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解析: 学龄儿童每日尿量少于400ml,学龄前儿童少于300ml,婴幼儿少于200ml,即为少尿。
更多 “单选题婴幼儿少尿的标准为一昼夜尿量少于()A 200mlB 300mlC 400mlD 500mlE 600ml” 相关考题
考题 单选题婴儿发生溢乳的原因是()A 胃排空快B 胃容量小C 胃较垂直D 幽门括约肌发育好,贲门肌发育差E 幽门括约肌发育差,贲门肌发育好

考题 多选题在华为路由器特权模式下输入display interface,显示物理接口UP,线路接口DOWN,可能的故障现象是()。A存活间隔设置不一致B时钟速率与对端不一致C链路协商没有通过D没有来自对端的载波信息

考题 多选题Which three statements accurately describe layer 2 Ethernet switches?()AMicrosegmentation decreases the number of collisions on the network.Bif a switch receives a frame for an unkown destination,it uses ARP to resolve the address.CSpanning Tree Protocol allows switches to automatically share vlan information.DIn a properly functioning network with redundant switched paths,each switched aegment will contain one root bridge with all its ports in the forwarding state.All other switches in that broadcast domain will have only one root port.EEstablishing vlans increases the number of broadcast domains.FSwitches that are configured with vlans make forwarding decisions based on both layer 2 and layer 3 address information.

考题 单选题如得不到及时治疗,继续发展,脂肪消减接着出现的顺序应为(  )。A 臀部→四肢→躯干→面部B 四肢→躯干→面部→臀部C 面部→臀部→四肢→躯干D 躯干→臀部→四肢→面部E 躯干→面部→四肢→臀部

考题 单选题惊厥持续状态时惊厥的时间可()A 持续10分钟B 持续20分钟C 持续30分钟D 持续40分钟E 持续60分钟

考题 单选题Which of the following is less vulnerable to threats and attacks because it is not associated with one specific operating system?()A Cisco Voice and Video over VPNB Cisco Secure Access Control ServerC Cisco NAC ApplianceD Cisco Threats Response

考题 单选题assuming the default switch configuration which vlan range can be added modified and removed on a cisco switch?()A 2 through 1001B 1 through 1001C 1 through 1002D 2 through 1005

考题 单选题治疗急性特发性血小板减少性紫癜首选治疗措施是(  )。A 输血小板B 肾上腺糖皮质激素C 大剂量静脉丙种球蛋白D 肾上腺盐皮质激素E 脾切除

考题 单选题在配置华为路由器和思科路由器搭建的帧中继网络时,你应该怎样配置华为路由器的链路封装格式?(假定思科采用默认封装格式)()A arpaB ansiC ietfD nonstandardE Q.933aF Cisco

考题 单选题What is the primary benefit of Cisco Smart Assist?()A  quick access to online helpB  reduce set-up time for new devicesC  ease of call forwarding and pagingD  simple configuration of network settings

考题 单选题预计该婴儿的体重应当为(  )。A 5.5kgB 6.0kgC 6.6kgD 7.0kgE 7.7kg

考题 单选题营养不良的最初症状是(  )。A 消瘦B 体重不增或减轻C 面部皮下脂肪减少D 乏力E 纳差

考题 单选题婴儿化脓性脑膜炎,脑膜刺激征不明显是因为(  )。A 颈肌不发达B 机体反应差C 颅缝与囟门未闭,对颅内压起缓冲作用D 脑膜炎症反应不如年长儿强E 大脑处于抑制状态

考题 多选题Refer to the exhibit. A junior network administrator was given the task of configuring port security on SwitchA to allow only PC_A to access the switched network through port fa0/1. If any other device is detected, the port is to drop frames from this device. The administrator configured the interface and tested it with successful pings from PC_A to RouterA, and then observes the output from these two show commands.Which two of these changes are necessary for SwitchA to meet the requirements? ()APort security needs to be globally enabled.BPort security needs to be enabled on the interface.CPort security needs to be configured to shut down the interface in the event of a violation.DPort security needs to be configured to allow only one learned MAC address.EPort security interface counters need to be cleared before using the show command.FThe port security configuration needs to be saved to NVRAM before it can become active.

考题 多选题Which three approaches can be used while migrating from an IPV4 addressing scheme to an IPV6 scheme?()Astatically map IPV4 address to IPV6 addressesBconfiguration IPv4 tunnels between IPV6 islandsCuse DHCPv6 to map IPV4 addresses to IPV6 addressesDuse proxying and translation to translate IPV6 packets into IPV4 packetsEconfigure IPV6 directlyFenable dual-stack routing

考题 单选题下列哪项是该患儿目前最主要的护理诊断?(  )A 低效性呼吸型态B 不能维持自主呼吸C 清理呼吸道无效D 营养不足E 体液不足

考题 单选题水痘的传染期是(  )。A 发热到痂脱落为止B 出疹伏期至结痂C 潜伏期至结痂D 前驱期至出疹E 自出疹前1~2天至皮疹全部干燥结痂为止

考题 单选题血友病患儿止血治疗时首选输注(  )。A B C D E

考题 单选题婴儿生后2~3个月时红细胞数降至3.0×1012/L,血红蛋白量降至110g/L的是(  )。A 生理性贫血B 溶血性贫血C 营养性缺铁性贫血D 营养性巨幼红细胞性贫血E 再生障碍性贫血

考题 单选题A company is experiencing network delays. The network administrator discovers that a worker in a location far from the MDF has connected an old 10BASE-T switch with redundant links to the existing network. How could this action be responsible for the impaired network performance?()A Connecting a host to the old switch has created a broadcast storm.B The 10BASE-T switch forced the entire network to be reduced to 10 Mbps operation.C The old switch does not support VLANs, which has disabled the VLAN configuration of the entire the network.D The old switch does not support full-duplex operation, effectively forcing half-duplex operation throughout the network.E Spanning Tree Protocol has elected the old switch as the root bridge, creating inefficient data paths through the switched network.

考题 多选题The network administrator has been asked to give reasons for moving from ipv4 to ipv6. what are two validreasons for adopting ipv6 over ipv4?()Atelnet access does not require a passwordBnatCno broadcastDchanage of destination address in the ipv6 headerEchanage of source address in the ipv6 headerFautoconfiguration

考题 单选题不属于肥胖症患儿治疗原则的是()A 控制饮食B 加强运动C 药物D 限制外出E 心理治疗

考题 多选题哪两个命令可以用来验证给定的Cisco交换机的中继链路的状态?()Ashow interfaces interfaceBshow interfaces trunkCshow interfaces switchportDshow ip interface briefEshow interfaces vlan

考题 单选题Stream ciphers run on which of the following?()A Fixed-length groups of digits called blocksB Individual blocks,one at a time,with the transformations varying during the encryptionC Individual digits,one at a time,with the transformations varying during the encryptionD Fixed-length groups of bits called blocks

考题 单选题某患儿3岁,因结核性脑膜炎入院治疗。目前该患儿表现为精神呆滞、睡眠不安、双目凝视、喜哭。该患儿目前处于()A 脑膜刺激征期B 昏迷期C 前驱期D 中期E 晚期

考题 单选题Which type of EIGRP route entry describes a feasible successor?()A a primary route,stored in the routing tableB a backup route,stored in the routing tableC a backup route,stored in the topology tableD a primary route,stored in the topology table

考题 单选题Which protocol provides a method of sharing VLAN configuration information between two Cisco switch?()A VTPB 802.1QC RSTPD STP

考题 多选题The statements below compare and contrast link state and distance vector routing protocols. Which of these are true?()ADistance vector protocols send the entire routing table to directly connected neighbors.BDistance vector protocols are responsible for sending updates to all networks listed in the routing table.CLink state protocols are responsible for sending the entire routing table to the whole network.DLink state protocols send updates regarding their own links status to all other routers on the network.