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If you had taken the medicine yesterday, you()much better now.

must have felt


might have felt


would have felt


would feel


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更多 “单选题If you had taken the medicine yesterday, you()much better now.A must have feltB might have feltC would have feltD would feel” 相关考题
考题 I'd better be off now.- ____________________________ A.You must be tired.B.Couldn't you stay a little longer?C.I'm sorry to have taken up too much time.D.Go slowly.

考题 If he had followed the directions carefully in taking the medicine, he would have felt better (). A.much quickerB.more quickC.much quicklyD.more quickly

考题 _______yesterday, you would have met Professor Jones.But now he has left for London. A.Did you comeB.Had you comeC.Should you comeD.Were you to come

考题 I wish I ______ you yesterday.A. seenB. did seeC. had seenD. were to see

考题 If you ______ my advice, you wouldn’t be in such trouble now.A. tookB. takesC. has takenD. had taken

考题 Had you worked harder that time, you ______ a better position.A. could getB. have gotC. would getD. would have got

考题 If you had been have yesterday,you______(see)his father.

考题 You had better _bring__ (bring) enough money with you.

考题 一How are you feeling now?一__________A. Much better.B. It's OK.C. Thank you.D. He's all right.

考题 How are you feeling? –I feel much better. Thank you。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 You had better keep the medicine () is inaccessible to children.A、thatB、whereC、where itD、in which

考题 You ( ) to tell me the truth if you want my help. A、shouldB、mustC、haveD、had better

考题 To tell you the truth, the medicine makes Elliot better, but it makes you ( ). A、worseB、wellC、goodD、best

考题 How are you feeling now?().A. Much better.B. It's OK.C. Thank you.

考题 You could have ( )your spare time much better if you had planned well.A.employedB.hiredC.masteredD.managed

考题 You would find it much quicker and easier to ________ and download and so on if you had a broadband connection. A、bookB、suckC、browseD、nest

考题 If you had taken the medicine yesterday, you ______ much better now.A、must have feltB、might have feltC、would have feltD、would feel

考题 It's very cold outside. You______ put on your overcoat.A、had better toB、would better toC、had betterD、would better

考题 -- ________________. -- Thank you. That makes me feel much better.A、Nice to meet you.B、May I help you?C、I don' t know.D、Everything will be OK.

考题 Had you arrived at the station ten minutes earlier yesterday, you could catch the train.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 —Why did you call me yesterday I was out then. —To tell you I __________a souvenir for you.A.has bought B.had bought C.bought D.will buy

考题 You had better()a doctor as soon as possible.AseeingBsawCseeDseen

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考题 Have you been taking much()?A、drugB、pillC、tabletD、medicine

考题 单选题What _____ if the weather had been fine yesterday?A would you doB would you have doneC did you doD have you done

考题 单选题You had better()a doctor as soon as possible.A seeingB sawC seeD seen

考题 单选题You could have done much better yesterday. Why _____?A didn’t youB couldn’t youC hadn’t youD shouldn’t you

考题 填空题If you had asked him about the matter yesterday, you (know) ____ what to do now.