考题 单选题某有机物水解成甲和乙,甲能发生银镜反应,乙经连续氧化后能生成甲.该有机物是(  ).A 乙酸乙酯B 甲酸甲酯C 乙酸甲酯D 甲酸乙酯

考题 单选题如果一个正比例函数的图象经过不同象限的两点A(2,m),B(n,3),那么一定有(  ).A m>0,n>0B m>0,n<0C m<0,n>0D m<0,n<0

考题 单选题—Mum, I’ve got the first prize in the photo competition.—______!A Good luckB Not at allC Good ideaD Congratulations

考题 问答题These fruits are not grown here. They are exported from Thailand.

考题 单选题Ants can use pheromones for _____.A escapeB communicationC warning enemiesD arranging labor

考题 单选题党在社会主义初级阶段的基本路线可以概括为“一个中心,两个基本点”,其中“一个中心”是指(  )。A 以经济建设为中心B 以改革开放为中心C 以建成小康社会为中心

考题 单选题He has ______ arms now and is able to pick the table up with one hand.A weakestB weakerC strongestD stronger

考题 单选题HClO的酸性比HCl弱,可逆反应方程式为:,到达平衡后,要使HClO的浓度显著增大,可加入(  )A CaCO3(s)B HCI(g)C NaOH(s)D H2O(I)

考题 单选题A plansB habitsC hobbiesD attitudes

考题 单选题What does the passage mainly talk about?A The health service in the UK.B A study of British people’s lifestyles.C A study of British people’s laziness.D The fatness problem in the UK.